All Hell Breaks Lo
Actions vs. Accusa
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A Thoughtful Gestu
A Snake in the Gra
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A Sinking Ship
A New Era

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Always Be Moving to Improve Your Life To continue you journey on how to make the most of your life, you need to know about the next principle, “Always Be Moving.” This means that you must always move, even when you’re not working. When you retire or become lazy you let your spirit to decline and fade away. You need to move in order to keep your spirit up and to stay enthusiastic and interested. “Always Be Moving” really applies in two areas in your life. The first is the area of work and activities. When you retire or don’t exercise your mind then it is possible for it to stagnate and become stale. Stagnant minds rarely contribute anything and tend to become inactive and uninspired. If you continue with activities, you’ll be constantly growing your skills and moving up the ladder to greater success. But this principle applies to a deeper level too. We also need to stay active in our soul. Many of us do a lot of heavy lifting in our spiritual life, and then when we go on vacation, we stop exercising and do little else. As a result our spiritual muscles atrophie. If we don’t keep up these activities, if we do not use our spiritual muscles, they will become weak and useless. Staying active in our faith and exercising them are vital to making them grow. But when you stop working the result is the same. You can’t neglect your spiritual muscles for long or else they will wither away and become like weak, dead brittle twigs. “All you have is a short time on earth, so you had better make the most of it.” -Joshua We should never wait for the Lord to move us to do something. He will never move before we are ready. We need to take matters into our own hands and move ourselves to do what we believe God wants us to do. When you have a calling from God, don’t put it off. Don’t wait for him to make the first move. Make the move. This is why He calls us to put on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-17). He gives us all the resources we need to fight the good fight and finishes the job. The call may be to go on a mission trip, make a concerted effort to get into church each week, or to start a neighborhood church cell group. You need to follow up your call and get busy with it. Do what you have to do to stay active and moving in your life, because life is so full of opportunities and blessings. Make use of the time you have, do not waste a single second. The good news is that “life is so good” and God will never disappoint you or let you down. He is always there for you when you call. As you put this principle into practice you will find that life gets better and better. Your spiritual muscles will grow, the calling on your life will get easier and easier, and that’s because you are becoming more and more ready to walk into all that God has for you. So take action today to make the most of your life. Get busy, because the Lord has work for you to do, so get to work! Share this: Like this: LikeLoading... Related About bnblake40 Hi there, I'm Blake. I'm a happily married 40-something with 3 grown boys, and a beautiful 2-year old granddaughter. I'm the founder of a local ministry called SAVOR. Its purpose is to encourage people to take pleasure in God through art. I love to study the scriptures and see how they apply in everyday life. I also like to read, hike, and spend time with my family. I'm glad you stopped by and hope you'll find something of value here.