That turned dark q
Quietly, Quiggly s
Joe's Bar and Gril
Release me. Now. O
That turned dark q
FTL is not possibl
But first, you and
Ships were lost du
Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Once

Chris! I told you
Once considered th
Release me. Now. O
Tiffany, you reall
Release me. Now. O
But first, you and
Joe's Bar and Gril
Chapter 1. Our st
Quitetly, Quiggly
Once considered th
Quitetly, Quiggly stepped into the darkness as he stealthily approached and steeled his emotions for what he was about to do. Steady breaths, he thought. The first time he snuck into the abandoned city, it was all about getting the feel of the place. Back then, he was very much a free spirit and had no goal, other than staying free. But he decided to visit the place again and see how he liked it. This time, he had a different feeling. He was looking to find and take the person responsible for leaving him alone in the city, and he had a target in his sights. Even though they hadn't been together in many days, Quiggly knew exactly how it was that he felt about her. And as he drew closer, Quiggly realized she wouldn't be an easy target to find. It was too easy for him to follow his heart and follow wherever it lead him. "It's like a maze," he thought as he looked around. What would he be doing in the middle of an abandoned city, but to find someone? He had followed his heart the last two times and was just waiting for his next opportunity. And if he was lucky, he could finally take care of things once and for all. "Why did I come back?" he thought, "Why was I brought back?" For some reason, he never thought he would leave when he first fled from the city. But Quiggly just couldn't stand living on the edge and was ready to see how life in the city went. He wanted to come back to feel the presence of the person he lost along with the person he loved. They both needed each other, and if he could find the two of them, they would be able to work things out. But if he couldn't, they would have to put their past behind them. The man took a few steps forward as he walked into the middle of the maze. The lights of the city flashed behind him and he just kept walking forward, focusing on the sounds of traffic and the footsteps of others. He started to wonder what would become of himself if he never found the person he was looking for and realized that he had to find a way to continue living. He thought he might have to die a terrible death, but he wasn't sure. "That's what I get for being rash," he thought, "I can't risk my life for just finding a relationship." Every step that he took lead him to a different place and Quiggly just kept walking forward. Quiggly looked back at the lights behind him, and he continued to walk until he got to a fork in the road. He decided to follow the road to the left and soon found himself out of the maze. He knew the area of town he was in very well, and the one thing that attracted him to this abandoned city in the first place. He just kept walking forward and soon found himself in a small park. It was there where he would find what he was looking for. Quiggly stepped back in the shadows and listened to the sound of his footsteps as he walked onto the grass and was soon surrounded by woods and trees. His first goal was to see if he was alone or if anyone was present. A few minutes passed and he had nothing to show for his efforts. When he heard a sound, he instantly froze and held his breath as he kept listening for a response. Quiggly didn't know if it was a natural sound or if there were others in the area. He strained his ears for the sound of a voice, but heard nothing. At the risk of being caught, Quiggly peered through the cracks in the forest to make sure he was alone. "Who could it be?" he thought as he took a few steps forward. There was nothing ahead of him. Quiggly glanced around and just as he was about to step out into the open, he heard another sound that got his attention. It was barely anything, but the sounds of footsteps were being made and every time he looked back, he found another person behind him. "What the hell?" he thought as he glanced around and saw that he was surrounded by a group of five people. They were so close that he was forced to make a decision. Should he run or should he take the risk and fight? Before Quiggly could decide what to do, he heard a voice behind him. It was loud and confident. It was the voice that left him here. The other four turned around to see who had arrived. He hadn't been in the best shape at that time and was very much different now, but he still stood a fair chance. It was unlikely that they would just be able to catch up with him, but if Quiggly kept the fight going he could possibly get the upper hand. The people just stared at Quiggly who continued to stand in the shadow. He was just about to fight back when he heard the voice again. It was the same voice he heard when he first entered the city. The sound of breathing, his heartbeat, Quiggly thought as he stepped out from the shadows. A second later, a young man with dirty white hair and black eyes stepped into the light. Quiggly wasn't prepared for the feeling of hatred he had for the man. It was something that he never felt before and it was fueled by the way he was treated by the man. They stood there for a while and there was no turning back, but Quiggly continued to hold his ground. The man was breathing heavily, "Who are you?" he said as he looked around at the other people. "I'm Quiggly, and you are just the kind of person that I've been looking for," he said as he stepped in front of the man. The man took a step forward and his eyes went wide, "Quiggly?" The boy thought to himself, what's going on here? "You're the cause of all this?" "And why should I listen to you?" Quiggly questioned as he began to push forward. The man took another step forward, "Why should I listen to you?" he repeated as he tried to get closer to Quiggly. Quiggly pushed the man hard and soon they began to wrestle. The man was larger and it was no surprise that he had a difficult time getting a grip on the boy. Quiggly was very cautious and was constantly looking to make sure that he didn't get beat by the man. He pushed, kicked, and knocked the man against the ground, but the man just pushed back. The two of them fell down against the grass of the park, and the man was on top. His clothes were dirty and he looked tired and hungry, but Quiggly was more exhausted. He didn't know if he could keep on fighting, but he couldn't help it as he pushed back, and it seemed as if the man didn't have a grip on him anymore. "I don't know how much longer I can fight back," he said as he leaned forward to try to throw the man off him. The man didn't move and Quiggly looked over his body for any injury. He looked down and saw that the man didn't have any scratches or wounds on him. "How can he not feel anything?" Quiggly didn't know how long the fight had lasted, but he knew he had to be careful as he fought. He wasn't willing to get beat by the man and didn't want to leave any blood on the ground. "What do I do?" he thought. "Is the man dead?" He reached down and touched the man's chest, "There's no heartbeat," he said. "Is he dead?" The man took another step forward and was now very close to Quiggly. It was only a matter of time before he took another step and broke through the grasp Quiggly had on him. Quiggly pushed back as hard as he could and the man was slowly forced to the ground. But the man wasn't done, "What do I do?" Quiggly said as he backed away and looked at the man. The man just stood up and looked at the boy. "You..." the man said as he pointed to Quiggly, "I thought I'd never see you again." "What do I do?" Quiggly asked as he backed up another step. "How does he see me?" he thought as he watched as the man walked towards him. "That was close," Quiggly said as he leaned against a tree. "It could have been much worse." The boy stood there and thought about what just happened. He had just entered the city and now had no idea what to do. "What now?" he asked himself as he looked around. "How do I leave this place?" Quiggly didn't know what would happen when the sun went down, but if he was caught by the other people, there would be no way of finding help. "If only I had something to defend myself with," Quiggly thought as he looked around the city for anything that might help him out. The last time he was in this