Ships were lost du
Release me. Now. O
Once considered th
Stop dancing like
Quitetly, Quiggly
Tiffany, you reall
Ships were lost du
Release me. Now. O
Stop dancing like
Tiffany, you reall

We've recently dis
Concrete may have
Release me. Now. O
But first, you and
Release me. Now. O
Joe's Bar and Gril
Ships were lost du
Concrete may have
Release me. Now. O
Chris! I told you
Stop dancing like that. it looks like erm..." "Breeze? No. More like a kite." "How did this happen?" "Let me see." "I may be the only person in the world who misses these little nipples." "Ditto." "You look very pretty." "You can let your hair down now." "What makes you think you can say anything to me." "Well, here." "You can wipe that off." "Are you sure?" "Yeah." "This one." "That's it." "Now you look like a human being." "Do you like it." "Oh, my goodness." "I forgot how beautiful they look." "I should get lots more of these." "I need a drink." "Where are you going?" "I'm going home." "What?" "I knew what I was doing." "Yeah?" "Well, that doesn't mean you weren't stupid." "Stupid?" "I'm a woman living alone in a country... with a foreign language, no money... and no skills in a job market with one job." "My husband, who ran off on me... with a bigamist has a new wife in the country... and she has a child." "I make myself pretty to go on the television... because I don't know what else to do." "And you." "The man has a wife." "A house." "A baby." "It's not stupid to do the best you can." "I didn't do this." "This job." "This is just to make my wife happy." "Well." "Good for her." "And when you walked in the other night... and saw that I was making myself pretty?" "I looked like crap." "Yeah, but you didn't really know me, did you?" "Yeah." "I didn't really know me." "And I do." "I know what I want." "Look, what are you running away from?" "I'm not running." "If I wasn't just a little girl..." "I never would have had married a man my parents... or anyone expected me to be with." "He told me once I was marrying a man... and his children were that man's children." "And some part of me..." "I can't even believe was my own... and I was that man." "For better or worse." "For richer, for poorer." "In sickness and health." "Until death did us part." "Come on, don't we all just do that?" "Yeah." "It's no good." "What's a girl got to do to get laid around here?" "Oh, I don't know, sir." "It's all right, I got one now." "One came in just before you got here." "I was gonna go and take my lunch break." "I'll let him go then." "All right, but you ask if he got any last night." "You got that, Mick?" "Yeah." "No, I've got these two." "Okay." "You go on your lunch, Mick." "Thanks, Stan." "I'm sorry, I don't understand." "I'm not allowed to have anyone in my room." "What's wrong with this one?" "Oh, there's no one here, Sister." "Yes, she is." "She's been under there with him all morning." "Mick?" "Yes, Sister." "Bring the bedding out." "Yes, Sister." "Come on, Mick." "The bedding." "It's only a cup of tea." "There she goes." "Jesus!" "Where does she think she is?" "Home?" "She can't be, or else she wouldn't have told the screw to call me... at work." "Well, Sister will expect us to put it right." "Let's see what we can do." "What do you mean, what we can do?" "I am not doing anything." "Well, it's your life, Mick." "Is there nothing you'd like to do... with your life?" "The bed linen... will be changed three times a week." "And your pillowcase must be washed at least every three days." "And your blanket is for every day use." "Three times a week?" "And this is very important." "Anything you haven't cleaned you must make it as clean as it was before." "And then it must be marked as uncleaned... so the nun can see that you've done it." "When you've finished, hang it here on the back of the door." "What if we don't wanna do that?" "Well, then I would say... you have a nice day for yourself... and a nice day for me too." "Don't forget your blanket." "I won't forget my blanket." "I'll bring my tea into bed with me every day." "It's not a proper cup of tea without it's blanket." "What do you want?" "To remind you of the time you saw me." "Well, just get out." "Go on!" "No, go away." "Let me sleep." "I want to talk to you." "Jesus." "What do you want?" "This is an extraordinary thing for me." "It isn't what you think." "If you have a moment, I'd like to talk to you about it." "It's about me and... a nun." "Yeah." "Well, I thought it would have been nice to..." "Well." "It can't have happened before." "It can't have been just once." "So what's stopping you?" "You." "I don't understand." "If you don't want me, say so." "I can't think straight." "Do you feel you don't deserve anything else... because of the mess you've made of your own life?" "How do you know about that?" "It's obvious." "Look, what's happened between me and the nun... nothing." "I mean, this is nothing." "This is not important." "You can't say this is not important." "It is important." "No, it's not." "It's not important." "Look, that..." "All this doesn't matter." "We don't even know each other." "We could not possibly get involved." "We could never be more than what we are now." "I..." "I'm sorry, I don't understand what it is you want." "Well, I..." "I do have my own little life." "I don't know." "I don't know what I should do." "I don't know who to ask." "Don't ask me." "If you must know, I..." "I just can't." "Okay?" "If you'll excuse me, I..." "Good evening, Father." "I see you like the word of God." "Thank you." "Not so much as the proverbs of Solomon... the son of David." "He was a wise king." "The son of David." "Yes." "He was a wise king." "Do you..." "No." "But do you know it?" "I do." "But you can't tell me what it is?" "That's right." "I'm sorry." "I don't want to tell you, I..." "I know what it says." "Father?" "Is your wife here?" "No, she is in Ireland with my sister." "I had a telegram this morning." "What is it?" "What's the matter?" "You tell me to come here." "You are my father." "Did I say that?" "You didn't have to." "I am here to help you, if you want help." "Don't you want my help?" "I want nothing from you." "What do you mean?" "I want nothing from you!" "Don't you understand?" "Don't you understand what you're saying?" "How can you say that?" "No, I want you to stop." "No." "You would have been very happy, you know that." "For years, I've been trying to find some peace with the Lord... and you were the one that was supposed to help me." "Now you'd better just get out!" "What is it you want from me?" "What do you want?" "I wanted to talk to you." "You came here to talk to me?" "Yes, but you're going away." "You must stop, Father." "All right, I will stop." "You're going to be good... all the way out of here." "You hear me?" "You're going to be good." "No!" "No!" "What are you doing?" "No!" "Don't..." "No!" "No!" "No!" "Now it's too late for me." "No!" "No." "No, I don't think I'm clever enough to do anything else." "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry for everything." "Yes." "Good-bye." "Good-bye." "I wish you luck." "Hello, Sister." "I was coming back and I saw you at the window." "You haven't told anybody, have you?" "No." "Of course not." "I've been on nights for a few weeks now." "It's all right." "Don't worry about me." "I'll be okay." "My sister's husband had something to do with an accident in Africa." "I'm not sure how it happened, but he died." "Oh, I