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Ride the Workhorse
Hair implant thongs were first offered to the beauty industry in the 1970s and have grown exponentially in popularity since. By the turn of the 21st century, hair implant is estimated to be a $3.2 billion a year industry with the United States accounting for almost a billion of that figure. It has surpassed other cosmetic enhancements such as liposuction. While many women still associate hair implant with old-fashioned barbershop hair loss treatments, modern women want to keep their appearance up to date even in the workplace. There are many types of hair implants that are offered today. For the first time in history, many people with balding are able to grow a full head of hair that grows long and thick and provides the appearance of a natural-looking head of hair. The first and most common type of implant that most women use is the hair implant process which is considered an "invisible" hair procedure. This type of hair implant is also the most common type of hair replacement procedure today. Hair implant is also known as the NeoGraft, and follicular unit hair implant process. In the "natural" hair implant process, each individual hair follicle is implanted on a micro-thin piece of skin, a narrow area where the new hair follicle can develop. In the process, there are two tubes of collagen in order to make the hair implant procedure almost invisible. The tubes of collagen are placed under each individual hair to be created, like toothpaste under the toothbrush, until the day that a naturally growing new hair develops. In time, these naturally-growing hairs will grow from those points and be an exact replica of the implanted hair. Hair implants may be used by women suffering from alopecia, or loss of their hair, as the implant covers up balding in order to look natural. Hair implant is also used as a temporary treatment for those who are bald, or have thinning hair, because they will replace the hair lost through medical treatment. Most women who have a hair implant procedure will choose not to have it permanently implanted on their heads. For those women with a temporary hair loss, they can have the hair implant done for several months, usually about 6-12 months. The doctor will trim and cut the hair in order to make the appearance more natural in line with the patients hair. Women may be able to remove the hair implant after this amount of time if they desire, however most women are satisfied with the overall look and feel of the hair they have grown. A full head of hair will require having hair implant treatment for several months in order to grow long enough to cover the entire bald area. The hair implant can be done in about a few hours by most doctors. For a more permanent implant, a series of procedures are necessary and can take between six months to a year. The same amount of time is needed to remove a permanently placed hair implant. During this period, the patient must avoid all activities that could damage the new hair. Strenuous activities like exercising and swimming, and even hair washing can all damage the new hair growth. This will damage the transplant and the hair will begin to fall out. Patients will have to go to the doctor again for another hair transplant. Baldness is quite common nowadays, especially among older people who undergo treatments for prostate cancer. Other types of hair implants are also available, such as Follicular Unit Strip Implantation or FUT procedure, FUE, Ulthera Hair Implant and laser or robotic hair implantation. These other hair replacement processes are used for those with both men and women who suffer from hair loss due to alopecia or baldness. Hair implants have now advanced greatly in the past 10 years with the introduction of the FUE hair implant procedure. In this procedure, the surgeon makes several micro incisions on the back of the head where they have placed tiny hairs in the location where the follicle used to be. These tiny hair follicles are placed in the exact spots where they came from, and grow naturally for the rest of the patient's life. Baldness and hair loss is a condition that can be treated at any stage in a person's life. It is not solely associated with men. Many women, young and old, suffer from hair loss, and can benefit from the surgical hair implant process. Hair implant procedures can give a confidence boost in one's appearance. Women who have thinning hair or are bald, will no longer have to fear seeing their hair and feel self-conscious about how they look. Whether the hair implant is temporary or permanent, the results will not only enhance the look of the patient but also boost their confidence in themselves. While many people use this procedure for medical reasons, such as women who have suffered from hair loss after breast cancer, bald men who have undergone chemotherapy, and bald men suffering from alopecia, this procedure is also available for those who are seeking to enhance their appearance, but in a more natural way. Before opting for any kind of hair implant process, you must weigh the risks involved against the rewards. Women with thinning hair should not feel pressured to choose this type of implant. They should thoroughly consider all the advantages and disadvantages before actually undergoing a hair implant procedure. Hair transplant is the most popular process of hair implants that many women and men want to have performed. Hair transplant is used in many types of procedures that involve the growing of a full head of hair. This includes many different types of hair loss such as alopecia, pattern baldness, thinning hair, alopecia areata, and chemotherapy. Hair transplant can also be done to treat hair loss caused by scarring caused by a burn or cancer. Hair transplant can give the patient a very thick and full head of hair. Many doctors will also offer various types of hair transplants that will be more expensive. The patient has a choice to go with whichever type of procedure they would like to have performed. Hair transplant can be done very successfully and is usually quite safe. Hair implant has also revolutionized other types of hair procedures that were previously unheard of. Hair Implant can be performed to change the gender of the patient. Hair transplant can also be done to make the individual look younger, thinner or even thicker. Hair transplant can also be done to make the head more proportional. Hair transplant can be used to add color to the scalp. Hair transplant is a procedure that not only saves money but it also saves time. Since this procedure can take months to grow into its full potential, and in the long run, the amount saved could equal thousands of dollars. The patient will also feel more confident in themselves since they will not only have a full head of hair but they will have a full head of hair that will not be rejected by the body. The patient can go through their daily activities without any worries because the hair they have grown will not be rejected by their body. Because of the high quality and affordable prices that doctors have for hair transplant, many individuals and families are making the move to purchase it. No longer do they have to depend on