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A few months ago,
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1. Introduction {#
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I went from my local grocery store here in NJ to my local grocery store in PA. I took advantage of my newfound 2 hr time change and went out for dinner before I picked up my groceries. I got back about 20 minutes before my order was due to be ready so I popped my laptop on the counter and started typing the delivery order in. It was 9pm at this point and delivery was due at 10pm, not a problem. A few minutes into ordering I realized something. The delivery person ordered my dinner. With a smile, we agreed that I would just sit back and wait for them to be ready instead of having to go back and forth ordering with him. I sat and did my nails until they called to deliver my food. I grabbed the bag and went back to the lobby. I was getting ready to sit down and eat when another package with my name on it showed up. My dining companion's food was taking longer and apparently mine came as a surprise. It wasn't meant to be. I took the dinner he set on the table and put it back in the package so that he wouldn't have to take it back down when he got back with our entrées. I sat down and put my packages of cookies aside. My dining companion called the kitchen so I waited until they came. They brought out the package with my name on it and set it on the counter. I picked it up to take back to my room but it was heavier than I thought. I took it to the counter and one of the people working there walked with me back to my room. As we walked in he saw my cookie and his eyes lit up like a firecracker. He immediately took the cookie out of the package and gave it to me to eat. With his fingers still in the bag, he pulled out another cookie for me. Then he walked back over to the counter and put the package into my hands. I wasn't expecting him to do this but the guy had no idea. I put the package in the fridge and started texting. This was the best delivery and the most unexpected of all delivery services. I'm so in awe of these packages, these amazing gifties. It's great to have new stuff! And I don't care if I'm being weird, I think it's great that you're going to meet your match in person. Just think - you get to start the match all over again in terms of the relationship, since you have to wait 6-12 months to see your match again, and if you find a match with the same interests. I think that's the cool part! So, I need a match!! If you find a match that's within 60 miles of me, I'll pay for shipping. I'm also willing to split the cost of shipping if you find a match somewhere I can't afford shipping. I also have to do any kind of shopping by myself, because of the size of the package. So, if you're willing, send me an email with your snail mail address at I want to send you something to help you relax and help you find your match! I think this could be a really cool experience for you, but only if you'll be the match! I'll only be able to send the package to you, because it's not small and I can't fit it in my mailbox. This package will include: A CD with two tracks, a story about what happens at the end of the match (I'm not allowed to talk about how you get together, because it's a match and my match is the judge of what happens!), and a picture of my house and dog. Now, the only requirement is that you have to be willing to take care of the package, because I'm not a professional matchmaker or a delivery service. I am going to be ordering it at our last meeting, but you have to be willing to wait and have faith in the matchmaking business. The package includes a $20 donation to a charity of your choice, along with $5 shipping and handling, but that's just to be nice. If you would like, I can make you a really cool CD and send you a print of the CD cover. I have all kinds of cool images, like a sunset over the ocean or a sunset in the Rocky Mountains. For now, just know that I can ship, but you have to take care of it! Hope to hear from you!! Hi, my name is Allan and I like to think I'm a pretty cool person. But that's never really the truth of the matter. I just try to fit into a mold that I feel like my parents expect me to fit in, to make them proud. But it's never enough for them and it's never enough for me. I like to think of myself as a hipster, but that only really goes so far. I work and socialize on both sides of the tracks, as the saying goes. I'm just another little black sheep that's been given a little more freedom than the other sheep to roam around without being tied up to a wooden peg and let to wander freely. There's not much of a flock around here since everyone is just moving around and changing in their jobs. If I had a nickel for every time I was told that I needed to "let go of my self-hatred", I would probably have at least 20 nickels. As long as I continue to try to fit into the box, I'll continue to think I'm worthless, not good enough and not right for the job. My parents just moved back into town a few months ago. It was an empty town and a big blank slate for me to work on. It would be easier if my mom would actually come over and sit with me, let's be honest. If you've met me, you know that I'm quite a bit of a "moody" guy. I sit in my living room with the stereo blaring and my black leather pants, all leather pants are black, of course. I wear these pants every day and at least once every three days I will take them off and give them a good bleaching. I don't know if this is one of those classic "look how terrible it is to be black" jokes, but they always seem to be really clean. Anyways, it was a very confusing time for me since I found out that they were moving back. I'm lucky to have my mom to keep me company until she gets situated in her new home. That's a problem for another day. I found myself just sort of sitting in my bedroom, staring at the clock on the wall. I looked at the wall clock with one glance and looked away just as quickly. I hated that clock. It's one of those old-timey clocks with the black and white numbers and a white "tick-tock" hand. I noticed I was looking at the clock a lot lately, but it seemed as if there was something else going on. My stomach was constantly full of butterflies and knots and knots. I figured out that I'm always hungry around this time of day, which is pretty weird. Usually I only get hungry after eating a meal, like at dinner time. But today I had a little snack before I could take this picture, so I had no clue how to act. Oh, hey, let's go into the kitchen and we'll just go for a little walk. Oh, and that little coffee table is the best place to sit if you want to just sit around. Oh, and I'm sure my laptop is the best. Oh, there's a better one in the kitchen. Better set up my computer. I'm too lazy to move out of the way. I had no idea how to act at all. I walked over to the coffee table in front of my big window that faces out into the living room. I sat down and began typing an email. I've never gotten this excited over email, but it was great to have the first draft ready so that I could put it on my blog and then send it out, just in time for Christmas! I walked out to the other end of the living room to do some more work. I could hear "Do You Hear What I Hear?" by Rufus Wainwright playing as I