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Concrete may have Quietly, Quiggly stepped into the darkness as he stealthily approached and steeled himself to confront the man. Quiggly took his position directly behind the figure as though he were hiding behind a tree and waiting to ambush a trespasser. With a quiet voice, he called out to the young man, "You are trespassing on private property, Sir, you need to leave at once! This is private property!"
His low voice sent chills through the boy, who stopped and turned around, surprised to see a ghostly figure dressed in a long, flowing black robe with a white face floating in the darkness. With a sudden surge of terror, he turned and ran down the driveway. He ran across the lawn and toward the main road, leaving Quiggly bewildered.
As the boy approached the main road, he tripped on something and fell to the ground. Lying on the ground in the darkness, he suddenly froze with fear as a figure of a woman stepped from behind a large oak tree, also dressed in a long black robe with a white face.
With horror in his voice, the boy screamed, "Are you two ghosts too!?"
She stood looking at him without saying a word and seemed perplexed at his questions. She turned and slowly walked out of his field of vision and disappeared as well. The boy stared at his surroundings and stood up confused. He slowly moved forward, looking for any objects that would explain his vision of ghosts, but there was nothing there. He wondered if he had left his glasses or a cell phone back at the park and had simply had a daydream of ghosts. He reached up and rubbed his right eye, as if to erase the image of the ghosts and went back to his car.
A minute or two later, the car pulled back out onto the road, and the boy headed back to his job in Manhattan. Quiggly, however, had followed him back out onto the road and made sure he drove on to Manhattan safely.
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# Appendix
# The List of Sins
# Sin One: Lying
Lie: A conscious act of falsely representing something as true with the intent of deceiving others.
# Sin Two: Stealing
Theft: The taking of another's property without permission or the use of another's property without permission, whether by force or deceit.
# Sin Three: Alcohol Abuse
Drunkenness: The loss of one's normal sense of reason, judgment or self control.
# Sin Four: Violence
Violence: Anything that threatens, harms, or injures another or the destruction or damage to another's property.
# Sin Five: Selfishness
Selfishness: Taking without consideration or consideration of others; thinking of oneself alone.
# Sin Six: Immorality
Immorality: Any kind of behavior that is forbidden by the Scripture.
# Sin Seven: Envy
Envy: To desire to have what someone else has; to covet; wishing bad upon another; malice, ill will, resentment or hatred.
# Sin Eight: Pride
Pride: An unreasonable confidence in ones own greatness or importance; self-importance; to think of oneself as better or more important than others.
# Sin Nine: Unforgiveness
Unforgiveness: The act of holding others in resentment, anger and ill will; resenting others for past transgressions.
# Sin Ten: Ungodly Attitudes
Dissipation: To spend inappropriately or without discretion; waste.
# Sin Eleven: Deceit
Deception: Intentional falsehood, intentional withholding of truthful information with the purpose of misleading or fooling someone.
# Sin Twelve: Inaction
Inaction: An intentional failure to take the action necessary to avoid the commission of a sin.
# Sin Thirteen: Hypocrisy
Hypocrisy: Actively participating in a behavior which is inconsistent with an individual's publicly stated beliefs.
# Sin Fourteen: Disrespect of Others
Respect: Showing love, honor, kindness or regard for someone or something worthy of respect.
# Sin Fifteen: Treachery
Treachery: Deliberately acting in a way that results in the harm or dishonor of another person.
# Sin Sixteen: Gossip
Gossip: Passing on information about another, usually maliciously.
# Sin Seventeen: False Witness
False witness: Giving false information on oath in a court of law.
# Sin Eighteen: Blasphemy
Blasphemy: Exhibiting contempt for the Christian God; insulting the Christian God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit or Holy Scripture.
# Sin Nineteen: Ingratitude
Ingratitude: Not giving thanks to God for his great benefits; refusing to acknowledge the great blessings God provides; not being grateful for the things God bestows upon us.
# Sin Twenty: Envy
Envy: To desire to have what someone else has; to covet; wishing bad upon another; malice, ill will, resentment or hatred.
# Sin Twenty-One: Unkindness
Unkindness: Inclined to harm or injure; spiteful.
# Sin Twenty-Two: Hate
Hate: To feel intense dislike for another.
# Sin Twenty-Three: Gluttony
Gluttony: To have an inordinate desire for food; to lust after food.
# Sin Twenty-Four: Selfishness
Selfishness: Taking without consideration or consideration of others; thinking of oneself alone.
# Sin Twenty-Five: Inaction
Inaction: An intentional failure to take the action necessary to avoid the commission of a sin.
# Sin Twenty-Six: Forgetfulness
Forgetfulness: The act of forgetting, either voluntarily or involuntarily.
# Sin Twenty-Seven: Sarcasm
Sarcasm: An insulting remark made with a smile on the face to express contempt.
# Sin Twenty-Eight: Gossip
Gossip: Passing on information about another, usually maliciously.
# Sin Twenty-Nine: Unbelief
Unbelief: A state of heart that refuses to trust or believe the gospel of Christ.
# Sin Thirty: Persecution
Persecution: Intentional attack on another's person or property because of belief.
# Sin Thirty-One: Accommodationism
Accommodationism: The act of attempting to conform to a person or belief, especially one's own, in order to win approval.
# Sin Thirty-Two: Envy
Envy: To desire to have what someone else has; to covet; wishing bad upon another; malice, ill will, resentment or hatred.
# Sin Thirty-Three: Pride
Pride: An unreasonable confidence in ones own greatness or importance; self-importance; to think of oneself as better or more important than others.
# Sin Thirty-Four: Bitterness
Bitterness: Refusal to be reconciled; not to forgive or forget; persistent state of feeling aggrieved and indignant.
# Sin Thirty-Five: Selfishness
Selfishness: Taking without consideration or consideration of others; thinking of oneself alone.
# Sin Thirty-Six: Inaction
Inaction: An intentional failure to take the action necessary to avoid the commission of a sin.
# Sin Thirty-Seven: Falling Away
Falling Away: Abandonment of the Christian faith; becoming apostate or failing to remain faithful to God.
# Sin Thirty-Eight: Dissension
Dissension: Separateness, strife; disagreement and contradiction.
# Sin Thirty-Nine: Pride
Pride: An unreasonable confidence in ones own greatness or importance; self-importance; to think of oneself as better or more important than others.
# Sin Forty: Enmity
Enmity: Intentional, persistent animosity, enmity, hatred, animosity; a state of hostility.
# Sin Forty-One: Revenge
Revenge: Retribution, repayment; the desire for revenge or punishment.
# Sin Forty-Two: Unbelief
Unbelief: A state of heart that refuses to trust or believe the gospel of Christ.
# Sin Forty-Three: Hate
Hate: To feel intense dislike for another.
# Sin Forty-Four: Anger
Anger: Sorrow, grief; indignation or fury of mind.
# Sin Forty-Five: Ingratitude
Ingratitude: Not giving thanks to God for his great benefits; refusing to acknowledge the great blessings God provides; not being grateful for the things God bestows upon us.
# Sin Forty-Six: Neglect of Church
Neglect of Church: Failure to regularly