Stop dancing like
Ships were lost du
Once considered th
Chris! I told you
That turned dark q
Chris! I told you
Chapter 1. Our st
Tiffany, you reall
We've recently dis
Chapter 1. Once

Concrete may have
Ships were lost du
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Release me. Now. O
Once considered th
Once considered th
Chapter 1. Once
Release me. Now. O
Stop dancing like
Chris! I told you
Stop dancing like that. it looks like you’re throwing confetti” I don’t want to change what I’m doing on stage. I don’t want to change a lot of things I don’t want to stop the freedom that I have on stage just to fit into the image that I’m trying to portray (… ahh!) (…I get it.) (I’m okay now.) I want to keep my original style and try to work that little bit of freedom in. I think people should take risks and be brave and… don’t worry about what people think. Don’t be afraid to make your mistakes and change the way you dress you have to do what you think is right. you can’t not do what you feel your heart saying. - it’s your body! your body follows your mind. You should do what makes you feel good. - yeah You have to live your life honestly and courageously. I want to be a person who’s honest with herself. I’m not pretending I’m not trying to conform to an image. I am myself. That’s why this is the end of my second album. I put everything in it that I thought of myself. I guess that is why I’m working hard to be good in every aspect. There’s nothing more important to me than how I feel about myself and that I could have a big impact on the world. So I want to get better at all of that I don’t want to rest until I get it all together. I want to be the kind of person that never gets frustrated with herself. but I’m still a baby and there’s a lot of things that I want to learn. - - So yeah… I just think that they all have inspirational words to you. - I didn’t know that you had a very serious mindset. - We have a lot of things in common. - Of course! - I want to make a promise to you. I want to make you a promise. - Thank you. - No. No. I’m saying that you should continue being you. (What?) I don’t like the way this interview is going so please promise me that you won’t get any plastic surgery. (I won’t!) Okay? (So that’s a promise!) - So? - So? - I’m going to tell you something. - Oh, okay. - Your lips have a lot to be desired. You have to stop frowning. (What did you say? I have to what? Ahh...) (Okay. I’ll do as you say.) Yes, you have to have your lip fixed. I’ll go to the doctor. I hope it will be okay. Your eyelids should look brighter. I don’t really agree with that. If they get wrinkled, they’ll get wrinkled. They’re fine the way they are. So do what you want. If they’re wrinkled, that’s what they are. We don’t like you when you’re wrinkly. Don’t be a little baby. You’re a little baby. (That’s not what I meant! If I ask you a favor, I want you to do it for me.) Yes, it’s obvious that I don’t mean it. - I can’t believe you asked me to do that. - I’m doing what you ask. You can’t say you didn’t do what you’re supposed to. I really didn’t do anything. - When are you going to do it? - (Hurry up. I said tomorrow.) We’re having a little party tomorrow. You want to know that I’m telling you the truth - - I’m going to go tell my mother. - Well, my mother is my family I’m talking about a party. I’ll meet you tomorrow at 7 P.M. At 7 P.M. tomorrow, okay? That’s good enough. I’m going to say goodbye. - Okay. Okay. Thank you. - I really am, more than you know. - (The promise…) Okay. - You don’t know. You want to make a promise? I’m going to say that you should continue being you. You should keep working on what you think is right. I want you to be yourself. Thank you for liking me. Thank you. I’m really grateful that I got to work with a big group of people. I was really happy to have my first two singles come out and have my first album come out when I was younger. I’m really grateful that I had an opportunity to work with a new artist like her. I think we were the same in the way that we want to show the world a different side of ourselves. Don’t do that. All right. (Thank you. I love you.) (Oh.) Chinese: 从第三任 到第一任 是出名商业成功的男演员 演过的电影数量也居高不下 印象非常深刻 他是个丰富的演员 专注于演戏 这也许才是他的真正潜质 能在这些电影中获得这样的成功 是他靠自己的选择才能达到的结果 一定意味着他想多了 对他的演员身份的全部承诺 以及对具体工作的信心 我也想深深地感谢 他们 我也真的很感谢 你们拍了自己的摄影 并且让我拍摄了摄影 拍完最后一个广告时 也有几名角色在这里 我真的很高兴 在这次拍摄中见到了大家 和演员一起拍摄 感觉好像在拍某个节目 感谢你们帮助我真的很蛮感谢 我觉得 其实对他来说 我们的整个这次拍摄 完成以后 应该都是令他高兴的 这次被拍的不仅只是一个演员 English