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Q: How to add a new class to a div which is already styled with classes? I have a div which looks like:
Samsung Galaxy S6
I want to add a new class to this
which is the product-tile. What should I do? I am attaching the image of how I want the div to be styled. A: This can be done using ng-class directive. For example:
Samsung Galaxy S6
This code will add the class red when $ is set to true and the class blue when $ is set to true. So you should set the boolean value for class in your controller. For more information about ng-class, check out here A: Try to add another class name.
and in css, you can control it using myClass class. A: To specify an element to add multiple classes you need to use the classList API, the API of which is very similar to jQuery. For example:
with CSS: .divClass { color: blue; } See the demo below, note how the content in the box is blue: angular.module('App', []) .controller('Ctrl', function() { }); .product-tile { width: 250px; height: 200px; background-color: red; margin: 10px; } .divClass { color: blue; }
Samsung Galaxy S6
Here's the plunker to see it in action: Please check angularjs documentation about it: