Chris! I told you
Once considered th
Once considered th
Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Our st
Joe's Bar and Gril
But first, you and
Release me. Now. O
Tiffany, you reall
Release me. Now. OTiffany, you really should reconsider your life choices if you are
capable of this kind of deception. I'm sure none of us would like to be
taken advantage of. Your relationship with Greg is more than
inappropriate. It's not safe for you to be on the road with him. I know
that you may feel as if Greg was the first serious relationship you've
had, but you should be careful of him. What if something bad were to
happen to you? I would hate to see you in the hospital.
I know that you may feel as if you can't do much about the
situation. I'm asking you to seriously consider not seeing him anymore.
If you feel that you have to see him in order to maintain your sanity,
please see a therapist to help you cope with your situation. I'm sure
your family is very concerned about you and would like to know you are
doing well. I'm sure they worry about you being in a situation where
you feel the need to see a complete stranger in order to prevent
yourself from hurting.
I hope you feel better soon.
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