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Q: Why a pointer cannot be dereferenced in a function argument of another pointer? Consider this function: int myfunc(int *(*p)()) { return p(); } When calling the function as myfunc(&foo) the value is returned to the caller. But, when I call the function inside another function, myfunc(func()) and call the function pointer p as func(), I get a runtime error. Why is it so? A: *p is an rvalue, it doesn't point to a valid object, so the call p() dereferences an invalid pointer. A: Dereferencing a function name (function pointer) is an unary operator: it returns a function and does not affect any arguments, while a function call expression which has an explicit parentheses after a function name is a binary operator that has an lvalue as an operand: it returns a pointer to the object. Now, if the object is a prvalue expression, the unary * can be applied to that; it is the same as writing &prvalue. When prvalue is a pointer to function type, the value of *prvalue is the address of that function, which is again a function pointer. However, when prvalue is a pointer to data type, *prvalue is equivalent to the indirection operator. This means that &*p is the same as *(p()) which means that p() will return a pointer (lvalue) to the function. But p() is not a pointer to function type; it is a pointer to function type, thus giving you a rvalue. So when calling func(), the type of p() is a pointer to function type, and is not the same as a pointer to function type and thus the type is illegal. This is your error. When func() is called with another function pointer p, an additional argument of type int(*)(void) is implicitly passed to the function: an integer argument. Here's an example: #include using namespace std; int func(int (*p)(int)) { return (*p)(); } int main() { cout << &func << endl; cout << &func(function()) << endl; cout << &func(&foo) << endl; } Since we used a function instead of an object, the function name became a function pointer to an int(int) function (which is legal to pass to func()). The parentheses tell the compiler that we're passing a function pointer instead of calling it. So, the function calls are void func(int (*)(int)) cout << &func << endl; | | | | | lvalue | +-----------------+ i p +-----+ | | | | | | +- x----v-----+----+ | | | | +-----------------+ | int | p() int +-----+ ^ p | | | +-----+ | | v void* The output for the first call is 1: int func(int (*)(int)) { return (*p)(); } We have the call to the function template. So we get: int (*)() { return p; } int (*)() { return p(); } and the first call is equivalent to (*func)() which is what we have. Thus, the type is int(*)(int). In the second call, we take another pointer: int func(int (*)(int)) { return (*p)(); } We add the parentheses to signify the argument type. Again we have the function template with the type int(*)(int). As a side note, the value of func() is also 1. If you put a * in it, you get the address of func(). The following: int func(int (*p)(int)) { return (*p)(); } is also equivalent to: int func(int (*p)(int)) { return p(); } which is nothing more than a function template taking a function pointer and returning a function pointer. *p returns a function pointer. When called, it will return the value of p(). The value of p() returns an int (*)(int) which is a function pointer. However, p() is not a function pointer; it is a function pointer to data type. The third call passes another function pointer: int func(int (*p)(int)) { return (*p)(); } *p returns a function pointer and in this case it is not compatible with this function template and thus the call to p() is an error. A: This program has undefined behaviour and it fails. char x[4] = {1,2,3,4}; int func(int (*p)(int)) { return p(); } int main() { int (*q)() = func(&x[1]); } The output is: 0x7ffe55420000 Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted. #0 0x7ffe55420000 in func() at test.cpp:3 If the function has the prototype int (*p)(int), then it cannot accept an argument of type int(*)(int). In this case, the argument is a function that returns a function pointer to the type int(int). It can't return a function pointer to a function of the type int(int) since it's illegal for function pointers to be declared with variadic parameter lists. If the function has the prototype int (*p)(int), then it can accept a function of type int(*)(int). In this case, the function is a function that returns a pointer to function type int(*)(int). References: N3337 4.3/3: A function type of the form   — 8pointer to function with rg parameters of types — r2 ... rn, where r1 is is called a function with a variably modified parameter list and 4.2/3: Types declared with a function declarator that ends in a pointer to function type other than void, function, or function pointer shall have a complete object type ([basic.compound]). N1570 5.2.2/1: A function designator is an expression that has function type. Except when it is the operand of the sizeof operator, the _Alignof operator, or the unary & operator, a function designator with type T indicates a function template specialization for function type T. A function template specialization has the same name as the template from