Quietly, Quiggly s
Tiffany, you reall
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That turned dark q
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Release me. Now. O
Ships were lost du
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Chapter 1. Our st
We've recently dis

Chapter 1. Once
We've recently dis
Tiffany, you reall
Chapter 1. Our st
Chris! I told you
That turned dark q
Chris! I told you
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Ships were lost du
Stop dancing like
That turned dark quickly. Instead of a gentle "I think I'm about to get an erection," or something of that nature, it became a "Well now I'm just gonna have to let it simmer down until tomorrow morning," with a big sigh of relief on the part of your humble narrator. It wasn't until about 2:30 am, just as I was about to fall asleep, that I started getting that gentle tingle in the old tickle-down there. And then, just like the erection thing, it sort of built up, rather than came on slowly. And, again, this is with sleeping shorts, which I was in that night, and my boxers, which are basically sleeping shorts, I don't wear briefs or anything like that to bed. I find they tend to get caught on stuff. And I'm pretty sure the boxers didn't have a tenting effect on things. Whatever it was, by 4:30 am I was fully awake. And I've never had that happen before, to be honest. I'm going on 13 years of sex, believe it or not. But I've never had to let a boner down before, and I've never had one that actually felt like it was going to explode. But I started having to let it down. The thing was getting painful. It's a pretty good thing my bed is so comfortable, because that was a very uncomfortable place to spend the night. By the time we were up, it was about 8:30 am, and I didn't have to go to work, so it was pretty early. And I think having a fairly early start makes me feel way better for the rest of the day. So I just spent the morning napping and, you know, writing some e-mail and checking stuff out on the Web, and trying to get ready for my afternoon meeting. My day job keeps me very busy, I might add, so this was a rare day for me where I was actually free to spend some time in my own home before the daily commute. I got up around noon. When I left for work that night, it was still daylight. I was actually going to bed a little earlier than I normally would have. Not knowing how to handle the situation, I just tried to sleep. And I do try to avoid being aroused during the day. I didn't want it to happen again. I didn't even masturbate. And I just wanted to try to get through the rest of the day, with maybe a nap or something, and I'd deal with it after work. Well, unfortunately, things are not getting any better. It's getting worse. The problem is, it's not being brought under control. It just builds and builds, and my boner is lasting much longer than it used to. And the more it builds, the stronger it gets. It's growing larger. It's a really large one. And I get these big, red, lumpy things at the top of the shaft. They're kind of like these little bumps, and they kind of hurt when they're rubbing against each other. I don't know what they are, but they hurt a little bit. They never have before. My cock used to be sort of soft, and, you know, you could be walking around in your workclothes or something, and it would be like, "Hey, here comes that thing." You could feel it, but you couldn't feel it with your hand, it was so soft. But that's not the case any more. It's huge, it's hard, it's -- I don't know, I don't know what to do. I mean, I've taken over-the-counter stuff before, but nothing is working. I take all this stuff. I mean, you name it, and I've tried it. And it just makes it worse. I've tried the little cock ring thing that some guys get with lube. You get a little foam or something, and you take it. You roll it up over the head of your cock, and you put some lube on it. And it's supposed to help get things under control. But nothing is working. What can I say? Let's see, maybe tomorrow I'll give another e-mail another try. [ Whistles, laughs ] No, tomorrow the problem is here, not tomorrow. Oh, my God. The only things that are making this better are porn. Porn is the only thing that's working. And it is an absolute, absolute addiction. A big-cocked man walks into a bar. I'm very aware of it. I'm always -- there's no privacy in my own home, it's just, you know, family room, kitchen, one hallway bathroom. And I'm always checking to see if anyone's watching, because I hate, hate, hate that it looks like I have something to hide. I'm really, really scared to go to a doctor, because I know the guy is gonna go, "Oh, yeah, look at the size of that! Big cock!" And I don't want to hear that. I've been in therapy. I've been in therapy for four years, for about a year and a half before I started having sex with anyone. So I'm pretty open with it. So I do think it's normal for guys who are into porn to have these issues. But, again, I think it's about personal responsibility. And it's something I would feel comfortable talking to my wife about, if I was having trouble with it. It's just something I really wouldn't like anyone to know about. And, again, I'm sure there are men out there who have had problems like this and just don't admit it. It's just so much easier to try to hide it and pretend that it's not there. [ Shuffling ] It's not something I can just masturbate over. That's not for me. The content of this message is privileged and confidential and is intended solely for the addressee. No other use, distribution or reproduction of any part of this message, including any attachments, without first obtaining express permission from the originator is permitted. ==================================================================?This message was sent to you because you are subscribed to the ?Message from Lycos. To modify your subscription or to unsubscribe ?from this email, visit the following URL:?http://savemessage.lycos.com/cgi-bin/frame_unsub.cgi?This email was?sent by: ?Gold Source (tm) and?Gold Message Network? 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