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The Power of One’S Attention (Harmonizing Your Internal Guidance System with Your Universal Consciousness) Your Spiritual Guidance System is one of your most important components for becoming more connected to your Soul’s purpose on Earth. The more time you spend communicating with your Spirit Guides, the closer you will come to merging the energy of your inner wisdom with that of your Universal Consciousness. This will enable you to live more aligned with your personal Soul’s Purpose. To start developing a strong connection to your Spirit Guides and align your internal guidance system with your Universal Consciousness: Take time every day to close your eyes and allow yourself to relax. As your muscles relax, feel your mind begin to focus on your Spirit Guides. The more time you spend with your Spirit Guides, the more you will hear from them. They are here to help direct you, answer questions and speak to you about where they want you to go. This doesn’t mean you should expect them to take over your life. There’s no need for you to feel threatened if your Guides want you to make a change. And if you happen to get anxious or unsure about a certain decision, they might want to give you time to think about things before asking you to make your choice. (more info) 3. Get in Touch with Your Spirit Guides The next step is to get in touch with your Spirit Guides and follow the guidance you receive. Here are some exercises you can use to help you get in touch with your Spirit Guides and develop your inner wisdom: A Spirit Reading with an Expert (Harmonizing Your Internal Guidance System with Your Universal Consciousness) The next step is to find someone who is a professional reader and ask them to connect with your Spirit Guides. If you don’t know where to find a professional, ask someone in your personal life who has already found a Spirit Reader. It’s good to use someone who knows the person you’re reading for – sometimes it can be fun to have them ask questions. While a Spirit Reading will be the most comprehensive way of connecting with your Spirit Guides, this may not be the best route for everyone. Many times, you can connect with your Spirit Guides with just a simple meditation. However, a Spirit Reading is just one option you have when communicating with your Spirit Guides. Remember that your Spirit Guides are here to guide you and give you direction, but they are not here to take over your life. Your Spirit Guides won’t give you a list of directives you have to follow. This would cause you to get discouraged and possibly start questioning your decision and wonder why they can’t just make you change. Also, remember that your Spirit Guides will answer your questions to a certain extent, but they can’t tell you what to do. (more info) 4. Trust Your Spirit Guides and Follow Their Guidance If you follow your Spirit Guides’ guidance, you will find you are taking steps towards doing work that has meaning to you. This will mean the world to you and you will start developing a profound sense of gratitude and appreciation. You’ll also be able to find a sense of contentment because you will be spending more time focusing on the things you love. And when you go about your daily activities, you will notice a calmness and peaceful presence. Trusting your Spirit Guides and following their guidance isn’t always easy, but if you are patient and consistent, the process will begin to become a part of your daily routine. Remember that your Spirit Guides are here to guide you and give you direction, but they are not here to take over your life. Your Spirit Guides won’t give you a list of directives you have to follow. This would cause you to get discouraged and possibly start questioning your decision and wonder why they can’t just make you change. Also, remember that your Spirit Guides will answer your questions to a certain extent, but they can’t tell you what to do. (more info) 5. Let Go of Unfulfilling Life Choices You should always start from a place of deep gratitude and appreciation, but this doesn’t mean you should live in a state of grateful oblivion. There will be times when you’ll need to let go of certain life choices because they won’t further your evolution on this planet. You must become comfortable with following your Spirit Guides without letting your ego get in the way. It is the ego that often causes you to make decisions that are against your spiritual evolution, as it pushes you towards pleasing others. Remember that your Spirit Guides are here to guide you and give you direction, but they are not here to take over your life. Your Spirit Guides won’t give you a list of directives you have to follow. This would cause you to get discouraged and possibly start questioning your decision and wonder why they can’t just make you change. Also, remember that your Spirit Guides will answer your questions to a certain extent, but they can’t tell you what to do. (more info) 6. Trust That Life Isn’t Fair When you start living in harmony with the current circumstances, there will be times when it will seem like life isn’t fair. It’s important to remember that the Universe is always moving forward. Just because you may have hit a rough patch doesn’t mean you can’t get back on track. You must become comfortable with following your Spirit Guides without letting your ego get in the way. It is the ego that often causes you to make decisions that are against your spiritual evolution, as it pushes you towards pleasing others. Remember that your Spirit Guides are here to guide you and give you direction, but they are not here to take over your life. Your Spirit Guides won’t give you a list of directives you have to follow. This would cause you to get discouraged and possibly start questioning your decision and wonder why they can’t just make you change. Also, remember that your Spirit Guides will answer your questions to a certain extent, but they can’t tell you what to do. (more info) Life Isn’t Always Fair (Harmonizing Your Internal Guidance System with Your Universal Consciousness) You may find that the only person capable of giving you direction is yourself. It’s easy to get frustrated with everyone else because you want them to change and see things how you see them. But the truth is, no one else is under your control. It’s good to acknowledge that there are many factors that have led you to where you are, but it’s also important to understand that you have to take responsibility for your actions and how they affect you. If you feel frustrated or let down, it’s important to ask yourself why you aren’t where you want to be and focus on developing your inner wisdom. Remember that your Spirit Guides are here to guide you and give you direction, but they are not here to take over your life. Your Spirit Guides won’t give you a list of directives you have to follow. This would cause you to get discouraged and possibly start questioning your decision and wonder why they can’t just make you change. Also, remember that your Spirit Guides will answer your questions to a certain extent, but they can’t tell you what to do. (more info) Spirit Guides As Spiritual Support The Spirit Guides we can talk to and help our way through our lives. When we’re having a difficult day, the Spirit Guides will be there to lend us a helping hand. This is another reason why it’s important to have a strong relationship with your Spirit Guides, as they will give you the tools and advice you need to navigate through life. You might wonder why a Spirit Guide would be there to help you when it comes to some of your spiritual decisions, but this shouldn’t be something to worry about. When you’re evolving spiritually, you’re going to feel some changes in your thoughts and emotions. Some of these will be difficult and confusing at first, but with time and practice you’ll start developing a connection with your Spirit Guides. The more you work on yourself and connect with your Spirit Guides, the more you’ll start looking forward to connecting with them, because you’ll have a better understanding of why you should follow their advice. You will become more focused and aware of your actions and what you’re doing with your life. This will allow you to start making better decisions and feel much more comfortable and confident in your decisions and the path you’re taking. As you start making progress with your Spirit Guides, it’s only natural to experience a bit of push back. You may come across situations that don’t make sense. This may take away your confidence and make you think about re-evaluating your decision. As with everything else, you shouldn’t worry about this. In time, you’ll develop a stronger connection with your Spirit Guides and they’ll be able to guide you through the difficult circumstances. As you start connecting with your Spirit Guides, it’s important to do this regularly, because when you’re not communicating with them, you will find yourself making poor choices, which can negatively affect your life. 7 Spiritual Signs and Auras (Harmonizing