It's A Fickle, Fic
It Will Be My Reve
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It's Called a Russ
It's Do or Die
It's Funny When Pe
It's Getting the B
It's Gonna Be Chao
It's Human Nature
It's Like a Surviv
It's Like the Perf
It's Like the Wors
It's Merge Time
It's a Turtle?! And now, after many centuries of relative peace, it's back! How do you go about re-killing something so big? Just ask our fearless hero, the mighty Captain Ahab. It's a fight to the death between man and monster: a true classic of the sea. If you like reading about the sea, this is the book for you. I don't know who named the book this, but they were right. It's hard to put down. (I was going to say this was the best book I've ever read, but let's see how I feel after I finish it. ) There's something about a good murder mystery that brings you closer to a character. Maybe it's the suspense of waiting to see what's going to happen, but I think there's more to it than that. In any good mystery you want to know more about the detective, right? What kind of person is he? What happens inside his head when he thinks? Is he just good at hiding it or do some days he'd rather not go on? Do the little clues the writer gives you add up to the big picture? I mean, I didn't have that much to go on, other than maybe the title of the book...but I wanted to know more. Mystery novels are my favorite genre because they pull you in. They're so fascinating. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I really liked this book. This guy could take on the world! I don't want to tell too much about the story or the ending because I don't want to ruin it for people. So why don't you just come back and tell me what you think about it. Would you want to do a book club about it? Thursday, April 28, 2011 If you can get past that title, then you might just find a really exciting and interesting book. I know, it sounds like a hard sell, but hang on! This book is written in two voices, and as far as I'm concerned that pretty much means it's better than every other book out there. In this book you get two stories: the journey of a girl called The Goat in search of a magical book, and the story of another girl called The Wolf who has to kill The Goat to gain the book's power. In the first story, you get to see what a person would do if they were on a quest for their hearts desire. You see how much dedication and effort they put into the quest, how bad the rain is outside, and how excited they get when they think they're close. And then there's the other story. You get to see what a person does when they have something to gain. You get to see how much a person can cut down a cow for, you see how a person can kill a wild animal, and you get to see what a person can do to survive. This book has a sort of strange, but really interesting cover! I mean, why are there feathers and bees on the cover of a book about fairies? And why are they sticking out of the sky? The book is all about fairies, but it also has lots of other stuff in it too. The main story is about this girl called The Goat who wants to find The Magic Book. But the book has many other stories in it. The first story is from The Wolf's point of view, and it's about a girl called The Wolf. (Well, that's not quite true. I mean, the name is right, but it doesn't mean the same thing as the girl's name in the story.) I don't want to tell you any more about it than that because I don't want to spoil it for you. But let's just say that The Wolf doesn't seem very nice at first, and that this book is about learning about other people. I think that's probably the best way to explain it. But don't you be thinking that The Wolf is a nice guy because of how he treats The Goat at the beginning. Let's just leave it at that. I don't want to spoil it for you. But I do want to tell you that this book is very original and interesting. I think it would make a great book club book too! You can have everyone in the book club listen to the book, and then have a good discussion about it. Or if you don't have a book club you can do it by yourselves. This is the most interesting book I've read so far! And I don't think it was just because it was in a mystery novel. If you like books about fairies, this is a must-read. In fact, I was so enthralled that I read the book very quickly. But at the end of the book, I said to myself 'Where did that come from?' That's a good way to put it. I don't want to tell you what I thought of the ending because I don't want you to spoil it for other people. If you haven't started this book yet, what are you waiting for? Get a big bowl and load it up with fairy dust and let's get to reading! Wednesday, April 27, 2011 I think I'm going to take a break from reading about fairies for a little while. I'm just thinking maybe it's time to take a break from reading about fairies and look at other things. I think I have enough fairy books to last me through the rest of the year, and I think it would be a good idea to spend the rest of my time reading about different things. We all know that there are lots of books about fairies, but there aren't many books about other things. I'm not saying that fairy books are the only ones that are written, but that they're more popular than other kinds. Like people who are writers sometimes have to choose what they want to write about, and if you don't like one type of book, then the writers of fairy books don't think you're going to like their book too much either. I'm sure I can find books to read that are about different kinds of animals for instance. Or maybe people who want to read about the animals will like some of the other books better. You can see what I mean by all the book with different colors on the front cover. These are about all the different kinds of animals in the world. The book with the blue spots is about bees. I think the brown ones are dogs and maybe cows too. And the gray one is about pigs. Of course I don't think you have to worry about getting bored. You just have to find the right book for you. Or maybe you don't have to worry about getting bored at all. Maybe these books will make you a little more excited about life, or the universe or whatever. Maybe you can make a wish on a star. That's what I did. I wished that someday all kinds of wild animals will live on earth in peace and harmony. You know, there are a lot of different kinds of pets in this book too. There are some people who can only look at things from one point of view, but I think that's a bad point of view. If you go to a different point of view you get to see things that you don't get to see in one point of view. So if you want to learn about animals, and cats and dogs are your favorite type of animals, then you might just want to read about the cats and dogs. I don't think they've written any books about dogs about how to talk to the neighbors. That was a good thing to do. And I'm really glad you didn't write anything about your cats. You're not crazy, and you should know better than anyone. You know, there are books with really bad pictures in them too. You can get the same idea with pictures if you don't like reading. If you want to know what I mean when I say 'bad pictures', it means they don't show the things as much as you want them to. And even when they do show the things, they just show you the parts of the pictures that are all white. I know you think I'm crazy but I'm just saying it can happen. If you want to know what it is that I'm saying, I'm saying that it would be a good idea to keep away from these kind of books. I don't really care how this book gets to you. I want you to pick it up. And when you get to the end of it, I want you to look back and see what you want to see. It could be like the book with the picture on the cover and some kind of a mystery. For example, it could be about a cat who just wants to go for a walk on a summer afternoon, and he's the only one in the whole world who wants to be just that, but he doesn't want to get bored because he's worried about getting fat. But then he meets another cat who wants to be fat. So they work together