I can’t help but s
It's Human Nature
We forget it but i
FTL, LTL, and Long
Greatest of the Gr
Flames and Enduran
Play or Go Home
A Sinking Ship
Thats an entire no

Juggling Chainsaws
The Gloves Come Of
The Best and Worst
The Instigator
An Evil Thought
And I’m out at a party, they’re in the house, what do they want?" The first time was when I had the big house with a lot of rooms and all of a sudden they said, "We have a son." In their world, they were really happy with it, so I was happy. They said, "What do you think about it?" And I went, "That’s great!" I was really happy for them. So they went out and bought a couple of outfits for him and they picked out the name that he would be. "Now the next thing you say to me is 'I can’t play the game.'" The second time was when they were out of the house. That’s when they said, "Well, actually, we might have a girl." And I said, "I don’t understand." They said, "Well, I am pregnant with a girl." I said, "What? When did you learn to spell 'girl'?" They said, "We figured it out." I said, "Well, this is not good for the book." A few years ago I went to see the new Dr. Who movie with someone, and one of the little boys at the breakfast place we were at told me that he loved the new Dr. Who movie. "Doctor Who? My brother loves Doctor Who." I had to explain to him that my brother died in the year I was born. "Well, Doctor Who went back and lived many times. My brother died a long time ago." He told me he had watched Doctor Who through his brother’s DVDs, which are all over the house. He had it through his brother and his brother through him and it's been around for decades. It's kind of amazing that it’s lasted through all those decades. Doctor Who wasn’t one of the shows that came in during my era. It’s kind of come and gone and come and gone. That’s an interesting story. You mentioned that Doctor Who went through a revival because of your brother’s influence. Do you feel like the Doctor Who revival has caused it to be more mainstream and not just sort of geeks and nerds who love the show. Yeah. I was thinking about that the other day, because we watch it all the time. I was working on stuff for it the other day, thinking, it’s been running so long now, you forget that there used to be all those different Doctors who used to run in between this one. It was very interesting and they’re bringing back Daleks again in something or other. It’s crazy, it’s like one of those things where, like the Three Stooges, it’s something that just runs on and you don’t realize how long it’s been there until one of the episodes starts and you realize "oh, it’s been around for a long time." Maybe that’s why Doctor Who’s so interesting, that it just comes and goes and it sort of leaves a different feeling behind. You’ll have shows like Scrubs and people will quote you that and you’re thinking, "what did I say?" That’s why they’re interesting because it does have that feel. The people who are involved in them are not as involved in other things, that have to do with Doctor Who. It’s this little island of its own, but it is interesting. It's just a little community and the people there have known each other for so long, they just bring their stuff to work with them. What made you decide to write the Doctor Who book? I wanted to put Doctor Who in the context of how it used to be, to sort of show how ridiculous it was back then and what an influence it was on television as a whole and the shows they were copying. When I was a kid, there was a Doctor Who fan club that people would form. It used to be where you went to bed and there would be all of these people there and they would pass you paper and tell you that if you got up, to write down who the new doctor was. A new doctor would come every Saturday. That was the part I thought was interesting, because if you know anything about Doctor Who, there have been over forty doctors and I know I got to number forty one in seven years and my god! They really make these guys run the gamut on the number of adventures that they run through before they’re gone. There were some real bad ones that ran through a lot of them. The one I always got a kick out of is the one who used to go around and blow up a spaceship. They’d go, "he’s going to get you, he’s going to get you, oh, it’s a bad one," and then he would come back and there would be a new one. There were a lot of great ones. There was a very popular one where he could walk through walls and look through people’s eyes. Did you watch the show when you were a kid? My favorite was the Doctor who started in the 60s and wore all white. I don’t know who he was. He wore all white and had a dog named Strax. He got blown up and it took him a while to get back. He had gotten blown up because he tried to save a bunch of people from getting blown up too. He was supposed to keep them safe but he got them blown up anyway, so he had to live with that. So I got to watch him and I was sad because it used to scare the crap out of me when they got blown up. It used to make me sad too when they would come back and it didn’t work. They would come back in bad shape and they were like "Well, we used to be the doctor in the good part of time and we’re in bad part of time now." They were always having a lot of problems. He'd come back from being blown up, and the dog would try and kill him. They had a robot, because he would do the mind transference, a lot of that. His assistant used to do it. And the robot would just keep trying to kill him and then he’d come back. I remember the first time they did that. I was a kid, I’m thinking it was a cool bit, it would be cool to be a part of that, so I tried to do it once and they wouldn’t let me. And then later they changed the formula. I was just a kid watching it all the time and being kind of fascinated by it, but it wasn’t until they changed it that I realized that you could do other things with it. If you have them change the time, and then you can play in that time. That’s what was really interesting to me. There’s a lot of similarities to things like Horton and the difference between one of them in the sky and one of them on the ground. You can play with the time changes in different ways, and that’s kind of like the time travel. You can have different ones running in different times that could affect each other. It's a bit like all the other stuff. So, let’s talk about the rest of your work. What was the first game that you designed? Oh, you mean computer games? Yeah. Oh, that’s a very important question because it’s kind of what lead me into this whole business. When I was eight or nine years old, I thought I wanted to be a movie maker. I started making movies and ended up making eight, nine movies on my computer. I was ten years old. I think it was on the Texas Instruments home computer, but I forget. It might have been the Atari computer system. I don’t know. They came out with this thing that was a board that you could load up with different cards for games that you could play with your home computer. It had a monitor that was color and it had a printer built in as well. So, you had a printer and a monitor and you could play the game with your own hardware. It was an amazing system, because you could also do graphics on your own computer. I made these eight or nine different games that I actually never got around to playing with anyone but my brother and my sister. And that’s what got me interested in games, because in the middle of making this system and designing these games, I kind of thought, well if