Tiffany, you reall
Chapter 1. Once
Release me. Now. O
Chapter 1. Once
Chapter 1. Our st
Joe's Bar and Gril
Quitetly, Quiggly
Chris! I told you
But first, you and
Chapter 1. Our stOnce considered the most complex solution, we are now driven by
market feedback to believe there may be simpler and more elegant
solutions to our customers' requirements. This may also have a positive
impact on IT developers by freeing them to work on new IT
? As announced in our e-mail on July 21, we have started discussions with
our technology partners about a number of possible IT solutions. We are in
mid- to late-stages discussions with vendors to eliminate potential
barriers to the technology partnerships and are making good progress. We
have also started testing the first set of prototypes of these IT
? In September our senior management will brief you on our plan and
? We have been in regular contact with analysts who follow Enron. We
will also share with you the key messages from these analyst
interviews. An appendix to this memo will give you some key data on our
financial performance.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Further to Klaus' presentation today, there are a few follow-up questions:
Will the functionality from the existing workflow applications be
transferred to the new IT infrastructure, or is there some sort of
investment in the development of workflow functionality specific to the
new architecture?
Will the scope of this investment be limited to Worklife, or will the
scope be expanded to include other applications?
What is the timeframe for implementation? It's been rumored that
implementation will begin in 2002, but I haven't heard a specific
announcement regarding implementation timeframes.
The last bullet above suggests that there is a large amount of
workflow functionality within Worklife. What is the estimated
percentage of worklife transactions which utilize workflow?
Is the Worklife transaction functionality currently utilizing the
capacity on the existing infrastructure, and, if so, how does the
forecasted roll-out of the IT infrastructure support additional
workflow processing?
What is the implementation timeframe for financial trading
David Ikenberry
10/16/2001 03:09 PM
To: Nicki Daw/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeff Skilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kenneth
Lay/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John Thompson/LON/ECT@ECT, Karen S Owens@ees, Andrew S
Fastow/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Frevert/NA/Enron@Enron, Kevin P Hannon/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications,iya
cc: Donald M- ECT Origination Black/HOU/ECT@ECT, Barry S
Williams/Enron@EnronXGate, Rodney Malcolm/Enron@EnronXGate
Subject: Workflow and other following-up
There were several questions that came up during today's discussion on our
options for dealing with the WorkFlow/EnTelligence tool. These are the
initial options as I understand them:
Option 1 - No action - do nothing and let Milnthorp and his team sort out the
contractual issues. The risks here are that we have no perceived need/use
for the tool (and we are locked into only one vendor) and that we have a
potential $10Million expenditure with Milnthorp at a time when we are trying
to minimize expenses.
Option 2 - Terminate for $1 - obtain a one year license from the current
vendor, PeopleBank, terminate the current agreement and allow the current
vendor to complete the WorkFlow project in its current form. The risks here
are that we terminate an agreement with a vendor in the middle of a project
that may have lower switching costs, that the new product is perceived as a
disappointment (due to our involvement) and that there is a perceived
$10Million expenditure at a time when Milnthorp is focused on cost
cutting/opportunities to reduce expenditures.
Option 3 - Terminate for $2 - Terminate the agreement and obtain a two year
license from the new vendor, PeopleBank. This option assumes that we have the
ability to negotiate an arrangement with PeopleBank to minimize our payment
and therefore we have no $ risk. The risk with this option is that we have no
WorkFlow/EnTelligence product for one or two years. I assume that PeopleBank
will allow us to roll the current WorkFlow project over into the product
that they will develop for us for a one time payment. The upside of this
option is that we are able to minimize the costs to Enron by leveraging
PeopleBank's product development capabilities.
The group is still considering all the options and I will continue to
reiterate the risks of the different options. Please direct any questions or
requests for additional information to myself at 713 853 3174.