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Why a pointer cannot be dereferenced in a function argument of another pointer?
Consider this function:
int myfunc(int *(*p)()) {
return p();
When calling the function as myfunc(&foo) the value is returned to the caller.
But, when I call the function inside another function, myfunc(func()) and call the function pointer p as func(), I get a runtime error. Why is it so?
*p is an rvalue, it doesn't point to a valid object, so the call p() dereferences an invalid pointer.
Dereferencing a function name (function pointer) is an unary operator: it returns a function and does not affect any arguments, while a function call expression which has an explicit parentheses after a function name is a binary operator that has an lvalue as an operand: it returns a pointer to the object.
Now, if the object is a prvalue expression, the unary * can be applied to that; it is the same as writing &prvalue. When prvalue is a pointer to function type, the value of *prvalue is the address of that function, which is again a function pointer. However, when prvalue is a pointer to data type, *prvalue is equivalent to the indirection operator.
This means that
is the same as
which means that p() will return a pointer (lvalue) to the function. But p() is not a pointer to function type; it is a pointer to function type, thus giving you a rvalue. So when calling func(), the type of p() is a pointer to function type, and is not the same as a pointer to function type and thus the type is illegal. This is your error.
When func() is called with another function pointer p, an additional argument of type int(*)(void) is implicitly passed to the function: an integer argument.
Here's an example:
using namespace std;
int func(int (*p)(int)) { return (*p)(); }
int main() {
cout << &func << endl;
cout << &func(function()) << endl;
cout << &func(&foo) << endl;
Since we used a function instead of an object, the function name became a function pointer to an int(int) function (which is legal to pass to func()). The parentheses tell the compiler that we're passing a function pointer instead of calling it.
So, the function calls are
void func(int (*)(int))
cout << &func << endl;
| |
| |
| lvalue |
i p +-----+
| |
| |
| |
+- x----v-----+----+
| |
| |
| int |
p() int +-----+
The output for the first call is 1:
int func(int (*)(int)) { return (*p)(); }
We have the call to the function template.
So we get:
int (*)() { return p; }
int (*)() { return p(); }
and the first call is equivalent to
which is what we have. Thus, the type is int(*)(int).
In the second call, we take another pointer:
int func(int (*)(int)) { return (*p)(); }
We add the parentheses to signify the argument type. Again we have the function template with the type int(*)(int).
As a side note, the value of func() is also 1. If you put a * in it, you get the address of func().
The following:
int func(int (*p)(int)) { return (*p)(); }
is also equivalent to:
int func(int (*p)(int)) { return p(); }
which is nothing more than a function template taking a function pointer and returning a function pointer.
*p returns a function pointer. When called, it will return the value of p(). The value of p() returns an int (*)(int) which is a function pointer. However, p() is not a function pointer; it is a function pointer to data type.
The third call passes another function pointer:
int func(int (*p)(int)) { return (*p)(); }
*p returns a function pointer and in this case it is not compatible with this function template and thus the call to p() is an error.
This program has undefined behaviour and it fails.
char x[4] = {1,2,3,4};
int func(int (*p)(int)) { return p(); }
int main() {
int (*q)() = func(&x[1]);
The output is:
Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
#0 0x7ffe55420000 in func() at test.cpp:3
If the function has the prototype int (*p)(int), then it cannot accept an argument of type int(*)(int). In this case, the argument is a function that returns a function pointer to the type int(int). It can't return a function pointer to a function of the type int(int) since it's illegal for function pointers to be declared with variadic parameter lists.
If the function has the prototype int (*p)(int), then it can accept a function of type int(*)(int). In this case, the function is a function that returns a pointer to function type int(*)(int).
References: N3337 4.3/3:
A function type of the form
— 8pointer to function with rg parameters of types — r2 ... rn,
where r1 is
is called a function with a variably modified parameter list
and 4.2/3:
Types declared with a function declarator that ends in a
pointer to function type other than void, function, or function
pointer shall have a complete object type ([basic.compound]).
N1570 5.2.2/1:
A function designator is an expression that has function type. Except when it is the
operand of the sizeof operator, the _Alignof operator, or the
unary & operator, a function designator with type T indicates a
function template specialization for function type T. A function
template specialization has the same name as the template