It’s Been Real and
It’s a ‘Me’ Game,
It's Survivor Warf
It's Psychological
It's My Night
It's Merge Time
It's Like the Wors
It's Like the Perf
It's Like a Surviv
It's Human Nature

Jellyfish 'N Chips
Juggling Chainsaws
Jumping Ship
Just Annihilate Th
Just Don't Eat the
Just Go For It
Keep Hope Alive
Keep It Real
Kill or Be Killed
Kind Of Like Cream
Jackets and Eggs," p. 30). 10. Ibid., p. 31. 11. For a detailed discussion of the concept of the Jewish soul in the twentieth century, see Wasserstein, "The Jewish Self"; and Wasserstein, _The British in Palestine_. 12. Eshkol quoted in Bar-On, _The War of Independence_ , p. 33. 13. Ibid. 14. Ibid., p. 39. 15. Ibid., p. 40. 16. On the concept of national character, see M. J. Meyer, "Toward a Theory of National Character," pp. 28–47. 17. See U.S. Department of State, _Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964–1968_ , vol. 1, _Foundations of Foreign Policy_ (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1993), p. 49. 18. Ya'ari, _Israel's Victory_ , p. 23. 19. For a detailed discussion of the British relationship with American Jews, see Wasserstein, "The British in Palestine." 20. _Al-Ahram_ , November 15, 1945, p. 1. 21. _Al-Yom_ , November 15, 1945. 22. Ibid., November 17, 1945, p. 1. 23. Eban's meeting with Truman is described in the memorandum of conversation with Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion on the evening of November 22, 1945, in the Historical Archives of the Foreign Ministry, p. 45; see also Eban's own account of this meeting in his memoirs, _Personal Witness_ , p. 38. For the background of the meeting, see also George W. Ball, "The President and the Palestine Question," _Foreign Affairs_ 21, no. 4 (July 1943), pp. 593–604; and James R. Grant, _Truman, Palestine, and Israel_ (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1982), pp. 40–56. 24. Ibid. 25. _Al-Ahram_ , November 15, 1945, p. 1; and _Al-Ahram_ , November 16, 1945, p. 2. 26. For a discussion of these proposals and Truman's response to them, see Ball, "The President and the Palestine Question," pp. 594–95. 27. There are many accounts of these talks, but all agree on the central points: that Truman rejected the Peel Commission proposal for "trusteeship," but accepted the idea of the British continuing to supervise a Jewish provisional administration on a transitional basis until the United Nations decided on the final fate of Palestine; and that Truman approved of the Bevin plan for partition, but only as a preliminary stage to a wider settlement of the Palestine issue. These meetings and events are described by Truman in his memoirs, _Memoirs_ , vol. 1, pp. 102–4. 28. For a detailed account of these meetings, see Wasserstein, _The British in Palestine_. 29. For a discussion of the background of the report, see M. J. Meyer, _A Brief History of the Jews in Palestine_ (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1998), pp. 103–4. 30. See ibid., pp. 104–5; and Meyer, "The Yishuv, the British, and the Jewish Agency in the Period between January and May 1947," _British Yearbook of International Law_ , vol. 27 (1976), pp. 591–622. 31. See Ya'ari, _Israel's Victory_ , p. 40; and Wasserstein, _The British in Palestine_ , p. 67. For the background to Eshkol's resignation, see U.S. Department of State, _The United States in the Middle East_ , pp. 49–53; and Wasserstein, _The British in Palestine_ , pp. 66–68. 32. See Ya'ari, _Israel's Victory_ , pp. 33, 37–40; and Uri Lubrani, _Shomer Yisrael: Ktsiot Gedolei HaDor veLadur in Be-Toldot Sefarad_ [ _Watchers for Israel: Testimonies of the Leading Rabbis_ ] (Tel Aviv: Hotsa'at Ha-Medina, 1999), p. 53. 33. Ibid., p. 40. 34. U.S. Department of State, _The United States in the Middle East_ , p. 53. For more on Dayan, see Shabtai Teveth, _Dayan: A Biography_ (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987), pp. 25–32; Ya'ari, _Israel's Victory_ , pp. 43–57. 35. Ya'ari, _Israel's Victory_ , pp. 56–57. 36. The following material is drawn from Eshkol's diary entry for December 4, 1945. See Dayan's diary entries of May 16 and December 11, 1945, in U.S. Department of State, _Foreign Relations of the United States_ , vol. 8, _1948, January–June 1948_ (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1983), pp. 18 and 28–29. For Eshkol's decision to call up reserve forces, see "The Dayan-Eshkol Government and the Call-Up of Reserves," p. 9. 37. For Eshkol's discussions with Ben-Gurion and his attitude toward Israel's new borders, see Ya'ari, _Israel's Victory_ , p. 59. See also Eshkol's diary entries for December 10, 15, and 18, 1945, in U.S. Department of State, _Foreign Relations of the United States_ , vol. 8, _1948, January–June 1948_ , p. 22. 38. Shlaim, _The Iron Wall_ , p. 27. 39. See Ben-Gurion's diary entries on January 3 and 6, 1947, in Ben-Gurion Archives, Sde Boker (henceforth BGA), Ben-Gurion's Diary, January 1–June 30, 1947, p. 37. 40. For the evolution of the debate over the future of Jerusalem, see Ya'ari, _Israel's Victory_ , pp. 54–56. 41. The following material is drawn from Ya'ari's _Israel's Victory_ , pp. 67–71, and Shlaim, _The Iron Wall_ , pp. 38–39. 42. Ya'ari, _Israel's Victory_ , p. 71. See also Shlaim, _The Iron Wall_ , p. 39. For a discussion of U.S. attitudes toward Palestine in 1947, see M. J. Meyer, _A Brief History of the Jews in Palestine_ , pp. 117–22. For Eban's diary entries of February 4, 11, and 12, 1947, see U.S. Department of State, _Foreign Relations of the United States_ , 1948, pp. 49–50. 43. Shlaim, _The Iron Wall_ , p. 50. See also Ya'ari, _Israel's Victory_ , p. 67. 44. On the impact of Truman's announcement on Jewish opinion, see Shlaim, _The Iron Wall_ , p. 51; for Bevin's comments, see ibid., p. 52. 45. In an interview in _Koteret Rashit_ , December 5, 2008. 46. On the background of the U.S. delegation to the United Nations, see Teveth, _Ben-Gurion_ , pp. 115–17. 47. See Yehoshua Rabinovitz, _The Jerusalem Problem_ (Tel Aviv: Dvir, 1973), p. 45. 48. On the British reaction to the UN decision, see Ball, "The President and the Palestine Question," p. 603; and U.S. Department of State, _The United States in the Middle East_ , pp. 84–86. On the background to the decision, see U.S. Department of State, _Foreign Relations of the United States_ , 1948, pp. 65–66. 49. Ben-Gurion's diary entries for June 12, August 2, and 11, 1947, in Ben-Gurion Archives, Sde Boker (henceforth BGA), Ben-Gurion's Diary, May–October 1947, p. 62. For more on Eban's proposal, see Shlaim, _The Iron Wall_ , pp. 55–56. 50. Shabtai Teveth, _Ben-Gurion and the Palestinian Arabs: From Peace to War_ (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985), p. 48; for more on Ben-Gurion's approach, see Teveth, _Ben-Gurion_ , pp. 113–16. 51. In U.S. Department of State, _The United States in the Middle East_ , p. 96. See