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When I read about something in the news, I often find myself wanting to read that topic's Wikipedia article, usually because I know the subject matter, often because I feel connected to it. Unfortunately, a full reading can be a bit of a pain since I have to go through a long list of articles until I get to what I want. A shorter version might be more helpful for me as well as the next person. Luckily, this new site lets you select from a list of Wikipedia articles and, then, it only shows you the articles that are on the list. The idea is to make you select the topics you are interested in rather than going through a list of unrelated topics. Lots of sites let you browse around, but nothing really shows you what articles are available to read. Wikipediadaily does. It lets you select a collection of articles and then it makes it super easy to keep up to date on any of them. There's even a section for bookmarking. We love seeing sites like this. Most readers probably won't need a way to get daily updates on articles from a particular topic, but there are some really useful, niche things that could be really helpful. The Wikipediadaily concept really does come from the right place. The site comes with a clean design and a focus on the content you are looking for, not flashy tools. Some of the same elements are on other sites as well but this one seems to be the best-of-the-best in that area. Check out the About section to see more about the people behind the project. It's good to see all of this come together in one place. We like this concept and are surprised it hasn't been done more in the past. Bookmarking Websites is a great and easy tool. It's almost like an online bookmarking service. Using it is really easy: find a page and click "Add". It will save the page, and, even better, it will save an icon to your Firefox sidebar. That way, you can visit the site again and go directly to that page or icon. No need to try to recall the url, plus, the icon gives you an easy shortcut to the bookmark. There's also the "Remove" option and a "History" option. "Remove" removes the page, so you can come back to the site and view it in a single session. History displays your recently viewed pages. The service is simple and convenient and we found it handy when we needed a one-click "bookmark" for a page. Just be sure you don't end up with too many bookmarks if you need to keep it open for a long time. It's a bookmarking tool, so you might want to keep a clean page. We suggest no more than 25 bookmarks (or icons) at a time. Favorites is a simple tool. Once you've added something to your bookmark, you can just right-click on that page and get a list of all the times you've saved it. That makes it really easy to find out what has been saved in the past. Like we mentioned, the Favorites tool could use a bit of cleanup but that's true of any bookmarking service. The options are a little bit more limited here, but that's what we expect. The point of a bookmarking tool is just that - a way to get more ways to bookmark sites. If there were more options, we would expect the tool to get a little bit confusing. The site uses some simple visual icons but they work very well. We found it quick and easy to use, especially when compared to some of the other, more cumbersome, options out there. Like most bookmarking tools, Favorites is really handy when you're using Firefox or Internet Explorer. It doesn't seem to work as well in other browsers but if that's not a problem, it's a very, very good bookmarking tool. It's hard to summarize everything that makes this service so useful. In one place, the "Favorites" tool gives you an easy way to go back through a list of saved pages. On the main page, you get a handy list of the sites you've recently bookmarked. There are so many great things here that the entire experience of using Favorites is so rich that it makes us want to use it more often. That said, it is somewhat limited so don't count on being able to use it every time you want to save a site. Like all good bookmarking services, this one will give you that handy little icon that you can bring up by just hitting the spacebar on the site. Just like the other sites, there's a bookmark folder where you can save a group of bookmarks. One site can handle multiple categories and tags while still keeping them in a single place. That's a feature that we saw here and there, but we didn't really see any site like it. This has a good option that makes sure you don't lose track of bookmarks you want to go back and read again later. We also love the bookmarkable links on Favorites' sites. They offer a handy tool for users who do a lot of research on the web. Sometimes, instead of grabbing a big article from Google, it makes more sense to go straight to the source. What you might lose in page views and the ability to get more keywords, you will make up for in clarity and readability. While Favorites is packed full of useful tools, there are a few features that could use some work. First, the ability to "unmark" articles is confusing. Why not have an option to undo the marking? If you choose to remove the bookmark, then you should be able to remove it with a single click. Secondly, it's tough to see all of the options. We're pretty sure that the Favorites bookmarking tool is more complicated than necessary. We don't feel that most users are going to figure out how to remove the site you're using or delete individual bookmarks. We think that this tool should give you a way to go back and remove your bookmarks for a few minutes while your computer is closed. As for the tagging and re-tagging, we don't really like the way Favorites has those. Tagging is probably better than letting users delete things that are "tagged" but we like the idea of having everything right there in one place. In fact, when you click on "All Favorite", there are the little icons right there in the list. You can just click on them to go straight to a particular bookmark that was "tagged" in a certain way. That makes it very easy to jump back and forth between pages, which is very important. In theory, Favorites is a good service. The concept is great and so is the design. It's very easy to use and it could be very good at simplifying a lot of your bookmarking. It does do a few things well that we didn't expect from a bookmarking tool, so we feel a little puzzled about some of the decisions. That said, we did like this service quite a bit and we're glad to see some good quality tool come from the world of bookmarking. For what it's worth, this tool won't get you anywhere in terms of page rankings. If you really like the site, bookmark it and you'll be able to visit it again next time. You'll need to go back to each site to have the bookmarks you save in here applied. If you're going to check out your bookmarks, this is the way to do it. Favorites has a really simple design, which makes it easy to use. You'll find that there are no bells and whistles here, just a nice visual bookmarking tool. We also like the way that you can access your bookmarks without even opening up your browser. Just press the "Home" key on your keyboard and you'll see the history of your most-visited sites right there. If you like a site, bookmark it. You'll need to do that in order to access your bookmarks later on so make sure you're on the right site! As with every other bookmarking service, Favorites can be a simple place to save everything you want. There's no