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"version": "1.0",
"examples": {
## Documentation
+ [Using the Service Builder](
+ [Grok Syntax Documentation](
+ [Using Grok With Logstash](
+ [Grok with Beats](
## Release 1.2
+ Added more examples (patterns)
+ Added support for more Grok patterns and tokens:
- `pattern`
- `tag`
- `match_phrase`
- `match_phrase_literal`
- `match_string`
- `match_string_nocase`
- `search`
- `remove_outer_double_quotes`
- `remove_outer_single_quotes`
- `remove_first_occurrence`
- `remove_last_occurrence`
- `space`
- `strip_ansi`
- `striptags`
- `to_lowercase`
- `to_uppercase`
- `trim`
+ Improvements in Grok patterns
+ Grok now works better with the new logstash syntax (version >=1.2.0)
## Change Log
+ Release 1.2
+ New: Add support for Grok patterns and tokens (version 1.2.0)
+ New: Support for the new version of logstash (version > 1.1.0)
+ New: New configuration example (logstash.yaml)
+ Fix: Avoid throwing an exception when there are two or more patterns on one line
+ Fix: Fix an issue where the last pattern was being omitted from the output
+ Fix: Fix an issue with `logstash_tags` when there are two or more tags
+ Release 1.1
+ New: Added more examples
+ New: Grok pattern for Java stack trace (stacktrace)
+ Fix: Fix a logic error with the `grok_useragent` filter and `grok_referer`
+ Fix: Add default regex pattern for `grok_referer`
+ Fix: Fixed an issue where empty matches were missing from the output
+ Fix: Fixed an issue where tags were removed from the tokens
+ Release 1.0
+ New: Added Grok filter
+ New: `grok_useragent` filter
+ New: `grok_request` filter
+ New: `grok_referer` filter
+ New: `grok_server` filter
+ New: `grok_url` filter
+ New: Grok patterns
+ New: Grok default patterns for the `grok_useragent`, `grok_referer`, `grok_request`, and `grok_server` filters
+ New: Support multiple grok filters in a single config file
+ New: Support grok patterns in logstash files (logstash.yaml)
+ New: Improved custom patterns, tokens, and regular expressions
+ New: Updated translations to add missing languages
+ New: Added Dutch translation
+ New: Added Italian translation
+ Fix: Fixed issue with grok filters not working correctly on Logstash 1.5
+ Fix: Added missing documentation for `grok_match_phrase`
+ Fix: Fixed a logic error with the grok filters (filter tags were omitted)
+ Fix: Fixed an issue with the grok filters
+ Fix: Fixed an issue with the grok filters (some tokens were not being translated properly)
+ Fix: Fixed an issue with multiple patterns in a single file (they should be split on newlines)
+ Fix: Fixed an issue where the `grok_host` filter was not working correctly
+ Fix: Fixed an issue where patterns and tokens were missing from the output
+ Fix: Fixed an issue where the `grok_referer` filter was returning `null`
+ Fix: Fixed an issue with the `grok_referer` filter
## Example
+ Example of using the Grok filter to parse log events:
match => { "message" => "\[%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}\] \[%{LOGLEVEL:level}\] (?.*?) (?[A-Z]{3})(?: (?[0-9]+))? (?.*) " }
+ Example of using the Grok filter to parse events:
match => { "message" => "^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}(?\S+)(?:%{NUMBER:count})(?:%{DATA:request}|-)(?:%{DATA:response}|-)" }