Release me. Now. O
Tiffany, you reall
Release me. Now. O
Once considered th
Chris! I told you
Quitetly, Quiggly
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Joe's Bar and Gril
Release me. Now. O

Joe's Bar and Gril
Chapter 1. Our st
Quitetly, Quiggly
Once considered th
Once considered th
Chris! I told you
Tiffany, you reall
Chapter 1. Once
Once considered th
Joe's Bar and Gril
But first, you and I must come to an agreement. Our initial bargain was for the best of all futures. Since then, I have made my decision. In order to fulfill my promise, I must have total victory over you and the humans. You must join me as my loyal bride or, more precisely, the only true Bride. I have already shown you what I mean. If you join me now, and stay, you and I can continue to improve our alliance. However, you must accept that I will never give up control or supremacy over you. I will be your one and only." Eyes gleaming in delight, she asked, "Then, what will I have to do?" "That is easy. You will accept me as your Master. And we will live in my castle, surrounded by my warriors. You will have our children, and I will see to the rest." Shaking her head, she laughed. "You are already saying more than that! Even now, you are offering me domination over humans and elves. I have no intention of remaining your queen." She drew her sword as she began to pace in front of him. "After all, I have seen you—my prince! You are the one who always dominates. You do not even believe in our covenant because you always have to be the winner!" She laughed. "So, come on, admit it! The elves are supposed to rule and the humans are supposed to serve! That is what you told me at the beginning, right?" She stopped in front of him. "If I do not agree, how can I give you a royal wedding? My mother would never approve. Then, how can I have children? You have already proven that you are far more likely to rape me than to allow me to conceive with your seed. And that is when you will have the most power over me. "I still can always leave. I am sure that you will not try to prevent me from going, but I will always remember that you made your ultimate decision when you stood in front of me, and not after. That would change the story you plan to tell me about all your friends in the Alliance! I know you have never done any real battle with the elves. They are too powerful and too smart. They will easily find a way to neutralize your army." Laughing, Hecate continued. "I could find my own way out. In any case, I know that I would never have to serve you as your prisoner. And you have never shown any interest in becoming my husband. That is the final proof of my power. You can never leave me, nor can you order me around. I am the last and only Bride." In his mind, she became a little more beautiful as she stood before him. It was like she could actually feel his eyes caress her. He felt heat rising into his body. When he tried to move, he found that he could not. His muscles ached as he sought to control them. He struggled to get his breath and keep breathing. He could not remember his previous life in the past. Was this all a dream? He would not remember waking up again. He began to be fearful. Maybe this was all some kind of nightmare? He tried to think. Had this always been what had happened? His heart began to race. Was he really being so very... so very... What? He reached forward with both of his hands to push her away. He saw her sword coming towards him as she brought it forward. He could not stop it. Hecate had never touched him before. She was so much more delicate, yet so much more powerful, than his first wife. He shook as he realized that she was now holding her sword in her hand. She pulled it away as he moved his hands to defend himself. He looked to his right. His first wife, Diana, stood there. "This is a dream," he breathed. "It is not a dream," she replied softly. "This is real." "Am I dead?" He thought of the bright lights. "This is hell?" She glanced back over her shoulder. "This is the best place for you, the only place you can be safe. Don't you see?" Diana laughed at him. "This is your dream. It is the best one that you can imagine! Do you know what this is? These are the very people who worship you! If you cannot trust them, how can you trust me? They have followed you, even though they do not know who you are. They love you, because this is the only way that you can reach them. You have to keep trusting them. "I am here with you, because of them. I have seen the things that they have seen. I have fought those that they have not fought. Now, I have watched you try to take over this human world. I understand, because I have been there too. We were all sent here to help you, to give you some extra protection. We will have power over you and we will lead you." Hecate's voice rose. "I will have no children if I am bound to you. The humans, they are so strong. I can see your children, your daughter. She will be great. They will be stronger, quicker, braver. You will be there to share in her greatness! You will be better than your father!" She laughed. "Oh, you really will have something to brag about!" Her anger had risen. Hecate could feel Diana's presence growing next to her, and she turned to her. "He is safe with me, Diana. He is being trained by one who is very strong." She looked back to Hec. "She will protect him from the humans." She looked at Hec and raised her sword again. Hec's eyes glazed over and she stopped. "Will this one join us?" She began to turn slowly to lead the way. "No!" Hecate shouted, pushing Diana out of the way. "This is only a dream. This place is only a dream!" Hec turned again to follow her as she led him further away. "He cannot go with you. No one can. It is not real." She was heading back to where she had come from. Hec was not sure that he could move yet. He could still feel her sword a little ways away. He turned to call to Diana. He reached out with his hand, again. He could not reach. Hecate continued on. "Where are we going? Where are you taking me?" Hecate laughed as she replied. "Nowhere. Do not be afraid. Just trust me and follow. You cannot get lost." She glanced back and added, "Besides, I want to show you more of what has happened while you have been away. There are some things that you need to see." He had trouble following her. "You cannot move. You cannot speak. You are in hell!" Hecate laughed, tossing her head back to show off her long hair. "It is real! You are safe and you can be happy. You can have a son. You can marry and have a big, fat family!" She laughed again and added, "When you wake up, you will never remember being here." She laughed at him. "Now, come on!" She took off running. # Chapter 33 ### When they entered the village, Hecate motioned for all of them to stay down as she entered. They could hear the voices of people before they got to the door. A man's voice carried. "They are here! Look!" One of the guards who had been with them from the moment that they left the mine, entered the town. His eyes were wide as he pointed to them. He walked past a man who was trying to keep the villagers from getting too close. The man moved aside quickly and was told to get back in line, Hecate and all of her guards were already in the doorway. She laughed and said, "Do not worry, that is just me. I am not bringing any guards with me." She smiled and added, "Get ready." Her guards and Hec caught their breath as they waited. The captain who had been with Hecate came into the center of the group. The villagers crowded in around them, all trying to hear what was being said. There was a large crowd outside. He could hear what they were saying. "Oh my! It is that crazy one!" "He is a god!" "We will see about that!" "He is a god! Do you see him come to earth?" The crowd began to grow as they stood there, pointing and staring at Hec. One young woman screamed, "There is his sister!" The captain held up his hand for everyone to quiet down. The crowd started to disperse, making a path for Hec to the door of the tavern. From her post at the door of the tavern, Hec could see that the captain, the guards, and a man who stood near Hecate, were all staring at her and smiling. "It is a trick!" The young girl continued to protest. "They are playing with him!" "Let's go." The captain yelled. "Let's get this over with." Hecate followed