It's Like the Perf
It's Like a Surviv
It's Human Nature
It's Gonna Be Chao
It's Getting the B
It's Funny When Pe
It's Do or Die
It's Called a Russ
It's a Turtle?!
It's A Fickle, Fic

It's Merge Time
It's My Night
It's Psychological
It's Survivor Warf
It’s a ‘Me’ Game,
It’s Been Real and
Jackets and Eggs
Jellyfish 'N Chips
Juggling Chainsaws
Jumping Ship
It's Like the Worst Cocktail Party Ever," _The Guardian_ , 11 Dec. 2011, **"** **I'm not ready to talk to you":** Ibid. **"People are already online":** Jocelyn Noveck, a New York University cyberlaw expert who directs the school's Center for Civic Media, pointed out that "We had never had a debate about whether [internet sites] were protected or not before" the Sony Pictures incident. "Before, the question was 'Should this kind of information be protected at all?'—not 'What are the rights and the responsibilities of a corporation with access to this information?' " **"That's the difference":** The ACLU's Dane Clark agreed, noting that "the [Supreme] Court was saying [the Sony hackers] do not have the right to access this information." "People who run companies are now taking action to get ahead of the curve. It's a lot harder to respond when a hacker doesn't have access to those systems and emails than when your information is on an open server. That's where the pressure is building from the business community." "These breaches are here to stay," added Marc Rotenberg, president and executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a Washington-based watchdog group. "It is just too easy for someone to illegally access a computer system." **"The laws around electronic records . . . don't adequately account for a technology that has become more and more prevalent":** _United States of America v. Dmitry Dokuchaev, et al._ , Criminal No. 14–88, ECF No. 3 (U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Virginia, 13 Mar. 2015), pp. 1, 16–17. "The law is in flux in terms of what kind of records are going to be protected and who should be charged with protection," Dokuchaev's lawyer, Edward MacMahon, said. He added that many internet users do not understand that the email content they send "is not protected and can be used against you by hackers. It's very easy for hackers to have your computer hack your email system." **"It wasn't our finest hour":** The hack of Sony Pictures, _Variety_ , 8 Mar. 2015, . **"These crimes were committed . . . on such a massive scale":** _United States of America v. Dmitry Dokuchaev, et al._ , pp. 3–4. **"One of the things that we have discussed . . . would be to create a public-private partnership":** _United States v. Dmitry Dokuchaev, et al._ , 8 Mar. 2015, **"We know from various court cases":** Scott Shane, "In China, An Internet Crackdown Snares Dissenters," _New York Times_ , 26 Oct. 2011, **"The idea of going after every single person who uses . . . one set of the services":** _United States v. Dmitry Dokuchaev, et al._ , 11 Mar. 2015, . **"If there is a bad guy out there . . . that the hackers use as their tool":** _United States v. Dmitry Dokuchaev, et al._ , 18 Mar. 2015, . **"When you get a lawyer . . . or if they are not even sure they can charge you":** See, for example, J. David Goodman, "Exclusive: U.S. Prosecutors Say Sony Hackers Knew What They Were Doing," _New York Times_ , 27 Nov. 2011, **"I think that people will stop doing it":** See "Rise of the Rogue," BBC Two documentary, 5 Jan. 2012, **"The question is how . . . on the other side of the internet":** Danah Boyd, "What's Wrong with Online Community?" _New York Times Magazine_ , 12 Nov. 2011, **"the very people most likely to create . . . in society":** The comments were made at a conference on cybersecurity sponsored by Google Ideas, the New America Foundation, and the Council on Foreign Relations, held in mid-January 2012. **"** **We could do more":** See David Sanger, "U.S. Seeking Cyberweapons," _New York Times_ , 25 Mar. 2013, **"We didn't know . . . to think about security":** The quote was made by a senior Obama administration official during the Obama–Xi talks in Beijing, as recounted by Andrew Leung, "Cautions on Cyber Arms Draw Concern in U.S.," _Wall Street Journal_ , 17 Apr. 2012, . **"When President Obama . . . there's not a clear process":** Interview with a senior administration official. See also Peter Baker, "U.S. Talking to China about Cybersecurity," _New York Times_ , 14 Oct. 2011, . **"There is no . . . the cyberthreat":** "National Security Strategy of the United States of America" (Washington: United States Government, 2009), Section 3: Policy and Strategy for Cyberspace, pp. 18–19, . **"We already have . . . security":** Author interview with senior administration official. **"As the U.S. moves to . . . cyberthreats":** The article announcing the White House initiative was published on 9 July 2010. **"We're not going to win this fight . . . security or privacy":** On the lack of cybersecurity in federal government systems, see Government Accountability Office, "Falling Behind in Security and Privacy: Weaknesses in Federal Agency Computer Network Security Could Be Affecting Mission Performance," July 2008, . **"This is what keeps me up at night":** Author interview with Richard Clarke, May 2014. **"Our greatest liability":** Author interview with Richard Clarke, February 2014. **"What we would like . . . the rest of the world":** Author interview with Dr. Matt Waxman, September 2014. **"One could say that . . . public health":** _People v. McMillan_ , 588 U.S. __ __, __ (2013). **"the same basic cyberweapons . . . were all the rage":** Andrew M. Stewart and Laura B. Jackson, "Cyberspace and the Third World: The Future of Cyberconflict," United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Task Force Paper No. 15 (United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Task Force, 2004). The paper was cited in my _New York Times_ article. **"It's important to remember . . . international law":** Interview with Joseph Nye, September 2014. **"I see the development . . . military conflict":** Interview with Joseph Nye, May 2015. **"a very attractive target":** Interview with Stephen A. Schmidt, February 2012. **"If you think about security . . . from foreign countries":** Interview with Stephen A. Schmidt, May 2012. **"A lot of what they do .