That turned dark q
FTL is not possibl
Quietly, Quiggly s
Tiffany, you reall
FTL is not possibl
Quitetly, Quiggly
Joe's Bar and Gril
Tiffany, you reall
Ships were lost du
Joe's Bar and Gril

Chapter 1. Once
Stop dancing like
FTL is not possibl
FTL is not possibl
Joe's Bar and Gril
Joe's Bar and Gril
Chapter 1. Our st
Quietly, Quiggly s
Chapter 1. Our st
That turned dark q
Quitetly, Quiggly stepped into the darkness as he stealthily approached and steeled himself for what might happen next. Sure enough, there he saw a huge creature standing before him, eyeing him all the while. The massive beast had eyes so large they nearly covered the entire wall of his head. No wonder, Quiggly thought, they called it a bear. The beast’s arms were the width of Quiggly's torso and he was at least seven feet tall. His entire being was that of pure strength and speed. But most striking of all were his eyes: the irises of them were pure white. Seeing him, Quiggly became frightened and his heart raced with fear. "Wuhhh! Wuhhh!" was all he could utter, for now that he was in the presence of the beast, he feared the terrible thoughts that would come. As he did so, the beast walked towards him and reached out with his hand. As his hand came close to him, it quickly drew back and a claw rose from its finger. It quickly swiped at him and suddenly, he became nothing more than a pile of wet feathers floating through the air on a sea of red, which rapidly grew cold. "It was the blood of this very creature that killed all of the birds. My brothers, sisters, and I shall honor their memories. As a result of the blood, we shall forever live amongst the clouds. We will be forever vigilant to the skies and keep watch over the skies above. We will also guard the skies below so that mankind will never again be forced to fight against us for that which is his. We have no need for such brutality; we are born of blood." - The Blood of the Vultures Awoke [size=18]You do not know me, but I know you. And it is you, alone, that stands between my people and the world. The world that we have kept from coming to for longer than you can imagine. We are the people who have kept the world safe for so many generations. We are the blood of the earth. We are the vampires. But now we are dying, and we will only continue to weaken if we are ever returned to a time that our kind has not yet lived in. You, who are the only one who might be able to reverse this damage, who might be able to return us back to when our kind has not yet lived in the world, we ask of you this favor: to help us restore our kind. For the better good of the world, we ask this from you. We ask you to find the answer to three questions, and if the answer to each one is true, then return to us our kind as it once was.[/size] [b]Q1: Who is the world’s oldest living creature?[/b][b]Q2: What is the name of the monster that causes disease?[/b][b]Q3: What is the name of the monster that makes man sick?[/b] [size=18]Asking this of you will not cause us much harm, for a thousand years and more have passed since we were last seen. But if the world is not blessed enough to see our return, then I fear that it might collapse upon itself and the world would be reduced to a frozen wasteland. Ask this of you, and you shall have our eternal gratitude. If not, we will destroy the world. Last edited by Quiggly on Sat Nov 12, 2011 5:06 pm, edited 13 times in total. [i]We are all part of the Circle, a small portion of the universe in which time moves in a circle. What I'm proposing is that the world was created in the middle of the circle and then it would travel both directions depending on the circumstances surrounding it. As the world travels around the circle, so too does time, so when the world reaches the point in the middle of the circle from whence it came, it's the same as if it's just started all over again. That's the only way this makes any sense and is it possible for this all to be real. The fact that the world is moving towards it's beginning proves that it's the same as it was when it began, for that is the beginning, just traveling on the other side of the world. There can be no other explanation of it. Any deviation from that statement has all the signs of a man trying to explain something that is uncontrollable. This is a truth that God willed. A truth that is unbreakable. I believe in Christ as my savior, and He is my God. I believe in the power that He gives me and with Him, I have no fear. Fear comes from ignorance. We don't know what is coming, we just know what is. I believe in our God of creation, who made us all and is the greatest. He created us, He cares for us. It is He, not man, that gives us our ability to go to heaven. When a person dies, it isn't man's place to say who is going where. This is a truth that will not be broken. It is a truth that was decided before time. The circle of life, it shall go on as it was meant to go on. We are all part of the circle, a small portion of the universe in which time moves in a circle. What I'm proposing is that the world was created in the middle of the circle and then it would travel both directions depending on the circumstances surrounding it. As the world travels around the circle, so too does time, so when the world reaches the point in the middle of the circle from whence it came, it's the same as if it's just started all over again. That's the only way this makes any sense and is it possible for this all to be real. The fact that the world is moving towards it's beginning proves that it's the same as it was when it began, for that is the beginning, just traveling on the other side of the world. There can be no other explanation of it. Any deviation from that statement has all the signs of a man trying to explain something that is uncontrollable. This is a truth that God willed. A truth that is unbreakable. I believe in Christ as my savior, and He is my God. I believe in the power that He gives me and with Him, I have no fear. Fear comes from ignorance. We don't know what is coming, we just know what is. I believe in our God of creation, who made us all and is the greatest. He created us, He cares for us. It is He, not man, that gives us our ability to go to heaven. When a person dies, it isn't man's place to say who is going where. This is a truth that will not be broken. It is a truth that was decided before time. The circle of life, it shall go on as it was meant to go on. We are all part of the circle, a small portion of the universe in which time moves in a circle. What I'm proposing is that the world was created in the middle of the circle and then it would travel both directions depending on the circumstances surrounding it. As the world travels around the circle, so too does time, so when the world reaches the point in the middle of the circle from whence it came, it's the same as if it's just started all over again. I am no expert but if anyone knows much about birds it is a bird with the shape of human eyes. So if the blood of a bird caused birds to die of a disease can't it be that something similar is happening to the humans? I'm going to sound a little nuts here but just wondering... Could it possibly be that those who will be saved in the rapture are the birds? How do you explain them being dead if there were raptured before the rapture. (Sorry I don't know how to write this any better) I know how you feel, when the rapture comes and they take the rest of us we are doomed to die from something like bird flu. But as the Bible says we can sleep for seven years, so I am hoping we will be asleep long enough to be spared [b]Q1: Who is the world’s oldest living creature?[/b][b]Q2: What is the name of the monster that causes disease?[/b][b]Q3: What is the name of the monster that makes man sick?[/b] Asking this of you will not cause us much harm, for a thousand years and more have passed since we were last seen. But if the world is not blessed enough to see our return, then I fear that it might collapse upon itself and the world would be reduced to a frozen wasteland. Ask this of you, and you shall have our eternal gratitude. If not, we will destroy the world. Asking this of you will not cause us much harm, for a thousand years and more have passed since we were last seen. But if the world is not blessed enough to see our return, then I fear that it might collapse upon itself and the world would be reduced to a frozen wasteland. Ask this of you, and you shall have our eternal gratitude. If not, we will destroy the world. I am no expert but if anyone knows much about birds it is a bird with the shape of human eyes. [b]Q1: Who is the world’s oldest living creature?[/b][b]Q2: What is the name of the monster that causes