Concrete may have
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Stop dancing like
Ships were lost du
Release me. Now. O
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Stop dancing like
Quitetly, Quiggly
Tiffany, you reall
Ships were lost du

But first, you and
Release me. Now. O
Joe's Bar and Gril
Ships were lost du
Concrete may have
Release me. Now. O
Chris! I told you
But first, you and
Ships were lost du
Joe's Bar and Gril
Release me. Now. Or I īll burn this village to the ground and kill everyone īn it." My dad: "But we're your family..." Man: "Then you'd better show me some gratitude. You have twenty minutes to get out of the village." Mom: "We can't get out of the village! We're defenseless..." Man: "You should have thought of that before turning this whole place into a den of sin! Now you must pay the price! You have twenty minutes to get out of the village." Man: "The only way you can redeem yourself is by giving your son back to me." Mom: "No! He's all that we have left!" Man: "You can't give him to me. Your soul is already blacker than mine. Now you must follow me. The spirit of death will be waiting for you in the town center. You have twenty minutes to get out of the village." If he wanted to kill us, he would have already done so. Dad: "Let's hurry up and go." I don't want to go. Man: "You are going to pay. And the only way you can repay me is by making me the father of a new world." Mom: "No! We have no choice but to die. I don't want my child to die as well. If there's anything I can do to make you turn back, just ask. I promise to do whatever you ask. I won't refuse you. But first you must give back the body of my husband and give my son back to me. We'll stay by your side no matter what." Man: "Don't be fooled by my appearance! I'm a demon. The spirits of the dead are in my body. You won't be able to defeat me. I will eat you first. I will drink your blood. I will suck out your soul. I will be the source of every evil and tragedy you have brought upon this land." Mom: "And if you should fail to kill me, the spirit of death will be waiting for you. I swear that I will haunt you until you are defeated. That is my final promise to you." Man: "Then go. Now. Your time is running out." How long do you think it'll take for the king to find the body? Dad: "I wouldn't be surprised if it takes them three days to find the body. But there's nothing that we can do about that. We have no choice but to follow the man. We can't just go back to the village. We need to get out of here! Remember, we're running out of time!" Mom: "There's no need for you to be worried about me. In less than twenty minutes, I'm going to be at the door to paradise. You can't do anything. There's nothing you can do about it." Dad: "All right. Don't be sad. Let's go!" Mom: "Just hurry up and let's go. We have so much to do. We need to get to the mountain that is near the town center. I need to get a stone tablet that the king gave me. I need to put my husband's body on that tablet. What good will his spirit have if we don't get the tablet, isn't it? Dad: "Stop crying and let's go. It's our last chance. We have to get away from the village. The moment I see this town, my heart is going to sink. We have to do what we can to make things better." Mom: "Don't think about anything. Hurry up and go. We need to go now!" I guess we have no choice but to go. I guess we have to let go of the village. We'll leave it all behind. We'll never see our village or our town again. No matter what happens, it'll always be there. Mom: "We need to hurry up and take our son. If we don't take him, he will become the target of evil. Dad: "We need to get going. If we don't get there soon, it'll be too late. Mom: "We need to take him with us." Dad: "We need to take him with us!" We need to get going. We need to get to the mountain where the tablet is. We need to take the tablet with us. We need to give the tablet to the king. We need to let him know our final decision. We need to set the stone tablet on the king's platform. Mom: "Stop crying and hurry up. The moment we arrive at the mountain, you must give the tablet to the king. You can't lose it. We can't allow the king to get it by himself. He will be able to use the tablet for evil purposes. And if he uses the tablet, I will be the one to receive all of the punishment." Dad: "I'm worried. We don't have much time left. We need to hurry up and go." Mom: "Let's go. Now." Dad: "We've finally arrived." We've finally arrived. Dad: "What's the matter? Are you crying?" Mom: "I'm scared." Dad: "Don't worry. Don't worry about anything. We need to get inside this cave. The king will be the one to help us. You need to trust in him. He'll find the soul of your husband and son. This tablet is very important. You need to be positive. It doesn't matter how hard we have to struggle. We need to take the tablet with us. Now let's move forward. Dad: "This cave might look like a grave, but it's not a tomb. It's the home of the spirits of the dead." Mom: "Where are the spirits of the dead?" Dad: "The spirits of the dead are in the cave. They're waiting for you to do something. You need to tell them the way to the underworld. Dad: "The way to the underworld is..." Mom: "This way. The spirits will follow us to the entrance of the cave." Dad: "The spirits will follow us to the entrance of the cave." Mom: "They're following us. The spirits are following us." Dad: "How could they?" Dad: "Dad, you're just crying. You're just crying." The spirits are following us to the entrance of the cave. Dad: "They're following us to the entrance of the cave." The spirits are following us. Dad: "This is not funny! I can't wait to get out of here! I'm afraid of the spirits. I'm so afraid of them that I want to run away." Mom: "There's nothing that we can do about that. We have no choice but to go on. Now you have to do what I say. You have to follow me." Dad: "Don't worry. I won't do anything stupid. I won't cause anymore trouble." Mom: "Now we're moving forward." Dad: "Now we're moving forward." You guys aren't scared of anything, are you? You're like nothing. Dad: "You've gotten much faster." Mom: "As long as you let me lead the way, you will have no problems." This is not the same kind of path we took when we came here before. I can't understand what the spirits are doing. Dad: "I can't believe how fast they are. They're out of the cave much quicker than we expected." Mom: "We can't let them be any faster." Dad: "The spirits of the dead can't be stronger than the spirit of our land. But it seems like that's the case. They're out of the cave much quicker than we expected." Mom: "We can't let them be any faster. They can't be any faster than us." We need to move faster. That's the road we need to take. We need to go this way. Dad: "This mountain is a part of this kingdom. Why is this cave here? It's been here for a long time. There's something I don't understand. Why is this place so vast? There are so many caves in the mountains. I wonder why this place is so wide and deep. It seems like we're running into problems. Mom: "We can't