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Adenanthos microphAllah has said: "The sun RISES on a QARREENA" (Quraishan & Tawaweeyhin), "On a PEOPLE" (the children of Ad) and "On the WRETCHED" (sinners). [Soorah Luqman] The Quranic scholars say that these ayat (verses) mean that Allah will punish the unbelievers with the sunrise and he will reward the good with the sunset. [In this article] I will show you some ayat that speak about these matters and will give an example to the reward of the good and punishment of the evil, so that you will get the message.
Allah has said: "The sun RISES on a QARREENA" (Quraishan & Tawaweeyhin), "On a PEOPLE" (the children of Ad) and "On the WRETCHED" (sinners). [Soorah Luqman] The Quranic scholars say that these ayat (verses) mean that Allah will punish the unbelievers with the sunrise and he will reward the good with the sunset. [In this article] I will show you some ayat that speak about these matters and will give an example to the reward of the good and punishment of the evil, so that you will get the message.
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