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Q: In what order should I get the items in Pokémon Yellow? I'm trying to get all the items in Pokémon Yellow and I'm wondering about the order I should pick up them at. I'm currently at Pewter City. I have the items: Antidote, Revive, Hyper Potion, Quick Claw, Super Potion, Super Repel, Ether, Full Heal, Antidote, Super Potion and a Berry Blender. I need to take the last four items. A: You have a 6 item limit for a route, so you need to choose whether to give up a Hyper Potion for the other four. These are the steps in which order to pick them up: 1) Save your game and turn off the 3DS before picking up a Hyper Potion 2) If you are picking up more than 4 items: A) Head for Cerulean Cave, and grab a Hyper Potion B) Head for Diglett's Cave, and pick up the other items C) Head for a cave, and pick up the other items 3) Head for Route 16 to complete the dungeon 4) Head to the Indigo Plateau, and get the other items 5) Head for Mt. Silver to complete the rest of the dungeon 6) You can grab any other items on your route, and then complete your route to max your collection! A: Pewter is the 3rd town, so after finishing off the first two towns you'll have to go to Route 16 and Pewter again to pick up the other 4 items. The order you pick up them should be : Antidote Revive Hyper Potion Super Potion Full Heal Antidote Super Potion Hyper Potion Ether Quick Claw Super Repel (For the reasons below - you can find it here) A: The order in which you can get them depends on which Pokémon Center you have walked to from Route 1 to Route 4. If you haven't gone to the Pokemon Center yet and you don't pick up any items, you can go to Route 1, pick up Hyper Potion, Super Potion and Full Heal (if necessary), and go to the Pokemon Center. When you finish Route 1, go back to the Pokemon Center and start the clock. At any time you may purchase any item from the Nurse for 75 coins (except for the Berry Blender). At any time, you can use a Medicine to heal for half of your maximum HP. After you start the clock, you need to visit each center that is open between the time that the previous center opens and the time it closes, picking up any items you can. Any items you don't get during this period will be lost forever. The only items you can't buy are Antidote, Revive, Super Repel and Berry Blender. The reason these are left to last is because any of them would be the final item in the sequence. If you don't pick up any items on Route 1, you can buy a Medicine for 75 coins and a Super Repel for 150 coins at the Pokemon Center in Cerulean City. (Note: Your team is only restricted by the number of Pokémon they can carry. There is no restriction on the number of Pokeballs you can carry, so you can take out any single Poké item from your inventory whenever you wish.) Since Cerulean City has two Pokemon Centers, you should buy a Super Repel and a Medicine at the same time if you are travelling alone or do not have a Pokémon you can bring along with you. However, in the event that you do not have a Pokémon available and have to make a choice between a Super Repel or Medicine, I recommend that you get the Super Repel as you should not be visiting Cerulean City again. Note: If you choose to pick up the Berry Blender after you've already picked up another item or if you can't pick it up until later on (on Route 16, say), you should save the game and turn off the 3DS and remove the save file. Then, when you have finished saving the game (using the "safe" mode) you may continue where you left off and can easily pick up the Berry Blender, even if the Berry Blender is in the last item. The Berry Blender should be in order last. The reason it should be the last is because you should be able to get the other items in-between by collecting wild berries and berries you can get from the PokéStops. Therefore, the correct order in which you should pick them up is: Antidote Revive Hyper Potion Super Potion Full Heal (if necessary) Antidote Super Potion Ether Quick Claw Super Repel (if you have no Pokémon and have not yet acquired a Pokémon of your own) Berry Blender Ether is not an essential item in the game, so if you have a Pokémon in your party you can save the Berry Blender and let the Berry Blender be your next stop instead of the Ether if you have already picked up at least one item prior to receiving the Berry Blender. It should be noted that you don't need to go to all the PokéStops on Route 16 to get the items, as you can either have them already in your inventory or pick them up from wild berries, and you can easily walk back to the previous Pokemon Center when you do have them.