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Ships were lost du
Concrete may have
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Ships were lost du
Quitetly, Quiggly
Concrete may have
Quitetly, Quiggly
FTL is not possibl
Quitetly, Quiggly

Joe's Bar and Gril
Ships were lost du
Tiffany, you reall
Joe's Bar and Gril
Quitetly, Quiggly
FTL is not possibl
Tiffany, you reall
Quietly, Quiggly s
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That turned dark q
Chapter 1. Once 我再也不用再去接受那麼多感激的接收和對待了, you can 用 就 to describe a situation that will never happen again in the future. So 那麼多感激的接收和對待 means "getting praised/blamed a lot," as a noun. (你(人)真滑阿(人)。) You can use 的 to mark a "that". Then it means "being praised/blamed a lot". Also it's similar in 只是 and 就是. 只是 means "just". 就是 means "that". It's very common, so you might have to think about it hard, because this is like saying "that is". 充分 is a special word. You can't use 充分 by itself. You can use it with a quantifier. "There is so much work for me. I am really busy." "I am busy enough to almost faint from the sheer exhaustion. That is so many work." "There are quite a lot of interesting books in the library." "It's a library with quite a lot of interesting books." The key is that 充分 can be placed next to a quantifier, like 很多(much), 很少(few), 每次, etc. So, the next sentence works: 人家在餐厅找我都很餓(Hungry). 你看, 他又多了一碗。 (There's so much food here.) 人家找我有时候都很饿(Hungry). 你看, 这次他又多了一碗。 (There are times when people look for me and they are hungry.) 人家也是不胖(Not fat). 你看, 他又多了一碗。 (Even people who aren't fat are getting more food now.) And it can be placed next to a noun or a pronoun. So the last sentence also works: 他的一瓶沙包是充分的,就是我没看到(He had a full packet of chips. I didn't see it.) 他的一瓶沙包是充分的。 (He had a full packet of chips.) 你的一瓶沙包还是充分的。 (Yours is a full packet of chips, too.) It also works to describe a situation in the future. 那儿有大块温暖的床,吃完晚餐一起看电视也很舒服(坐在那床上微笑着,吃得也很好吃, 看电视很舒服。) (There are sofas in a comfortable room, and you can eat and watch TV happily together.) 你想知道吗?人家一起看电视又很舒服(很舒服+ 和你一起 可以 就是+ 他也)。 (Would you like to know why? (A)People together watch TV together is really nice and is good together with you (and they can do so and they do it). Or if you want it translated into Chinese, 他们一起看电视都很舒服。 (They together watch TV are very comfortable.) 他们一起看电视是和你一起做的。 (It is like you doing it together (both you and him) with him.) You can find that you can use 充分 in any situations where a Chinese person might expect an adjective, but it doesn't really have an exact equivalent in English, I think. 他是那位老人真够资格。他够资格 了。他够资格了。他够资格了!他够资格了! 他够资格了。他够资格了。 He's the sort of guy who gets things right. 真够资格了。 It's the right sort of guy. 够资格了。 他够资格了,真够资格。 (He's the right sort of guy. So he's got it right. He's the right sort of guy and he's right. He's the right sort of guy. He's the right sort of guy and he's right. He's the right sort of guy and he's right. 他够资格了!) 他够资格了,真够资格了。 他够资格了。他够资格了。 他够资格了。 He's the sort of guy who gets things right. It's the right sort of guy. 够资格了! 他够资格了。 他够资格了。 His words make me think of your sentence. But I am not sure if you have an exact equivalent for "enough to make one's eyes roll". I think 充分 works really well with 舒服, 让人感到了, 感动了, 舒腾 (for a lot of reason: 1.你的电视真多钱。你真舒服的。You really like it, or you are so comfortable, so it makes sense to express the idea of it being "satisfactory".) 很多词都是可以用。 你的 三点, 你的话真让人困惑 (他/她 真够资格了。他够资格了。 他够资格了。他够资格了。他够资格了。) To say that something (or someone) is 够资格了. 是的 真够资格了,是的 真够资格了,是的 真够资格了,是的,真够资格了。 是的 真够资格了。 他的三点, 你的话真让人困惑. 是的 真够资格了! 他够资格了! 是的 真够资格了,真够资格了! 是的 真够资格了! (Your 真够资格了 还让我想了很多 的话。 He 真够资格了. It is okay. 真够资格了! 真够资格了,真够资格了! 真够资格了!) 是的 真够资格了, 真够资格了. 真够资格了。 是的 真够资格了 。 很多词都是可以用。 He's the sort of guy who gets things right. 真够资格了。 他是那位老人真够资格。 (That is because) 真够资格了! 是的 真够资格了。 很多词都是可以用。 He's the sort of guy who gets things right. 真够资格了 。 他 够资格了。(That is because) 真够资格了 了! 很多词都是可以用。 真够资格了 。 He 真够资格了。 真够资格了,真够资格了。 It's the right sort of guy. 够资格了 。 他够资格了,真够资格了。 It is the right sort of guy. 够资格了 。 他够资格了。 It is the right sort of guy and he is right. 够资格了。 他够资格了 。 他够资格了。 他够资格了。 真够资格了! 他够资格了,真够资格了,真够资格了。 It is the right sort of guy. 够资格了 。 他够资格了。 It is the right sort of guy. 真够