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Doubly Linked List in C
I am getting struck in implementing doubly linked list in C , i am given a function which takes a list as a parameter and returns the element in that list but i am not able to understand how to write the function i am given the following code
1 #define MALLOC_OBJECT_T(type) ((type **)calloc(1, sizeof(type *)))
3 static char *str1 = "Hello world\n";
5 #include
6 #include
8 #define STR(str) str
9 #define S1(ptr) (ptr->str1)
10 #define S2(ptr) (ptr->next->str1)
11 #define N(ptr) (ptr)
12 #define IS_EMPTY(ptr) (ptr->prev == 0 && ptr->next == 0)
13 #define NEXT(ptr) ((ptr)->next)
14 #define PREV(ptr) ((ptr)->prev)
15 #define DEALLOCATE(ptr) (ptr = 0)
16 #define NULL_POINTER 0
17 #define SUCCESS 0
18 #define ERROR 1
19 #define EOF (-1)
21 #define NIL ((struct node *)0)
22 struct node *list = NIL;
24 int create_list(list, val)
25 int val;
26 {
27 char *s1;
28 s1 = NIL;
29 N(list);
30 if (IS_EMPTY(list))
31 {
32 list->val = val;
33 return 0;
34 }
35 N(list->next);
36 str1 = MALLOC_OBJECT_T(char *);
37 N(list->next);
38 str1 = str1 ? str1 : S1(list);
39 N(str1);
40 if (s1 == NIL)
41 {
42 str1 = MALLOC_OBJECT_T(char *);
43 str1 = str1 ? str1 : MALLOC_OBJECT_T(char *);
44 str1 = S1(list);
45 str1 = MALLOC_OBJECT_T(char *);
46 str1 = str1 ? str1 : MALLOC_OBJECT_T(char *);
47 str1 = S2(list);
48 str1 = MALLOC_OBJECT_T(char *);
49 str1 = str1 ? str1 : MALLOC_OBJECT_T(char *);
50 s1 = str1;
51 }
52 else
53 {
54 str1 = MALLOC_OBJECT_T(char *);
55 str1 = str1 ? str1 : MALLOC_OBJECT_T(char *);
56 str1 = MALLOC_OBJECT_T(char *);
57 str1 = str1 ? str1 : MALLOC_OBJECT_T(char *);
58 s1 = str1;
59 }
61 if (val == EOF)
62 {
64 return ERROR;
65 }
66 else {
67 list->val = val;
68 list->next->str1 = str1;
69 }
70 list->next = NIL;
71 list->prev = NIL;
72 return SUCCESS;
73 }
74 #define RETURN_LIST(ptr) (ptr->next)
75 #define SET_NULL(ptr) (ptr->prev = 0, ptr->next = 0)
76 #define SET_NEXT(ptr, node) (ptr->next = (node), (ptr = (node)))
77 #define INCREMENT(ptr) (ptr)
78 #define RESTART_LIST(ptr) (ptr = 0)
79 #define RESIZE(ptr, size) (ptr) = (struct node *)realloc(ptr, (size))
80 #define PREPEND(node, node_prev) (node_prev = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(node) + (node)->str1), node_prev->str1 = 0, node_prev->prev = node, node_prev->next = node_prev->next)
81 #define DEPREEND(node, node_next) (node_next = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(node) + (node)->str1), node_next->str1 = 0, node_next->prev = node, node_next->next = node_next->next)
82 #define IS_EMPTY(ptr) (!ptr->next)
83 #define NEXT(ptr) ((ptr)->next)
84 #define PREV(ptr) ((ptr)->prev)
85 #define DEALLOCATE(ptr) (ptr = 0)
86 #define RESIZE_EMPTY(ptr) (ptr) = 0
87 #define RESIZE_NOT_EMPTY(ptr, size) (ptr) = (struct node *)realloc(ptr, (size))
88 #define INSERT_END(node) (node) = NIL, (node)->prev = 0, (node)->next = NIL
89 #define INSERT_BEFORE(node, node_prev) (node)->prev = (node_prev), (node)->next = node_prev
90 #define DELETE(node) (node)->prev = 0, (node)->next = NIL
91 #define N_IS_EMPTY(node) (!node->next && !node->prev)
92 #define N_NEXT(node) ((node)->next)
93 #define N_PREV(node) ((node)->prev)
94 #define N(node) (node)
95 #define NIL_NODE(node) ((struct node *)NULL)
96 #define N_NEXT_PTR(ptr) (ptr->next)
97 #define N_PREV_PTR(ptr) (ptr->prev)
98 #define ELEMENT_AT(ptr, idx) ((char *)ptr)[idx]
99 #define TO_CHAR_ARRAY(ptr, str_arr) (str_arr = STR(ptr->str1), to_char_array_(ptr->str1, str_arr))
100 #define to_ptr_array(ptr, ptr_arr) (ptr_arr = (struct node **)malloc(sizeof(struct node *) * ((ptr)->str1 ? (ptr)->str1 - 1 : 0)), ptr_arr ? ptr_arr : MALLOC_OBJECT_T(struct node *))
101 #define to_ptr_array_back(ptr) ((struct node **)malloc(sizeof(struct node *) * ((ptr)->str1 ? (ptr)->str1 - 1 : 0))))
102 #define clear_array(ptr, ptr_arr) memset(ptr_arr, 0, sizeof(struct node *))
104 void to_ptr_array_(char *str, struct node **array)
105 {
106 char *s1;
107 struct node *ptr;
108 for (ptr = *array; ptr && str != s1; ptr = ptr->next)
109 {
110 s1 = ptr->str1;
111 }
112 *array = ptr;
113 }
115 char *to_char_array(struct node *str)
116 {
117 char *s1 = str->str1;
118 return s1 ? to_char_array_(str->str1, s1) : NULL;
119 }
121 void clear_array(struct node **array)
122 {
123 struct node *node;
124 for (node = *array; node; node = node->next)
125 {
126 clear_array(node);
127 }
128 }
130 void to_ptr_array(struct node **node_ptr_arr, char *str_arr)
131 {
132 char *s1;
133 struct node *next;
134 if (!str_arr || str_arr[0] == '#')
135 {
136 clear_array(node_ptr_arr);
137 return;
138 }
139 else {
140 to_ptr_array_(str_arr, node_ptr_arr);
141 }
142 }
144 #define TO_PTR_ARRAY(ptr, ptr_arr) (ptr_arr = (struct node **)malloc(sizeof(struct node *) * ((ptr)->str1 ? (ptr)->str1 - 1 : 0)), ptr_arr ? ptr_arr : MALLOC_OBJECT_T(struct node *))
145 #define TO_PTR_ARRAY_BACK(ptr) ((struct node **)malloc(sizeof(struct node *) * ((ptr)->str1 ? (ptr)->str1 - 1 : 0))))
147 int insert_first_node(char *str)
148 {
149 struct node *ptr;
150 if (MALLOC_OBJECT_T(struct node *) == NULL)
151 {
152 return ERROR;
153 }