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Q: How to get text color from a cell in a custom cell class - Xamarin iOS I have a custom cell which has a label property in it. I use the custom cell class to add this label to any other tableview's cell. What I want to do is get the text color of this label so that I can change the cell's textColor to that of the text color in this label. My Custom Cell Class : public class CustomCell : UITableViewCell { public static UILabel myLabel; public CustomCell(IntPtr handle) : base(handle) { } public static void setCustomLabel(UITableViewCell cell, UILabel textLabel) { CustomCell myCell = (CustomCell)cell; myCell.myLabel = textLabel; } [Export("initWithStyle:reuseIdentifier:")] public CustomCell(UITableViewCellStyle style, string reuseIdentifier) : base(UITableViewCellStyle.Subtitle,reuseIdentifier) { myLabel = new UILabel(); ContentView.AddSubview(myLabel); } [Export("initWithCoder:")] public CustomCell(NSCoder aDecoder) : base(UITableViewCellStyle.Subtitle, aDecoder) { myLabel = new UILabel(); } [Export("setText:")] public override void SetText(UITextField value) { myLabel.Text = value.Text; } [Export("setDetailText:")] public override void SetDetailText(NSString value) { myLabel.Text = value; } [Export("setDetailTextColor:")] public override void SetDetailTextColor(UIColor value) { myLabel.TextColor = value; } } In my viewController class I did : private void setUpTableView() { ... private TableSource.CustomCell objCustomCell; objCustomCell = (TableSource.CustomCell)myTableView.DequeueReusableCell("mycell"); objCustomCell.myLabel.Text = "MyText"; // this next line gives error "Reference to non-static field requires an object reference." objCustomCell.SetTextColor(objCustomCell.myLabel.TextColor); // objCustomCell.myLabel is not declared. Do I have to create a UILabel instance here? // objCustomCell.myLabel = new UILabel() objCustomCell.Subviews.Clear(); objCustomCell.Subviews.Add(new UILabel() { Text = "Hello World!" }); myTableView.Source = objCustomCell; } I want the cell to show the text and text color of the text which I added using myLabel and the textColor property of it. How do I accomplish this? The error I get is : "Reference to non-static field requires an object reference." A: I found the answer to my own question. The reason why I wasn't able to add the text color by adding a UILabel to the cell was because the UILabel was being added inside the static myLabel property and it couldn't be seen outside of that property. I had to create a label object and then set the text color of that object and then add it to the cell. The corrected code looks something like this : objCustomCell.myLabel.Text = "MyText"; objCustomCell.myLabel.TextColor = objCustomCell.myLabel.TextColor; objCustomCell.Subviews.Clear(); objCustomCell.Subviews.Add(new UILabel() { Text = "Hello World!" }); myTableView.Source = objCustomCell; Hope this helps someone in the future :) A: Your cell definition has no name. Do not do that; you will never have any control over the label inside the cell, and cannot change the color anyways. Instead, change your setTextColor to something like this: public void SetTextColor(UIColor value) { if(myLabel == null) return; // set the color of the label in the view hierarchy myLabel.TextColor = value; } // then use it like this: myCustomCell.SetTextColor(myCustomCell.myLabel.TextColor); If you are adding and removing the UILabel inside your cell, then you can do something like this: public void SetTextColor(UIColor value) { if(myLabel == null) return; // set the color of the label in the view hierarchy myLabel.TextColor = value; // force the label to draw itself to the cell, reusing it myLabel.SetNeedsDisplay(); } // then use it like this: myCustomCell.SetTextColor(myCustomCell.myLabel.TextColor); I would recommend you also add code to change the color of the UITableViewCellAccessoryIndicatorView that has the colored chevron. That can be done in SetTextColor as well. A: If you want to change color of all cells in the table view without using CustomCell class , then you can use custom UITableViewCell. Create two UILabel in custom cell. Place one label below other and set cell background to your desired color. CustomTableCell.h @interface CustomTableCell : UITableViewCell { UILabel *label1; UILabel *label2; } @property (nonatomic, retain) UILabel *label1; @property (nonatomic, retain) UILabel *label2; @end CustomTableCell.m - (void)awakeFromNib { self.label1 = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 60, 30)]; [self.contentView addSubview:self.label1]; self.label2 = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(60, 0, 60, 30)]; [self.contentView addSubview:self.label2]; [self.label1 setTextColor:[UIColor grayColor]]; [self.label1 setTextAlignment:UITextAlignmentCenter]; [self.label1 setBackgroundColor:[UIColor whiteColor]]; [self.label2 setTextAlignment:UITextAlignmentCenter]; [self.label2 setBackgroundColor:[UIColor whiteColor]]; } You can change label1 color by setting color in this method. -(void)setLabelTextColor:(UIColor *)color { label1.textColor = color; label2.textColor = color; } And use this method for changing all label text color. CustomTableCell *cell = [tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath]; [cell setLabelTextColor:[UIColor greenColor]]; If you are adding tableView and tableViewCell programmatically, please use the following code for that. CustomTableCell *cell = [[CustomTableCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:@"CustomCell"]; Hope, it helps you to get out of this error.