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Quitetly, Quiggly
Tiffany, you reallOnce considered the most complex solution, we are now driven by
the necessity for a single point of truth and meticulous monitoring.
By integrating financial and operational data to provide a snap shot
statement of any entity at any point of time, we aim to give the
user the information necessary for quick decision-making.
* How do we store data
Electronic accounting data is key to the speed and functionality of any
solution. However, by utilizing a hosted model we can retain complete
control of the data using secure encryption technology.
* How do we offer the broadest possible utility
By providing a neutral data store, it means that any member of the
community can query the data via an API or spreadsheet interface.
* How do we promote collaboration
Building on this hosted environment, we should also be able to build a
collaborative environment into the product.
* How do we present data
Utilizing common business objects, it means that the data can be imported
and displayed in any business tool. All data is stored in discreet objects
to ensure that the data can never be incorrectly merged.
* How do we develop a market for financial data
We can develop and market an interface that will deliver real-time data to
the market in exchange for a fee. This will offer a number of advantages
for us, including:
- Increased revenues from a single data source
- Improved market efficiency
- Improved price transparency
* How do we create a viral model
These applications should also be marketed for a single fee in the form of
API access.
* How do we create added value
This helps the application to generate the added value that is essential
given the proliferation of applications in this space.
* How do we build loyalty
By supplying financial market data to industry end-users we can build loyalty
and transactional revenues.
(See attached file: outline.doc)
- outline.doc