Mama Said There'd
Do or Die
For Cod's Sake
Sleeping With the
Hello, I'm Still a
Why Would You Trus
Who's Who in the Z
Blood is Blood
Blood is Blood
This is Going to H

A New Era
Starvation and Lun
Little Miss Perfec
Who else thinks dr
One way vacations
Involuntary wealth
Nothing Tastes Bet
The Ocean's Surpri
Company Will Be Ar
Gloves Come Off The gloves may come off! The gloves may come off! Who knew in the land of the free, the land of the brave, the land of the people who died and risked it all, that someone could say what he said and no one would care and no one would care about anything he said, because it was right there in writing in the public records that we all knew it was right there? The gloves may come off! The gloves may come off! Obama thinks he can do whatever he wants and we’ll all just look the other way because he says something we don’t like. He can use whatever language he wants to talk about the people who work and sacrifice in order to make this a place where we can go and forget about our work and sacrifice and just get on with our vacations and the rest of our lives. He can say what he likes about people who don’t think like him and what he believes to be true. And because it’s in writing, we all know it’s true. So nothing anyone says can offend him. And so nothing anyone says to him can bother him. He can say whatever he wants about what he doesn’t like. It is the people in government, of course, who see the truth and the future that no one is seeing. This government, of which Obama is supposedly head, is now a dictatorship and should we not recognize it as such? I don’t care if this is not an organized revolution. It is the kind of thing I have been warning the readers of this blog about since, well, at least January 21, 2009 when I first introduced them to it. It seems not to matter who we vote for when it comes to getting our government changed, other than changing our government to become more government and less people. It is not that the “public option” of Obama’s health care proposal was bad in and of itself. It’s just that it is symptomatic of a government that has ceased to be. What is Obama waiting for? He’s saying the words. He’s doing the things. Are we going to ignore this? If we want to be outraged, I have it. All I have to do is go to and read all of what he says there. And yet, this is the President of the United States and what he does is suppose to matter, so here we are at an impasse where I can’t seem to decide what the impasse is. What exactly are we waiting for? So the gloves may come off. I say it now because they will come off. The gloves may come off and it will be because of a situation where one man made a bad decision to push the button at the wrong time and now we’re stuck with an overheated planet, a world economy stuck in the mud, a budget in default for paying off over $19 trillion in debt and our currency about to lose any value and an America that is not what it used to be. And the last time I was in Cuba, which was just before the Bay of Pigs invasion in the 60’s, one of the military personnel I talked to said, “Look, I like you and your people and I’m sure you’re nice people and I don’t want to do anything to you but this is our country and we have to protect it and we have to protect it from anybody. And right now, from anyone. So you’re not going to change us and we’re not going to change you. But if we both don’t fight, it’s going to get very rough. So you know how I feel? So you know how we all feel?” And I said, “Sure, I know how you feel.” So the gloves may come off and in a world where nobody wants to talk to you and people look away as you walk by, with no friends and with no one who even understands the difference between truth and opinion, the gloves are off and we’re about to do something very dangerous. But we should have seen it a long time ago. And you should have seen it a long time ago. So here we are. And now it is too late. What will we do when the gloves come off? That’s another question. Related Good Lord. Here in Canada, some moron MP – I can’t remember his name – did a “rally” in the capital, Ottawa, outside Parliament Hall. It was a full scale, public event, complete with bandstand, sound system and podium and, as best I could tell, he had all the big-name politicos in attendance. At one point, he stepped up to the podium and proceeded to deliver a speech that was, in effect, a speech to the US public. He rambled on for over an hour about how the US must not capitulate to a Congress that is not of the people and how the US is headed for serious trouble because of this or that. He ranted on about the need to protect our health care system against the evil plan of “socialism” and I don’t know what else. We had just had a “snowpocalypse” here in Ottawa, we were buried in fluffy white stuff and he kept up his “rally” in the snow and ice. He finally made it down off the podium and I could just see his wife running away with him to hide in the car. That may be what we Americans do in times of trouble. I don’t know. I think it’s probably a good idea to be a lot poorer than we are right now. I think there’s more and more violence in the world. And I’m not even sure of that. And our leaders just go on talking and talking and talking, and what they’re doing is nothing but building fear. What if everybody listened to what you were saying? All he has to do is sit there, with a smile on his face, and he could say that that’s not really what I said, that was what I said but that is not what I meant, that’s what I meant but that’s not what I’m saying. But he can’t even do that. And I know that he’s out there, he’s sitting there thinking “I’ll just wait until all the elections are over and then I can have them all locked up.” But that will never happen. Because at some point, those elections will come up and some guy will have an idea and he’ll say, “I’m for that.” And he will be standing up and everybody will think he’s crazy. And the president of the United States will just be looking up at the guy and laughing. Because the people who vote and work here, those people are for that. They understand. They don’t care about a lot of the things that the so-called journalists who talk on television on TV, they don’t really care about a lot of those things because they understand this system better than anybody else. They just want to keep working hard and earning a living and enjoying what they’ve got. And they don’t want any of this to change. The world is full of wars, with or without a president. And they’re not going to be the ones who start the war, and neither will I. You just can’t change a society that fast. And people are going to have to be a little patient. And I’m not saying that you shouldn’t protest, all I’m saying is that this is the way it is and you can’t change it overnight, you can’t just get up and decide that you’re going to do things differently, there are a lot of different ways to do it and they all have problems. And I know that you don’t agree with me on everything, because no one agrees with me on everything but if somebody had a bad idea for some reason, you could just come up and say, “You know what? I think that’s a stupid idea.” It’s very important to do that. And as a citizen, all I can do is speak out and you know who is listening to me. And I’m not talking to everybody, I’m not talking to all of the politicians but I am talking to some of the other people out there in the world who have an ear. And they know who you are. I know that they know who you are. So what I say to you now, I’m not talking to everybody. I’m not even talking to the majority. And I understand that there are people who think I’m talking like I’m talking to everybody when really I’m not. But it’s a matter of priorities. And when it comes to priorities, the president is going to win again, and then, after that, everyone else in office wins. And they win again and it will