Quitetly, Quiggly
Once considered th
Joe's Bar and Gril
But first, you and
That turned dark q
Once considered th
Joe's Bar and Gril
Once considered th
Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Once That turned dark quickly. Instead
of a man named G, they thought there was
probably something really, really bad
going on, so they called 911.
Now if you do not want
this to happen to you, you might want
to look at your credit card because
there's some pretty alarming stuff on there.
The card number was supposed to be encrypted,
there's the expiration date, the code
to validate the card number, and then
the card number. If it looked like this,
that would be really bad. They saw something
look like this and they wanted to cancel it
right away, but you can't cancel an expired
credit card, right? Instead, they bought
new credit cards that looked like this
in a last ditch effort to rid themselves
of the bad
looking card.
"The suspect was identified as a white male
in his early 20's, height about 6'3
weighs about 225 pounds, grey hair
a thin nose, and a mustache.
The suspect had a red backpack with
an emblem of an eagle over a shield.
The suspect might be carrying
a large knife.
The suspect is extremely dangerous
and may have killed before.
Please call 911 immediately if you have
seen the suspect."
Now this is one of the things
you always want to know.
What are you looking at?
They are looking for some
sort of indication that you're doing something
illegal, that you're doing something that
would cause you problems. Most often,
this is because they're actually afraid
of people who look like you. They have
seen your Facebook, they've looked at
your Snapchat, they've seen your text
messages, and it looks like you're doing
something really, really bad.
"Cops are investigating the source of a
letter they got containing anthrax and
white powder." Oh no! What did you do?
"We suspect that whoever
wrote this letter was mad at
a local judge because he ordered
the release of a teen who had been in jail
for over a month for driving without a
license, or for possession of synthetic
marijuana, or maybe because he shot a
neighbor's cow.
Whatever the reason, the writer decided
to take the law into his own hands. He
also sent white powder to six others in
the county." Now if you get a letter like
this, what would you do? "When I opened
my front door, the mailman had just left
my doorstep, I opened the brown bag in my
hand and the mailman looked so surprised
to see me that I became terrified, which
was about the only thing that kept me
from being sick." Wow.
If you get something like this,
you might want to know,
am I in danger of getting arrested,
am I safe, can I take this letter to the
police, or is it something to turn
it into the FBI?
"As you can see, I did not
take the letter to the police. I took the
letter to my dad and we put it in the
wood stove."
"It's a new trend in the middle
schools. Parents are angry that students
are dressing up in costumes from movies
and video games to take pictures with
other students. The trend has grown to
the point where parents now have to have
their kids police the hallways and report
any suspicious characters to school
officials. They're also required to get
students to open and turn their locker
doors before they can go in." How do I
know if I should stop and check or not?
This is a very good question,
should you be checking your back in the
parking lot or the shopping mall.
"Do you know who you're
looking for? Are they wearing black
and white? Would they scare you?
Let the police know." How do I know
if they will arrest me?
That is an excellent question,
they might. "Police arrested a teenager
who left several packages, including
wrapping paper with marijuana inside it.
The teen was arrested and his mom
has been ordered not to interfere with
her son. This case underscores a serious
issue facing parents,
and that's should they should they check
for any strangers who might be lurking
around your child? And can they interfere
with this teenager?"
It can go back the other way,
and you know what you do?
You call the police right away,
it's not easy, but you do it right away.
We have talked about the problem
most often
police response times
can be 10 minutes to an hour, or even
more in some cases. Now if you send in
this information, you've done a really
good thing, but there's something
else you should be thinking about.
"They've given you some advice here,
you should tell your neighbors
right away if you've seen anyone
wearing a black mask in front of your home,
so people can look out for each other.
The next thing they have told you is to
move to a safe location. What that means
is you need to get in a place where you
can wait for the police to arrive if
there's something going on, because you're
still in danger even if the police arrive.
Again, you need to know what the threat
is before you can act, so be prepared to
know how to act." This person
is telling you to take measures.
There's no question that these
threats, the white powder ones, you need
to contact the authorities right away.
Then there's the gun threats and the ones
where you're talking about the police
wearing your stuff as a mask,
in that case you can do whatever you want.
You can tell your neighbors, you can contact
the police, it's up to you,
it doesn't affect me. Don't let people
talk you out of getting the things that
you need, you know what to do.
And again, if you have some kind of social
media, or social media that you keep track
of, you can post it, you can share it.
We talked about this.
We were on the front page.
We were on your Twitter feed.
You're not that important.
That's it for today.
Please share these things with your friends.
I will see you next time.
Have a good day.
That's how to stay safe online.
You may not always think of them that way,
but they are.
You stay safe, keep yourself
safe and your family safe,
thanks for watching.