Mama, Look at Me N
Mama Said There'd
Make Some Magic Ha
Mad Treasure Hunt
Mad Scramble and B
Loyalties Will Be
Love Many, Trust F
Love is in the Air
Love Is In the Air
Love Goggles

Man Down
May the Best Gener
Me and My Snake
Medical Emergency
Method To This Mad
Million Dollar Dec
Million Dollar Gam
Million Dollar Nig
Million Dollar Que
More Than Meats th
Momma didn't raise no punk!" The young man turned with a smile. "That was my first time in there. I don't think we got a chance with the old broad, though." He nodded toward a sign marked NO HAY MACHINES. "Who are you? We all know every one of us! Show your dicks! No dicks?" A tall black man in his forties was calling. "Show your dicks!" A tall black man in his forties was calling. As a biker slowed down and lowered his head, the leader punched him in the jaw. Another black man moved in quickly. A black man who looked like he had a little Native American in him was hitting the black man and the three black men who looked like college students. The young man with short black hair and a big nose, whom the others called "Spider," was taking off his jacket and throwing it on the ground. He bent over and snatched something from the road, and was walking towards a blue pickup truck with a couple of men sitting on the fender. The other guys were just watching the fight, except for two who walked away. One of them had a broken arm and the other one was limping. The pickup truck turned around in the parking lot of the restroom, and the guy with the broken arm tried to shoot as they left. The other two got away. "He shot at us!" Spider yelled to the others. The man who had taken out the gun ran away. "We better go after him." The shooter came back with a gun and Spider fired. The man with the broken arm went down on the ground. The leader pulled him over and slapped him in the face and told Spider to get him into the bushes. A moment later Spider emerged and the men walked back into the bushes. There were four black men, and four whites and a Mexican with "NO HAY MACHINES" in bright letters on their backs, which meant that they had the right to stand there and watch all of the activity in the restroom. "What do we do now?" said a kid wearing a leather jacket and a denim jacket. "We'll go back in," Spider told the kid. "We can't risk trying to follow them in here. He has friends." "Maybe we should split?" said the guy with a cracked tooth. "Some of us, anyway. The feds will be all over this." "We'd better split," Spider said. He held his hand up for silence. The four men stood by a gray BMW and looked in the driver's window at a large gold Rolex, thick white gold chains, and a few hundred hundred dollar bills in a woman's purse. The girl next to the window took the bills out of her purse and put them in a paper bag. "What did you get?" a young man said to the girl. "I didn't get anything." She was a tall slender girl with long blond hair and she was looking at the BMW as though hypnotized. "They just gave it to me." "I bet they gave it to you for that." The man who said it had a deep voice and a flat face. "For your pussy," he told the blond, and the other men laughed. "I bet this was all in your head, wasn't it?" the man said, and grinned as though he was going to enjoy this scene. "Shut up, G," said Spider, and G took his hands off the girl. Spider looked at the girl and knew that the next time he saw her she would have a black eye. "Let's go." They walked back into the restroom. Inside the restroom the leader who went by the name of "Snake" went over to the girl, and put his hand on her arm. The others looked on and waited. "Let's go," Snake said, and turned her around and led her out of the men's room. The other five men followed, and so did the girl's boyfriend. Out in the parking lot a white Honda was parked. A black man with his hair cut short was standing in the back of the Honda, holding a shotgun. "Now we know what happened," the man with the broken arm said to Spider. Spider nodded his head. He waved at Snake who had the girl in the back of the truck. He was driving. The girl's boyfriend came running after them with his arm broken in two places. He started to yell as Snake went over the hill. The broken arm fell to the ground by the truck. Spider got back into the pickup with the broken arm. They drove to the center of town, and stopped. "I don't want to meet my dad," the broken arm said to Spider. Spider was getting out of the pickup, and told the broken arm to keep the keys. "I don't think they're going to keep much for a week," he said. "Go get some liquor at the liquor store, and we'll go to your dad's house." He told Spider to stay put, and he drove off. "Did you get a look at Snake's girlfriend?" "Yeah, but she don't know me." "She doesn't have to know you. They don't like no dicks around here. Even a broken one. Snake will do some major time, just like his brothers." The broken arm didn't move from where he sat. "Well, what I got from Snake, that's all right." "Why don't you go out for the team," Spider said. "Somehow, you got to make up for what you did today." He walked away. The broken arm sat there for a minute, and then got out of the truck and walked over to the liquor store. When he came back the pickup was gone. Spider was still looking for the pickup, and he drove by the liquor store and didn't see Snake. "He was driving," Spider said. "Who the hell is that? He must have found some stuff. I know Snake can drink." He went back to the parking lot and found his truck. He searched the pickup for a while, but he was disappointed. He looked around the parking lot and checked the bathroom door to make sure the broken arm was gone. He looked in the bushes for a little while, and then he went to the liquor store. Snake was slumped in a chair at the counter, and the bartender was cleaning up bottles that were rolling all over the floor. "You got a break today?" Spider said. "Snake said that you're a big boy, Snake told me you do all kinds of business." "I do what the hell I please, man." The broken arm watched Snake. "Yeah, I know how you feel." Spider walked over to the wall and looked at a sign that said NO HAY MACHINES and then he looked up at the ceiling. "You know where we can go now?" "I don't want to see no man. I just want to get some dope." Snake was drinking beer from the ice in a green glass. "I don't think we should walk around," Spider said. "How about in there?" He pointed to a small door between two shelves of beer. "I know Snake can come up with something. He's had to figure out something for a while now." Spider went back to his truck and got his sleeping bag and a knife. "Are you coming?" Spider asked the broken arm. "No," the broken arm said. He watched the bartender carry bottles back to the cooler. "Maybe you'll come out with me tomorrow." "Well, what we going to do? We can't stay in there. That's where all the other stuff is." Spider threw the sleeping bag in the back of the truck, and put the knife on the floor. He leaned over and picked up the two pistols and the money clip, and threw them on the seat. "I can't wait to tell the boys about this. You'll get in big shit if they find you here." Spider slid down next to the sleeping bag, and pulled on his hat. "Goodbye, Snake. If I run into you again, you won't be so lucky next time. You know it, right?" "Yeah," Snake said, and started to cry. "Man, what am I supposed to do?" The bartender came over and offered Spider some coffee. "I don't know how you like it." He put out two cups of coffee, and put the milk carton on the counter. "You need a bag?" "No, man. I can get it from here. Just give me the money." Spider opened his wallet. "Thanks for the coffee," Spider said to the bartender. He paid him the money and the bartender gave him a big smile. "I know how to get in touch with you," Spider told Snake. "I don't have to tell you how to find me if you need anything, I'll come see you," and he put the guns and money clip back into his pocket. Spider had twenty-five hundred dollars in the lining of his jacket and two rolls of five hundred dollars. The broken arm and Spider went back to the truck and walked down the main street. They looked in the windows of some