Introduction =====
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In-depth: 'Rio', starring the gorgeous Julia Roberts as an heiress in love with an illegal Brazilian immigrant (Joseph Fiennes) who has a wife and child back home. In the end, both characters end up together and there are two kinds of relationships possible. One, the kind that ends in romance and happy endings. The other is tragic, but ends in death. No matter what you choose, you’ll end up with an unhappy ending. Why? Because even when you get what you want (romantic relationships, family), in the end, your end is a failure of some sort. You see, nothing lasts forever. Nothing. That is the message of this movie, especially when you look at the relationship of the married couple. The marriage lasts only a couple of years before it falls apart. And those same couples in the illegal Brazilian immigrant’s and the American woman’s past end in tragedy. One ends in murder; the other, suicide. When it comes to relationships, our expectations are never met. All you can do is be yourself. When we do that, when we put aside what we think a relationship should look like, we can have more fulfilling relationships. We can make people feel good. We don’t have to control them. The American Woman is about an illegal Brazilian immigrant (Joseph Fiennes) who has a wife and child back home in Brazil. He is smuggled into America in the hold of a boat. He meets a gorgeous American heiress (Julia Roberts) who falls in love with him. She tries to leave her marriage to be with him, but the relationship never lasts. The ending is a tragic death in her husband’s arms. There’s no happily ever after in this movie. Sometimes people don’t really know what they’re getting into. When you expect something from someone or something, you will get hurt. So, you should live in the moment, be yourself, be honest with yourself, and enjoy what you have. There is a reason the American woman never succeeds in finding a “good guy” who works and will love her. There’s also a reason why the illegal Brazilian immigrant can’t return home and there are endless reasons why married relationships fail. You just never know what is going to happen. And at the end of the day, nothing lasts forever. But for the love of all things good, stay away from all things terrible. There’s a small town in Tennessee. Some of you reading this are probably thinking that doesn’t sound like a terrible place. After all, there are probably some good people living there. I mean, think about it. If it’s not a bad town, then how is it that we can find all these serial killers there? It can’t be a coincidence! I mean, it can’t be that serial killers are living in some strange area of the world that just so happens to include a small town near the Tennessee River. Surely, that’s just a coincidence. That’s not the case, though. At all. In a weird little article that was never meant to be seen by the public, a man by the name of Michael Haney was admitted to the hospital after he confessed to killing three people. But before you start making that face, take a closer look at the article. His crimes aren’t the most horrific ones out there. Let’s not forget about Michael Adams, who killed multiple people in Illinois during his killing spree. Or Dennis Rader, the BTK Killer, who was active in several states. Those murders were the result of a much different set of circumstances. There was nothing really bad about Haney’s crime, though. He was in Tennessee, and one of his victims was his wife. What kind of person was this man who confessed to killing three people? According to the article, he was a local, he had a job, he had a wife. So, basically, there’s not a whole lot out there to indicate that this man was that terrible. He had a pretty normal life, in all likelihood. And he had a family. He confessed to killing his wife. And he confessed to killing his brother-in-law. He said that he went to the hospital and confessed to killing his brother-in-law there. He confessed to killing his father-in-law in Tennessee while he was still in Illinois. And then he confessed to killing his mother-in-law who lived in Florida. And, now, he has asked for a lawyer. While you think about all of that, let’s look at a few questions you might have: What kind of person confines a child? That’s just flat-out evil. How did he get the children into the car? The same way the other two got there: he killed them. What kind of man leaves his wife with three children for three months before killing her? Just because he did it doesn’t mean he was an evil person, though. What’s worse than having your dead wife found in your basement covered in blood and stab wounds? Having her murdered. Oh, and then having your daughter be used by him as an accomplice to kill your other daughter-in-law. And then using your son to kill her mother-in-law. What kind of child murders his brother and tries to make his own mother his accomplice? All of this is simply horrifying. All of this is horrible. And yet, we have a town in the United States that includes three members of the same family who all committed serial killings. But if you keep on reading, you might find out that his brother was a family friend, they were very close to him. So, if that is the case, who were the people that he was hanging around with that killed his family? Just keep in mind. There are a lot of weird things in the world. You might not be aware of all of them, and they may not be very pleasant to look at. And, in a world with so many killers out there, what are the chances of you being able to find a killer of your own? There are serial killers all over the place, and if you’re living in a town full of serial killers, odds are pretty good that you will get caught up in some sort of crime. Even when you aren’t doing anything. But why would you put yourself in a position where something like this could happen? And why would you risk your life by not having the common sense to stay away from people who might seem innocent? A serial killer can take advantage of that. Of all of the things they do, taking your life away is one of the worst. The people who are born into this world don’t often realize the world they live in. What’s worse, they often can’t explain what their place in this world is. Their minds are incapable of fully functioning or the way the world works. Here are some of the ways the people who are born evil do not fit into our society. These ways are not necessarily bad, though. They’re just a different way of thinking. Many people can only think one way. There are so many things about them that other people would think are weird, because they just aren’t in the realm of what most people would do. A person can be born evil. No matter what their background is. You can be born evil or bad, in most cases, for some reason or another. There’s a very low chance of you being born good. It would take a lot to give that gift to the world. So, it’s up to the person to make choices. The choices they make are what determine whether they are good or bad. A person who is born evil doesn’t think the way other people think. He would find it very hard to understand other people, and he would probably think that he is the only person who could be trusted with a decision. This isn’t to say that he couldn’t get lucky. He might even do some good, but it would take a lot more luck than someone who is born good. The difference is that evil people think there is one way to see things. They think there is one way to do things. They think that they have the answers, but they don’t, at all. They can be born evil, or they can be born with a certain level of evil in them. Either way, they will suffer because of it. Many people simply don’t understand them, because they can’t talk to anyone. They might have had bad parents, and if so, they won’t be able to get away from that. There is nothing you can do for them. They will be the result of your inaction. So, simply don’t get involved with anyone that you think might be dangerous. They are a result of their evil lifestyle. The majority of the people who are born evil do not know why they are the way they are. In some cases, they are in complete darkness. In others, they are not as deep into evil as the rest. In most cases, their evil is hidden in some way. Many serial killers are raised by their families to be what they are. The people who are born evil find out the ways they might hurt people. Those ways aren’t pretty, and they will definitely hurt a person’s ability to understand people and relationships. Most evil