Quietly, Quiggly s
Chris! I told you
Chapter 1. Once
Tiffany, you reall
Chris! I told you
FTL is not possibl
Tiffany, you reall
FTL is not possibl
Once considered th
Tiffany, you reallFTL is not possible, but Dr. Jones proceeded to offer great insight with the words,
"Well, I guess that means the whole damn pyramid will have to be reprogrammed with the newer design specs."
(See "The Pyramid Conspiracy" or "The Pyramid Conspiracy 2: The Great Enigma")
While the Great Pyramid may look like the only structure for the Great Light on the pyramid, there is a whole system of energy lines behind the pyramids. To access these energy lines, find the entrance to the underground pyramid, and walk inside the pyramid. Go to the area with the Great Light and place the Great Blue Elixir on the pyramid. Be sure the container holding the elixir does not touch the pyramid. Place a crystal on the pyramid with elixir. Within seconds, you will hear a loud buzzing, like bees. The whole area will be illuminated, and an area of energy appears to surround the pyramid. Now, to summon the Great Light you must step on the pyramid. After you step on the pyramid, it should look like the Great Light has been summoned. If your pyramid is not glowing brightly like the Great Light, then try the elixir again. To make this energy work more powerful, connect with the light by placing your hands on the pyramid and allowing it to feel your energy and emotions and let the blue energy flow. Be sure to thank the Great Pyramid for its gift.
(German "Das große Pyramidengespenst". A book by Manfred Krebs, which translates to "The Great Pyramid Anecdote". Translated from German by John D. Lanktree)
External links
Fra Mauro's View - "Great Pyramid" is The "All Seeing Eye"
The Pyramid Conspiracy
The Great Pyramid Conspiracy
The Great Pyramid Conspiracy 2: The Great Enigma
The Great Pyramid Conspiracy 3: The Secrets of the Great Pyramid
The Great Pyramid Conspiracy 4: The Powerful Pyramid Grid
The Great Pyramid Conspiracy 5: The Mystery of the Great Pyramid
The Great Pyramid Conspiracy 6: The Pyramid Mystery
"Hear the Voice of Pyramid" - a documentary film by Dan Vyleta about the Great Pyramid Conspiracy
Category:Pyramids in Egypt
Category:Fictional Egyptian people
Category:Fictional prophets
Category:Mythological kings
Category:Giza Plateau
Category:Ancient Egypt in fiction
Category:Urban legends
Category:Urban legends
Category:Urban legends (Egypt)
Category:Legends of the Egyptian sun temples
Category:Legends of the Maya
Category:Conspiracy theories