It's a Turtle?!
It's A Fickle, Fic
It Will Be My Reve
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It's Do or Die
It's Funny When Pe
It's Getting the B
It's Gonna Be Chao
It's Human Nature
It's Like a Surviv
It's Like the Perf
It's Like the Wors
It's Merge Time
It's My Night
It's Called a Russell Seed I'm not sure if you know, but my birthday is coming up and I'm thinking about something special. A lot of guys get a tie, but I'd prefer a whole lot more. You get a little bit of everything in the game, but at the very least you get some kind of hat and something to write on. My birthday list would be a very special birthday to me if you'd order me this Russell tie: The Russell Seeds come in a box, a bag or a bag, and they cost $125. They're a pretty good deal because they're made in Canada, they're made in Canada from a local material, and the tie is made in the USA. You can order these directly from me here. Just click on the "add to cart" button on any of the items you see below. I don't have these on my website; only because my wife's mad at me for writing about her in my blog. Russell Seeds I love this hat and I love this seed. When you first wear it, people are going to ask you who that is on your tie. It's a seed, Russel is in the name, and I'm the only dude who would own a tie with that name. You should ask me for one too! The thing is, it's perfect because it's something that I would wear every single day. That's part of what makes it my very favorite hat of all time. I know you can get hats like this in some suits, but the thing with me is that I'm not really the suit type. I don't like suits much, I don't wear suits at my office all the time, and if I did, I'd wear this Russell hat and a Russell seed. I think you should let me know because it's going to be my birthday soon. I'm not sure how old I'm going to be, but I'm thinking something like 47. What do you think? Am I going to be 47? I don't know. What do you think? Is that true? I'm not 47, I'm not sure, you think I look 47? I'm going to buy myself some Russell seeds, but I'm going to get a couple of these. I'm just going to add a little bit of the American flag on my ties, and my headwear too. It's time to really get my own American spirit going. I'm not sure what else I'm going to get for my birthday, but you can bet it will be nice. Something with a blue and white ribbon, like a blue ribbon. Why would anyone want a blue ribbon in their tie if you're not a horse jockey? Some guys wear an Old Glory tie and some guys have a Tombstone tie. Why not get a blue ribbon in your tie, just like in your hat? Hey, don't laugh at me. Some people are getting these things as gifts. If I buy these things for myself, I can still appreciate them. But, I think they are the most beautiful things I've ever seen. I wouldn't expect you to like these things, but I'll bet there's one person in the world who would want to wear one of these things. I am that one person. That's why I want this beautiful blue ribbon on my tie. It's the only kind of blue ribbon you could get from a tie. Why the American flag? I don't know. It's something that makes people think about their country, and why not? I want the American spirit in my ties too. What do you think? Would you wear a blue ribbon in your tie? If so, why? Or would you wear a little something to look at, like a picture of a farm? If you saw me wearing a ribbon, wouldn't you be like, "Hey, look at his tie. That's really cool." I'm just saying that you could get a blue ribbon, and you could get a blue ribbon in your tie if you got me something from my online store. So, maybe you should buy me a tie and some Russell seeds and I'll get you a nice little blue ribbon. I don't know what we'd get you to get it for, but I'm telling you this is a very special tie. You don't need to send me a card with this tie. I know this sounds terrible to you, but you don't need to send me a card with this tie. The only reason why you should send me a card with this tie is because it would be my birthday gift to you. I mean, I'm telling you that these are good ties, so if you want one of these, just buy it for me. Hey, we'll just keep doing this. Eventually I'm going to wear this tie every single day, and I'm going to be the first to wear it at the office. Everyone else is going to be like, "Wow! Russel is wearing his Russell seeds on his tie!" They're going to be amazed and I'm going to wear it all the time. Don't you think it's nice that I'll have something like this? I'll have these special Russell seeds and a good tie and a hat to match. If you're going to send me a card, you can write something on it. I'm going to wear it all the time until it finally wears out. Then I'll buy another one. I'm not going to wear these ties if you don't want me to wear them. What do you say? Maybe I can get myself a few of them for my birthday, and you can get a couple of these Russell seeds and a couple of the American flags. I'm so glad you are interested. I do understand how to go about buying and sending something for your birthday. Have you ordered from my website before? If so, what did you get? What colors do you like? I don't have any ties, but you can get a couple of these Russell seeds, or a box of Russell seeds. I'll add a few to the one that comes. You can send me a card, a gift or some money or a donation to get my business started. You can send it to me on the link right here. This is my business page, and it's set up for business. Click on it and you'll be able to see that there is a link for sending something to me. I have a donation amount on there too, so you can choose any amount between $10 and $100. You can send me an email if you want. Just click here and you can write anything you want. When I reply back, you can check that your email is correct, and I'll send you an email. I'll reply with a phone number, and maybe the name of the city where you are located. I hope it's right, because I don't want to get my hopes up for no reason. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to contact you. I'm just hoping that you're going to help me to get out of debt. My hope is to have a business card and a hat or a tie in the mail with something like this on it. Some people look at my tie, maybe there's going to be some guys who don't think I'm crazy. I just think it's the greatest thing I've ever seen. I wouldn't say this to just anyone, but if you're going to buy a tie, this is it. I'm telling you about my ties. I have a few people who have emailed me about buying this tie, and I just think it's my tie. I am just showing the way how to send me some money or maybe get something from my website. I can show you how you can write in, maybe in the subject line, something like, "You should buy me a tie." If you're going to order from my website, you can order the special Russell seeds and the special Russell seeds. You can say, "I would like to buy you a tie." Or, "I would like to buy you a hat." Or, "I would like to buy you a couple of seeds." That's the way that you can do it. That way you'll know what you're getting. How about this? Instead of