Nothing Tastes Bet
Involuntary wealth
One way vacations
Who else thinks dr
Little Miss Perfec
Starvation and Lun
A New Era
Gloves Come Off
Mama Said There'd
Do or Die

The Ocean's Surpri
Company Will Be Ar In other words, if you aren’t already on Twitter and would like to be, please follow me on Twitter, since I’ll be posting updates, images, and other fun stuff about my blog to Twitter. You can click on the Follow button on the top of the sidebar on the right. You can also click on the Tweet button, which is down below and to the right of the Follow button, in order to tweet my latest post, or any other post you want to share. (Of course, if you don’t want to tweet all the posts, I understand. No pressure.) Thanks! Now here are a few reasons why you should subscribe to my blog. Firstly, you will have access to my blog posts as they are published, so that you can read them online or get an e-mail of any new posts. This way you won’t need to wait for a new post to arrive in your e-mail box, because you will receive a notification to an updated post. I will also be creating short (one-minute) videos for you to enjoy in order to get to know me better, answer your questions, or show you something interesting. I also aim to bring you content that is creative and original in order to provide something a little different. Secondly, I will be talking about how creativity plays a big role in my daily life and how I implement creativity in various aspects of my life. I believe that in today’s society, the average person is going to need to use some sort of creativity in order to advance in life. In essence, I aim to put creativity into your daily routine, so that you are better able to live your life and accomplish your goals. Creativity can be applied in many aspects of life, whether it is in your career, parenting, and more. I hope to create a community that will be used to inspire and challenge each other to think and act differently. You can learn to discover your creative side and build something from nothing. Who knows? You may be the next Picasso. Thirdly, I aim to be a source of guidance and information about various topics related to the creative process. I will be answering questions, providing my own insights, and more. I am a writer and this is my writing blog. However, I will also be sharing other blogs as they relate to the creative process. When I find something that I find interesting, that I think is creative, or that others can benefit from, I will be sharing it here. Fourthly, if you subscribe to my blog, I will be sharing a lot of information about creativity and how I apply creativity in my life. I also may be sharing some interesting stuff that relates to creativity. Some of you might be thinking, “So what? Who cares about creativity and who cares about you? Why should I read this? This is not really that interesting.” Well, you are mistaken! Think of this blog as a form of inspiration for your life. Don’t just sit there and do nothing. In fact, what is better than knowing about things that inspire you in your life? And also, I believe that those things will inspire others and help them create a better life for themselves. So, while I will be writing about my life, my views on the world, and my experiences, I would also like to share what others have to say that relates to creativity. Of course, if you are already subscribed to my blog, you can always click the Subscribe button on the right side of the sidebar to get updates whenever I publish a new post. I’m also including a couple of my favorite quotes from a couple of the most recent posts on my blog. These have not only inspired me, but also helped to define the purpose of this blog. Post #6: You Are The Creative Force! “You are the creative force in your life, more so than the way you dress or what car you drive. These things are inanimate objects and you can easily choose what to wear or buy a different car. However, your creative force is an active thing that helps you live your life. I believe that when you live your life, you are a creator. When you create a life of art, creativity, and more, you are a creator. You have to create the tools to live your life, then utilize these tools. You are the creator, so why not do so? If you don’t take the initiative and control your creativity, someone else will, or it will remain a form of dream or maybe even an illusion in your life.” Post #16: If You’re Already Sitting at Your Desk, Get Up! “How many times have you been writing at your computer and a thought comes to your mind that changes the way you look at your work? Aha! You find yourself changing what you wrote yesterday and then writing some new lines on the document. However, you don’t even get to finish your change, because you are changing what you wrote yesterday. If you want to write something new and make your work more creative, go outside! Put yourself in new environments. If you find yourself writing at your computer every day, it might be a good idea to change the scenery so that you’ll write something different. If you are already sat in front of your computer with several documents, it might be a good idea to get up and walk around. Go somewhere and clear your mind. If you need help for this, maybe you should schedule a walk or hike. You can also take a walk on the beach and write at the same time, or you could write at night as you walk along the beach. You can write at night in a variety of places and under different circumstances. There are many different ways to write, and there are many different places to do it. Get creative.” And here are a few of my favorite images from my most recent post, which was about how to become more creative. Again, this was the post with the best responses from readers so far. I thought it might be a good idea to include this with this post, so I’ve decided to include some more images and graphics that were included in the post. Enjoy! Post #18: How To Become More Creative “Well, this was the most popular and highest response to a post. This is mainly because I put a lot of effort into describing and showing you how you can make your own creativity more interesting. This has been my primary intention, and it seemed to come to fruition with the last post. I hope that many readers have learned something new and useful from it. I plan on taking my creativity to the next level, so if you want more helpful content like this in the future, keep coming back to my blog, and you’ll find more information than you can imagine. There is a lot of value to be had, and I look forward to the future and more interesting and helpful posts.” “To be creative means to create something original. This can be a lot of different things. For example, you could create something original with what you already know about. This could be something related to a subject, style, or even a physical object. For example, a person who is creative is someone who looks at something and notices that it is the same thing as another thing, but the person has a different way of doing it. That’s creative! An example of this would be someone who is into photography. If you take a picture of a sunset, it’s not just the same picture as someone else. The same picture is the same, but each person will see something different in the picture. One will enjoy a night at the beach and another will enjoy being at a romantic restaurant. They both take the