The Big Adventure
I Should Be Carrie
Lewd conduct inclu
Hair implant thong
We're a Hot Mess
It All Depends on
We Got a Rat
Then There Were Fi

High School Friend
It's Human Nature
Socks, Sandles and
Ride the Workhorse
Ride the Workhorse
Medicare Advantage
National pasttime
No Longer Just a G
I'm the Puppet Mas
Blinded by the light? Sensing the danger from the shadows They've always followed me. Somewhere, in a place where they have no eyes, I am waiting, where I am free to be myself. It is almost dawn and I'm wide awake, And can't help but hear that sound I've grown to love, The whistle of a freight train going by. I watch the steam in the distance, see the silhouettes of the boxcars rolling along, But that's not all I see, when I look so deeply in my eyes. It is a place so beautiful and far beyond this life. A life I once knew, but have long been banished from. And when I go, the train will lead me there, to see once more what I have forgotten. It is the sound of the wind in the trees, and I see everything clearly. I know who I am and why I am here. I am a mother and a friend, the friend of all who know me. I am a warrior and a woman, and I don't need to die. I will be a friend to the lonely one. I will sing to the silent one. And the forgotten ones I will see and embrace. And no one can bring me down. For I am a spirit now, and not confined by boundaries. My body is not alive. I see the world through my mind's eye. It is the silence of my heart, and it hears for my soul. And now when I lay here, I listen to the cries of my soul. And I listen, and I hear, and I understand everything now. For my soul can now understand the sorrow, Can now understand the tragedy. And there are people who have died so very young. And there are others who are forgotten by the world. There are some who will not return to life. I am one of them now. But I still know the answer. You are there! I knew it, the way I know all things that are yet to come. But there's something else now that I know, As I stare at the window before me, I see a beautiful city beyond. I see people walking to work, walking to school. I can hear the gentle hum of distant traffic in the city at dusk. I am a mother and a woman, I can hear those voices calling out to me. I want to go there. For I am an angel there in that city, living among the forgotten ones. And they never see me, but I see them. And I know they don't know me, but I know them. I see them in the faces of those who walk along the paths of the street. And as I gaze on at them, as I see them go to their work. And as I look on at the lives they are yet to live. I am a mother and a friend. I am a warrior and a woman. And I will never give up this life. For the spirit never dies. But I can see with my own eyes that they are missing, not just a part of life, but a big piece. And as I watch them moving through their lives in their city, I feel so very different. But in my heart, I know what I need to do. I must give them what they need. And how many lives must be lost on my way to see the city they know? How many lives must go missing as they work at the things that must be done? And how many lives must be injured or killed as we reach the city I dream of? And then I will know why I must go. For I cannot stop until I get there. And there is more than my work to be done, but the dreams I have long forgotten. For I see what I must do, and I know who I am. It is not my name, for I am more than a name to call me by. I am a spirit who lives among the forgotten. I am a woman, and a mother, and my children are waiting for me, to hold them in my arms. So many have died, but yet they don't die. But they will. They will be forgotten again, like they were before. And as my mother taught me, I have to remember them and what is in my heart. For to keep them alive means I must go and live among the forgotten ones. I must be there to take the lives that are in need. It's where my heart tells me I belong. For I will heal the hurts of the forgotten and embrace those who know me. But I need a warrior to help me go and I have but one who can do it, And he calls me his friend. He's come back to life to help me. And he never thought he'd see this day, but he is here by my side. And there is no mistake about it, and I see that clearly in my heart. There is a warrior in me now, and I know what I must do. There are many souls to be saved, and I am here to make that happen. And when I feel the strength of my friend again, and the desire in my heart to make it happen, I know I must go and face the fate we were not meant to see. And it doesn't matter what happens, for it is my destiny. I am the warrior I once was. I am the woman that I have long forgotten. It is time for me to go and live among the forgotten. For to keep the name of their forgotten ones alive means that I must go and never give up. It is my job to go and to be the warrior in the forgotten. But what do I need? What do I need to save their lives? A gun? No, I need a soldier. It's time. So what do you think? Did we accomplish the task that we came here to do? And if we did, was it what we intended? What we had hoped for? Or, did it happen because we were blind to our own needs? Was it what we wanted or needed? Was it the way we planned? Or did we do what we thought was the best? What was our true purpose, when we came here to be what we couldn't seem to become before? Did our mission really have a reason? We knew we had the power, but was it the way we used it? Or did we fail our mission in the end? What happened to us? What happened to you? Did we succeed, or did we fail? If you failed, then what was the reason? And if you succeeded, then did we do it for you? Did you think it would make your life better? Were you sure you wanted to live in a world where everyone dies? Was it a war that you wanted? Or are you a soldier that was sent? Were you only born to die? If your only job was to be what we needed, Then who is the teacher who needs a warrior? Who sent me to this world? Did we come here by accident? For the answers are here. In my head, in my heart, and in the hearts of you all. And there is a reason for all that is yet to come. And I know who it is and what it is that makes this moment different. There's a greater purpose in it all. And it doesn't matter how we feel, for it is how it must be. And one thing is certain, one day we will all know the reason for what we see. Did you really expect me to remember all that? It must be. For my mind has been clouded to keep the truth from me.