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In case you missed it, this is the most terrifying movie we've ever seen: We decided to take a look back at some of the most terrifying movies ever made to get a sense of what’s so terrifying about Tusk, which is the sequel to the popular movie about a human-turtle hybrid, and what makes this so terrifying. And here’s the terrifying trailer: There are dozens of horror movies to choose from, but here are a few we picked as stand-outs when it comes to being scarier than everything else we’ve seen. Mama Mama is a 1970s psychological horror film that became the inspiration for the Toxic Avenger comic series, which also had some influence over Tusk. The movie actually has two sequels. The second film, Mama II: The Child Crusher, has some creepy footage of a child on a staircase, which almost looks like it may lead to the titular baby. The film opens up with a woman named Anna venturing into a forest with her husband, Hans, and their two daughters. The two girls, Tina and Christine, take off running through the woods and they are never seen again. Later in the film, Hans returns to the forest to search for the girls. He finds Anna wandering aimlessly through the woods. He tries to get her to stop walking, but she refuses. He gives in and they go back home, only for Anna to immediately leave the house again, only to be dragged back in by the father. As you can see in the screenshot, she doesn’t want to go into the forest. You can see that she’s scared, right? Even though she’s been there before, you can tell she has her guard up. The movie then shows that Anna’s been walking through the forest for several days, but they aren’t seen. We assume she died in the forest. The whole point of this film is to creep you out. Sure, people get lost in forests, but it’s generally a safe environment. We see Anna with the family at home, having fun together. She seems to enjoy her time with them, but she still gets up and wanders off into the woods, seemingly willingly. That’s creepy enough, but the movie gets even better. In a flashback, Anna can be seen as a child, looking for her mother and brother. Anna runs through the forest until she finds a woman and her baby in the forest, presumably under attack. The woman screams for help as she dies. Anna leaves the baby to make sure her mom’s ok. When she comes back, her mother is dead. But that’s not the creepiest part! When Anna turns to see the man that took her mother, he’s a hideous monster, with a large bone through his nose and his teeth are like something out of a nightmare. The monster seems almost friendly when Anna is around, especially when she’s holding his baby, but the moment she turns to go, he attacks. He kills her too. See? It’s because Anna’s daughter looks like the monster. This is about as spooky as it can get. This movie does not hold back, and it ends with a truly horrifying image, though I’m trying to avoid spoiling it here. But trust me, it’s a good movie. The Descent We’re calling The Descent a horror movie instead of a documentary because of its actual genre. It has a lot of scary moments, but it’s more horror film than true documentary, and even though it was filmed in real places, it actually starts with the deaths of women and children in a cave. This movie centers around a group of women exploring a cave in the woods, which has long been off limits to anyone since a cave collapse killed several women and children in the 1930s. The movie begins with a group of women entering a cave, then another one goes in, seemingly unawares of the danger. That’s when things get really dark. The cave gets covered in mud, and as it dries, it starts to cover up the group’s tracks. They come to a small chamber, but they can’t reach the light. One of the women decides to see if the next chamber will have another passage that leads to another part of the cave, which they can use to get out of the caves. They discover another passage, but it’s blocked off by two large objects they can’t move. Then they see this. What’s even scarier than all of this is that the film was shot in real caves in southern France. You know it was real when you see spider webs. Eventually, all of them die. One by one, each of them meet their horrible end, and a child is left behind to crawl through a tunnel before meeting his own demise. It was filmed in real places, and for the most part the scenes don’t appear to have been edited at all. In short: if you’re looking for some genuine horror, The Descent is the one to go with. The movie is also a great study of what happens when a group of women are trapped and cut off from society, and what happens when the horror they see in these places is real. It’s pretty awesome, especially since it’s mostly real. Hellbound: Hellraiser II For all of you who loved the original Hellraiser, get excited. This movie takes place during the events of the first Hellraiser movie, which makes the ending of Hellbound even more terrifying. In this movie, Pinhead escapes and he has a few of his minions follow him, because they’re on his side after all. Pinhead is in the middle of telling his followers that the first movie is just the beginning when Pinhead’s minion shows up with a bloody body in a box and an even more bloody hook. We can already tell something's gone wrong. Pinhead calls the minion a murderer, but it turns out that there are plenty of hookies who can make people do things and will work to get things they want. Pinhead and the rest of his minions decide to hunt down another couple of people. This is where the movie is scarier than the original, because it has been made clear to us that the people they are going after are going to be in mortal danger. The opening scene has a group of men chasing a car that just pulled away from a bar that’s been closed down. In this opening scene, you get a sense that everyone is involved with the demonic forces in some way. They seem to take a special interest in these people, maybe even as we’re just looking at them. They are on the road as the camera pulls back to reveal that it’s actually a couple of the actors from the first Hellraiser movie. The group of actors go on to find that the same thing that happened to Frank Cotton, also happened to the man they were searching for. He was dragged into an industrial basement to be subjected to a torture ritual. All of these rituals are meant to bring someone back to life, like a resurrection. These rituals involve things like the hook pulling flesh out of your body. The second movie opens with the final moments of the horror that happened to Frank Cotton. This movie is truly a prequel to the first Hellraiser, but it shows us just what happens when Frank is brought back to life in this way, and what it means when you are a part of something like this. There is a reason that it is truly one of the most terrifying movies out there. Psycho The Hitchcock classic is one of the most famous movies that focuses on a single story with a unique set of circumstances that makes the movie so scary. While other horror films involve people being hunted in forests or in caves, Hitchcock’s film sets itself apart by being the story of one man. Norman Bates (played by Anthony Perkins) has a way with knives, to say the least. One might even say that it was a perfect way to take people down. Hitchcock didn’t get the last word, though. The man portrayed by Bates committed suicide, and he’s said to haunt Norman’s home. But that’s not the part of the movie that’s really scary. The scariest part, and the part that everyone still remembers, is when Norman goes to visit his mother in the asylum. After hearing that his mother had suffered a stroke, he wants to check up on her. He calls her cell phone, but he gets no answer. He gets into the house. It’s dark, and he sees a woman with red hair. She calls him down to the cellar, and before he knows it, Norman’s wife is in the cellar with him. Before Norman is even finished screaming, she throws him out. He finds himself outside of his house, and sees that his mother is standing in the window of her room, looking right at him. She takes his keys and she gets into the house with him. Her mother’s body is found in the cellar, and after a while it is revealed that she had been living in the cellar for some time. When she was released from the asylum, she tried to kill herself, and she was sent to the hospital to live out the rest of her days. The same man has taken her, only he made it look like she was there willingly. When she saw