FTL is not possibl
Quietly, Quiggly s
Tiffany, you reall
FTL is not possibl
Quitetly, Quiggly
Joe's Bar and Gril
Tiffany, you reall
Ships were lost du
Joe's Bar and Gril
Chapter 1. Once

Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Once
Stop dancing like
FTL is not possibl
FTL is not possibl
Joe's Bar and Gril
Joe's Bar and Gril
Chapter 1. Our st
Quietly, Quiggly s
Chapter 1. Our st
That turned dark quickly. Instead of helping me I got punished and my dad started beating me over the head with his 2 by 4s. It was a pretty horrific experience. I was 10 years old at the time. French: On avait une chaîne de supermarchés ici. J'étais en haut de la chaîne et mon père était derrière des caisses. A ce moment-là, je devais apporter des paquets à la caisse. J'avais toujours des choses à l'esprit qui m'empêchaient de gagner en poids parce que j'étais le plus petit et je devais donc m'adapter au mieux. Alors, je devais apporter les paquets le plus vite possible, mais au-delà de ça, dès que j'atteignais la caisse, mon père me donnait une telle bourrade sur la tête qu'on aurait dit une cloche de tricycle. Je pensais qu'il m'allait me tuer. Ça faisait trop mal. Je faisais des cauchemars tous les soirs. Je rêvais d'avoir encore des petits-enfants. J'étais en pleurs. Alors je voulais m'enfuir mais mes parents ne voulaient pas. Je croyais que le meilleur endroit pour faire ça, c'était à l'école. J'étais en troisième secondaire, j'étais beau-père pour ma cousine qui avait 5 ans, elle grandissait donc très bien. C'était un jeune enfant avec une barbe, des chaussures propres. Mais quand j'arrivais chez elle, je m'enfuis. Et comme ça, je ne devais plus jamais voir mes parents. English: We had a food store here. I was at the top and my father was behind the counter. At that point I needed to bring some groceries to the counter. I always had my stuff in mind that hindered me from gaining weight because I was the smallest one and I had to fit in the best. So I had to bring the groceries in as quickly as possible, but beyond that I'd have my father beating me on the head in such a way that we'd call it a bicycle bell. I thought he was going to kill me. It really hurt. I was having nightmares all the time. I dreamed of having some kids again. I was crying. So I wanted to run away but my parents didn't want me to do that. I thought the best place to do that was school. I was in the third grade and I was the godfather to my cousin who was five years old, so she was going through puberty at that point, so she was like a little kid with an afro hairdo and clean sneakers. But when I arrived there she would run away. French: Je ne voyais pas mon père et ma mère non plus. Ce n'était pas ça que j'avais souhaité faire. Pourquoi est-ce que je les ai fuis ? Un peu plus tard, j'étais en Colombie-Britannique, il y avait une école avec des jeunes bébés dans la classe. Mon père ne pouvait pas faire ça, il était en classe. J'ai été élevé selon les principes libéraux. Je pensais que si je le libérais, je pouvais le libérer. Ça n'a pas fonctionné. C'était un échec. Laissez-moi me séparé de mon père et en faisant ça, j'ai été libéré. Je vais l'appeler un échec. Je ne l'ai pas transformé en quelque chose de réel, mais enfin, ça a été un moment important pour moi. Alors j'ai été libéré. J'étais en troisième secondaire et j'avais 15 ans. Je faisais partie d'une délégation scolaire qui est venue dans des maisons de correction. English: I couldn't see my father and mother either. That's not what I had wanted to do. Why did I run away? A few years later I was in the Canadian province of British Columbia. There was a school with babies. My father wasn't allowed to do that because he was in class. I grew up according to the liberal principles. I thought if I left him alone he would leave me alone. It didn't work. It was a failure. Let me get away from my father and doing this I was liberated. I'm going to call this a failure. I didn't make it into a real thing but at the very least it was a pretty important moment for me. So I was liberated. I was 15 years old and in seventh grade. I was part of a high school delegation that came to places of incarceration. English: And I was scared to see the criminals and it was a very painful experience. My teacher was very sympathetic. He started by saying that I should go and see the prison in order to understand how these people get to that place. It's very difficult for me to understand it because they didn't go to jail because of a crime, but because they were poor. And the fact that they're poor does not justify their being in prison, but it is why they are. I was in a privileged environment at that time. I was growing up in a beautiful house with a beautiful garden and I was studying in one of the best colleges in the city and I was surrounded by the best students. And I was still so immature that I would tell my mother that I wanted to go to university. And she would tell me: "You can't go to university with your life like this. You have to finish high school first." French: J'ai été très choqué d'y voir des criminels. Ce fut une expérience très douloureuse. Et mon professeur était très sympa. Il m'a dit de sortir et de voir l'endroit pour mieux comprendre comment les gens y arrivent. Ça a été très difficile pour moi d'y comprendre parce que ce n'était pas du crime, mais parce qu'ils étaient pauvres. Et le fait qu'ils étaient pauvres ne justifie pas l'endroit où ils sont. Je suis dans une environnement très privilégié à l'époque. Je gagnais ma vie dans une belle maison et une magnifique serre et je prenais mon bac dans l'une des meilleures écoles de cette ville, entouré par mes meilleurs élèves. Et j'étais encore un peu immature pour que ma mère dise que je voulais aller à l'université. Et elle aurait répondu : "Tu peux pas aller à l'université avec ton parcours de vie. Il faut terminer English: He had a point, you can't be an average student and go to the University. You need to get a high school diploma first. And I couldn't see a way out of that and I thought it was fine that I couldn't go to university. I didn't know what to do with myself. I went home for Christmas and I was 15 years old. On New Year's Eve I couldn't sleep. I was sleeping in the guest bedroom that my mom was using. When I woke up it was about 9 pm, it was still dark out. I went downstairs and she was sitting on the couch in the living room. She said: "A. What is it?" I said: "It was about 9 at night and I don't know what's going on. I need to be asleep by 8 o'clock so that I can get up on time to go to the university. I don't need to tell you the importance of that to me. I went back upstairs, laid down in bed French: le lycée." Il avait raison. On ne peut pas être un bon élève et aller à l'université. Il faut avoir un diplôme de l'enseignement secondaire d'abord. Et je ne voyais