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Q: How to avoid redundant information in a many-to-many relationship I have the following ERD. I have a table of items in a many to many relationship. ITEMS ----- ID NAME 1 Item1 2 Item2 ITEMS_TAGS_RELATIONSHIP_TABLE -------------------- ITEM_ID TAG_ID 1 3 1 5 2 5 2 6 So, i have a many to many relationship between the items. But, with the TAG_ID, is it possible to get a list of the ITEMS that has the specific TAG_ID in its TAG_ID field? For example, i need all the items that has the tag 5, or items that have both the tag 5 and 6 in its TAG_ID field. Can this be done with SQL? If yes, how? If no, how to do it in code? A: If your relation table uses an artificial primary key, say (itemid, tagid) the query is very simple: select * from items i where in (select itemid from tags_relationship_table where tagid = 5) and in (select itemid from tags_relationship_table where tagid = 6) If you do not have an artificial primary key on the relation table you could use group by to get the same result. To execute this on more than one tag you can use the in statement. (Also consider changing items_relationship to tags_relationship_table, because I think this table should be called "tags") A: Use a GROUP BY and HAVING clause in the SQL query. Something like: SELECT, COUNT(DISTINCT AS tagCount FROM ITEMS i JOIN ITEMS_TAGS_RELATIONSHIP_TABLE t ON = t.itemid WHERE t.tagid = 5 GROUP BY HAVING tagCount = 2 --<-- Only display items with a tag count of two The HAVING clause ensures that the two items you are selecting only have a matching tag id, and you can count the number of tag ids in the results returned from this query to ensure you are displaying only items that have both a tag 5 and 6 associated with them. A: This example is using the data posted in the SQL Fiddle of your first question. ;with allitems (id,name) as ( select id,name from items_tags_relationship_table ), uniqueitems(id,name) as ( select distinct itemid,name from items_tags_relationship_table ) select, COUNT(*) AS cnt, 'tag5,tag6' as tags from allitems i inner join uniqueitems u on i.itemid=u.itemid and = 'ITem1' group by, having COUNT(*) > 1 Since this is tagged SQL Server, let me add another answer here using some T-SQL functions that should work equally well in SQL Server and in MySQL, as you requested in your last comment. select itemid from items_tags_relationship_table a where tagid in (5, 6) group by itemid having count(*) > 1 and select itemid from items_tags_relationship_table a where tagid in (5) group by itemid having count(*) > 1 Will work in either SQL Server or MySQL, as shown below. Using this, you can modify your original to only show items that have either both tags 5 and 6 or just tag 5 SELECT, COUNT(*) AS cnt, 'tag5,tag6' as tags FROM allitems i inner join items_tags_relationship_table a on i.itemid=a.itemid where tagid in (5, 6) GROUP BY, a.tagid HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 UNION SELECT, COUNT(*) AS cnt, 'tag5' as tags FROM allitems i inner join items_tags_relationship_table a on i.itemid=a.itemid where tagid in (5) GROUP BY, a.tagid HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 SQL Fiddle The above two SQL Fiddles were used for testing. This SQL Fiddle also shows it in action. Here's another solution which is more performant: SELECT, COUNT(*) AS cnt, 'tag5,tag6' as tags FROM allitems i inner join items_tags_relationship_table a on i.itemid=a.itemid GROUP BY, a.tagid HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 UNION ALL SELECT, COUNT(*) AS cnt, 'tag5' as tags FROM allitems i inner join items_tags_relationship_table a on i.itemid=a.itemid GROUP BY, a.tagid HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 And here is another version that should be slightly faster as it eliminates the need for an extra select subquery: SELECT *, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY - COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY, a.tagid) AS cnt, CASE WHEN a.tagid = 5 THEN 'tag5' WHEN a.tagid = 6 THEN 'tag5,tag6' ELSE 'tag5' END as tags FROM items_tags_relationship_table a JOIN items i ON = a.itemid