Concrete may have
Ships were lost du
Joe's Bar and Gril
Release me. Now. O
But first, you and
Release me. Now. O
Concrete may have
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Stop dancing like
Ships were lost du

Chris! I told you
But first, you and
Ships were lost du
Joe's Bar and Gril
Ships were lost du
Concrete may have
Stop dancing like
Chapter 1. Once
Chris! I told you
But first, you and
Release me. Now. Or I shall send a force to escort your prisoners to the castle." [A little later, while Lorn is drinking in his quarters . . . ] ". . . there were six men who came to us from High Meadow . . . ." "How did you know that . . ." [After a moment, Lorn sighs and puts his hand to his neck. The wounds left by the spikes and the whip seem to have healed.] "Well, what else did you do besides torture them?" "Nothing. I'm afraid we did nothing else." [Lorn sighs again.] "My friend the Duke of Linoree has an odd penchant for experimentation. I have seen all sorts of things . . . at times." "I've no doubt that you have, my dear, but I'm not sure how these two relate." "Really?" Lorn asks, with a smile. "And why would that make a difference?" "Well, we might be looking at something new, here . . . a type of weapon or fighting method never seen before. Theories say that, generally, . . . . . . men and women are similar when it comes to their bodies, but that men have a . . . a . . . tendency toward violence . . . or aggression." "The only thing that interests me about this report is that . . . no one came to harm while you experimented with them, . . . except Lyrone." "Oh." "What?" "You wouldn't be a little curious about that?" "Curious? Of course! This is the weapon that beat her . . . is it not?" "But . . . I suppose . . ." "You must have been very careful with them." "Oh, of course." [The two young women are quiet.] "Well, I'm going to look into it. It might be helpful for those that are working to try and use what they know about the fighting styles of the men of Rynar. The other day I saw some men and women from High Meadow and they gave some useful advice." "I shall talk to you when we return . . . a bit more." "Of course." "My lady." "Yes, my lord?" "Do you have any other . . . experiments to share with me?" [Silence. Lorn gets up and walks to the door of the cell.] "I . . . that is, I will have to put you back in your cells for now. I must attend a meeting with the lord and the other captains. I shall be back soon. Don't let anyone disturb you. [She rises, and the apprentices turn their backs. When Lorn is at the door, he holds out his hand to the prisoners.] "Ladies. Forgive me." "Of course, my lord." [When Lorn leaves, the woman goes to the window to try to break it out with her hands, but it doesn't budge.] "Let's hope this weather changes for the better. It should make the coming days a little bit more . . . well, normal. At least it's bright enough to do some weaving. You can help with that if you want." [. . . which is good, because she finds it hard to move her arms.] [During this exchange, the female apprentice is cutting up the bandages in her lap, and some blood begins to flow down her arm.] "What are you doing?" "What?" [She's going through Lorn's equipment, looking for the things she'll need to make bandages, but at some point she must have hit the hidden switch. The entire room fills with the sound of clashing metal. A huge, spiked metal halo of blades begins to rise over the room. In moments it's half-way to the ceiling.] "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" "Stop what? I'm so sorry. It must be one of the buttons I must have pressed. It seems to do that sometimes." "You're not going to tell me, are you?" "I beg your pardon?" "Never mind." [Soon enough, the metal halo begins to come down. The apprentices start to get up and run for the door, but when they reach the bottom step . . . everything in the room is covered in blood.] "What happened? Oh, no." [There's a loud crash, the windows shatter, and a cloud of dust fills the room. The apprentice is covered in blood. She starts to pick herself up but, when she stands, she is a man. He takes a step towards the door.] "Please . . . wait!" "Wait for what?" "To . . . to . . . for . . . the other one . . . please. Please. No, no, please . . ." "Who are you?" "Please don't . . . . . . . hurt me!" [As Lorn gets closer, he takes his sword and swings it at the man. It hits the door, but the blade merely bounces off the metal and shatters on the stone floor. Lorn tries to get closer, but each time he jabs his sword, it just bounces off. He can't get the weapon to break. He tries again, trying to find a vulnerable spot, but the result is always the same. . . . he misses.] "This is the way. Take . . . take . . . take your time. You won't hurt me. I promise . . ." "Who are you? Are you . . . are you some kind of wizard or something? I don't think you would even have time to . . . . . . . . . do something like that." "Please . . . . . . . Please . . . stop! [He takes his sword and swings it at the man, and again it bounces off and shatters on the floor.] "No! No, please! I'm telling you the truth! This is the way . . . it's the only way . . . . . . . No! No! No!" [He steps closer to the man who's pleading to be spared. But Lorn can't stop him from getting closer.] "No! No! No! Please . . . . . . . . . . . don't do this to me." "Why are you doing this to me?" [Lorn steps forward, but he's stopped short by a sudden pain in his chest. He gasps and lets out a sharp scream as he tries to run towards the man, but he's too late, and his sword falls uselessly to the floor. He looks down, and he sees what has happened.] "No . . . . . . . No!" [He drops the sword as the man's hand shoots up and grabs Lorn's right index finger. He starts to pull it down, but Lorn sees the blood coming out. He screams, but still the man pulls his finger down.] "No! No! No! NO!" [There are three more squeals, and then silence. Lorn's eyes are open, but he sees nothing. The man has fallen face-down on the floor and Lorn now realizes what has happened. He feels around with his fingers and finds he can't move his right leg. His arm and his hand are still attached to his body, but the man's hand is the only thing holding his body up, and he can't move his leg. He's in pain, but he can't do anything. The room is cold, and he's losing feeling in his left side. He sees his sword next to the wall where he was standing. He tries to say something