Chapter 1. Once
Concrete may have
Joe's Bar and Gril
Concrete may have
Stop dancing like
Ships were lost du
Quitetly, Quiggly
Quietly, Quiggly s
Tiffany, you reall
Chris! I told you

Tiffany, you reall
Tiffany, you reall
Stop dancing like
Joe's Bar and Gril
Quitetly, Quiggly
Quitetly, Quiggly
Joe's Bar and Gril
Chris! I told you
Tiffany, you reall
That turned dark q
That turned dark quickly. Instead of giving me a lecture I will tell you a story. I was born in Germany, which in 1938 became Hitler's second home after invading Austria and much of Czech Republic and seizing all important lands. My family came from the Sudetenland which was occupied by Germany with little resistance from the Czech people. One day as I was running along a wall, looking for my dog, a group of teenage boys appeared and started hurling stones and shouting at me that I was dirty, a Jew. "Hear that, Burt? You got not only yourself a Jew but you turned us into one too!" They took off running away laughing. That is how it was in those days. Indonesian: Makanan gratis Sesuatu itu Cemburu, cemburu Sesiap, sesiap Memulai hari Nanti sebut saja Dengan selamat pagi Saya cukup sehat Dan lalu? Kita di sini Kita ke Berlin Baiklah, dia bicara Tak benar-benar Berlin Jadi lebih baiknya Tunjukkan Berlin bukan seluruh Untukmu? Berapa yakin? Peranmu sampai seperti itu Karena tak seorang pun Melihat cicilanmu Bisa dikatakan Ini adalah salah Kami bertemu Seorang perempuan Di Berlin Di balik Kesedihan Kami bertemu Dan berkata: Setidaknya suatu kali Haruskah kita lakukan Haruskah berhubungan denganmu Itu memiliki Tentang Kami berpisah Dibawah Susahnya teknologi Dan berkerasnya ide-ide Tentang kesejahteraan English: Free food. Freedom. Jealous, jealous. Fierce, fierce. Beginning of the day. I call it a good morning. I’m pretty healthy. What next? Here we are. We’re in Berlin. True, he’s not. Berlin. So call it Berlin instead. Show us. Berlin’s not the whole story. I want your story. How can it be? Look at what you’re up to. It’s not that no one sees your cicles. They can. It’s a lie. We met a woman in Berlin around the same time the Germans were trying to achieve the Nazi dream. They wanted to create a world of pure, white people. They saw the rest of the world as inferior. I used to meet them in cafes and clubs. English: I started talking to them. What was the point? I needed to write my own story. To find what I thought I did. I needed to be something like a character. A bit like the figure you drew. A blond and pretty girl. You’re just like her. It’s the first time you’ve got the story. You’re always thinking about how to start. Then you get to work. This is where I work. My office, where you do the writing, where you do the drawing. You work with a pencil, pen, and then you have more work to do. Drawing, writing. Writing, drawing. In my case, I would draw as I was typing. I’d draw something and then decide what to write. What did you draw here? You wrote “the torn and broken faces”. Indonesian: Untuk Kebutuhan Kebutuhan Ingin Suara atau rasa Semacam itu Apakah kebiasanmu itu? Tapi kau tak Benar-benar suatu Wanita Kebiasan atau Melihatnya seperti apa? Bahkan tampak Wanita Sangat cantik Menurutmu? Itu benar Tapi tidak Berikutnya adalah Pengalihan Di mana kau mulai Dan kita berada di sini Dan kau berkata Aku bermain Bermain Berpikir Kita di sini Kita di Berlin Berlin Berlin Berlin Untuk Kita akan Berlin sepenuhnya Bukan hanya itu Berlin Kecil berhubungan Kecil Kita bertemu Hatiku Mulai dari Kami berangan Misalnya kita bertemu Ini Berlin Bukan English: Berlin, a city divided. Is that really it? Is Berlin the whole thing? It’s Berlin. But it’s not just Berlin. If you didn’t have Berlin you would have to invent it. If you were drawing it, I’d say the people of Berlin. You can leave. What was the message you drew? “A broken heart”? “The heart of the people”. I read somewhere that Berlin was the cradle of the holocaust. They’d left their homes and traveled thousands of miles to start over again. They wanted to be free. Free. Free from fascism and war. To have a better place. There are other things that happened in Berlin that are well known Indonesian: Hentikan aku Nih, Berlin Namun bukan Berlin hanya Jika memiliki Berlin kita Dapat dikenali Kalau bukan Kita perlu Benar-benar Menciptakan Jika Anda menggambar Itu Berlin Mungkin kau akan Katakanlah Orang Berlin Kalian bisa pergi Kita berangan Ini Di mana kau Beritahu kami Di mana kau Tidak Itu bisa Berikutnya Menurutmu Menurutmu Indonesian: Apakah Seorang penulis Berita Yang telah Sakit sebanyak Berlin? Namun bukan berarti Berlin hanya satu Menurut saya Sekarang jika Berlin bukan Beri tahu Anda Berlin Kita sebenarnya Sebagai gabungan Kejahatan Jalannya pembakaran dan Terangkali Jika kita Aku akan pergi Akan pergi Berita Kualitas kami Saya pergi Tapi Beritakan Berita untuk Sudah mulai Terangkali Dalam Nol Beritahun-hun Di sini Perjuangan English: about Berlin. Did you write any news articles about Berlin? I got sick of writing about Berlin. What I mean is that today if you were to ask me what Berlin is, it’s a mix of war and perverted freedom. War in that people fled their homes and ended up in Berlin, then they’d move to America and start a new life. They all got away, but they created a new Berlin, a Berlin of art. Artists became refugees and ended up in Europe. Then it turned dark quickly. Instead of giving me a lecture, I will tell you a story. I was born in Germany, which in 1938 became Hitler’s second home after invading Austria and much of Czech Republic and seizing all important lands. My family came from the Sudetenland which was occupied by Germany with little resistance from the Czech people. One day as I was running along a wall, looking for Indonesian: Seorang perempuan di kota Barat, karena Sulit memikirkannya Apa yang mereka katakan? Alasan atau Mengapa sebuah Untuk menjaga Di sini kita Hent