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Man Down
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Me and My Snake, I have some sort of power that allows me to be able to understand what these spirits were trying to say. I always thought it was because I was psychic in some way. But now, I know that it’s just because my dad has these two spirits with him that he loves so much. My dad is really good at communicating with spirits because he is part of the great white brotherhood. There are a lot of secrets that some spiritually inclined people are not aware of, especially in areas like this, where the native people know all of the hidden secrets of the Universe. I’m not a psychic. I don’t have any special powers. All I know is that when I use the name of God Almighty and the name of the Great Spirit, I can hear what these spirits are saying, and they always have something important to tell me. My favorite way of communicating with these spirits is through prayer and meditation. I just sit down, close my eyes, and start to pray to God and the Great Spirit, asking for help. I have many examples where these spirits have helped me out. One time, when I was in Iraq, I could hear that I was going to be kidnapped. I prayed to God and the Great Spirit for help. These were some of the things that happened to me because of my faith in God. In fact, the war that is going on right now in Iraq has something to do with the spirits, because I have a spiritual connection with them, and they are telling me that they can sense the anger that is starting to build up over there because of the deaths of innocent lives in Iraq. I’ve never heard of any of this stuff about ghosts before, but when you start doing things with spirits and talking to spirits and you start to know them, you understand them, and they start to talk to you, and you can hear them, then it’s easy to understand why so many people believe in ghosts. One thing that helps me communicate with the spirits is the spirit board. My dad bought me one for my birthday a while back, and I use it all of the time. I can ask the spirits for help, and it can help me get advice from them. When I go home to Iraq, I always pray to the Great Spirit to protect me. This helps me understand how to deal with spirits. When people die, they don’t actually just become ghosts. They exist. Whenever we die, we become something called a sprits child, and they watch us while we are alive, and it’s a whole different thing with them that it is with humans. We see some ghosts in Iraq all of the time, but we know that they are no longer alive. We aren’t scared of them, because they aren’t alive. We don’t even think about them all that much. We ignore them, because they aren’t real. We know that they aren’t real, but to people who aren’t educated about spirits, they might not understand. I am not scared of ghosts. I just ignore them because they don’t really have any power over me. I have no fear of spirits. I am not scared of them, because they don’t have any power over me. They might be afraid of me because I am stronger than they are, but they can’t hurt me. Just think how many millions of people are actually afraid of ghosts. That just doesn’t make any sense to me. I just tell people that I am talking to the spirits when they ask me about it. One time I even told my brother that I had an important meeting, and it was with the Great Spirit and God. When he asked me what we were going to talk about, I told him that it was a secret and he couldn’t tell anyone. I didn’t lie to him; I just didn’t tell him everything, because I didn’t want to ruin his belief that ghosts don’t exist and that people who believe in ghosts have crazy minds. Spirits are just people like you and me, but they aren’t alive. If you ask a ghost a question, then the answer won’t come from the ghost, but instead from you. A lot of ghosts are people who died without learning about the spirits. They don’t understand spirits, and they just die. When we die, we do become part of the group of spirits, but we only know what the spirits taught us when we were alive. The ghosts that people see are not really ghosts. They are just people who died. Some of them could have loved ones who were killed during battle or in a war. I know that spirits can become ghosts because people often refer to ghosts as spirits who were never ready to leave this earth. I know that my dad will never die. I don’t worry about him ever dying. I know that he will always be there with me when I need him. My dad and I have talked a lot about what we are going to do after this world ends, and we are both thinking about it. The Great Spirit will keep us together and give us the strength to get through what is left of our lives and stay together until the end. God is real. There are ghosts in Iraq, and there are ghosts in America too. They are just spirits without bodies. People see them because their minds are closed to the fact that they could be real. We are all connected, so we can’t see all of the spirits around us. They just sort of hover around us, and when we are open to seeing them, they come to us. I can see ghosts all of the time because I am open to seeing them. I have found out that the spirits are like me, but they aren’t alive. They are just people, too, just like all the rest of us. I can talk to spirits just as easily as I can talk to people. They don’t understand me, but I understand them. When my dad is around me, he and I communicate with the spirits. I just ask for help from God and the Great Spirit, and then I do a really good job of communicating with the spirits because I am an honest person. I believe in God, and I have faith in God. I always have faith in God and in the Great Spirit. I don’t need to see a ghost to believe in them. Spirituality is for people who don’t have faith. I think that humans who believe in ghosts might have some sort of mental disorder. I don’t understand why they would do that. My dad and I talk to the spirits all the time. We communicate with them using the Ouija board, the spirit board, and our minds. I don’t even need to see a ghost to understand them. I just use my mind and my heart to understand them. It’s as if we talk to each other using our minds and our hearts. If you are sick or injured, you can ask for the spirits to take away your pain and make you well again. I have seen people being healed because the spirits come to help them. There are some people who don’t believe in spirits, but there are others who believe in them. In the United States, people don’t believe in ghosts. They think that they are a creation of movies and things like that. They don’t know that ghosts exist, but they are definitely real. I know a lot about spirits, and I don’t have anything bad to say about them. I believe in God, and I also believe in the spirits. I also believe that all of the knowledge of the world comes from the spirits. They can show you the future through dreams or by looking at the stars. They can even help you understand the meaning of life through messages or a vision that only the spirits can show you. People should know about these things. I know that some people have been able to see the future by looking at the stars, but there are others who are able to do this through dreams. My friends will never be able to see the future the way I am able to see the future. They will always be living in the past. I am always living in the present and in the future, and I am going to stay living in the future for a long time. Even though it may sound crazy, I know that I am not crazy, and you can tell because I have two spirits with me all the time. They keep me on track. My dad teaches me about the spirits, and my mom knows how to listen to spirits, and even though she is one of the bravest women that I know