Piercings, Tattoos
The Chain
He was very tired,
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Good and Guilty
I'm Gonna Fix Her!
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Big Win, Big Decis
What it was like for him to come out of that closet, and be himself, we will never really know. I have always felt like if he had not been so honest and brave about who he was, he may still be alive today, and who knows, perhaps have gotten married, and kids, with one of those guys on the other side of his bed. I hope for his children, who lost their father too soon, that they will always have his presence in their lives. To them I send my deepest sympathy for your loss. RIP, George Michael, May you have the comfort that you are missed every day. If you are in a serious relationship and you can't stop thinking about another person, or would like some guidance, I can help. If you would like to be in better touch with your relationship, if you are having problems or would just like to feel better in your relationship, let's talk. Your relationship is the most important part of your life, and it deserves special attention. It is not the most important part of your life that is problematic, it is the way you perceive your relationship. What you can do about your problems depends on how aware you are of them. To find the right solution for your relationship and problems, you need to understand why they exist. And while reading this site, you are well on the way to gaining that understanding. If you are in a serious relationship and you can't stop thinking about another person, or would like some guidance, I can help. If you would like to be in better touch with your relationship, if you are having problems or would just like to feel better in your relationship, let's talk. Your relationship is the most important part of your life, and it deserves special attention. It is not the most important part of your life that is problematic, it is the way you perceive your relationship. What you can do about your problems depends on how aware you are of them. To find the right solution for your relationship and problems, you need to understand why they exist. And while reading this site, you are well on the way to gaining that understanding. If you are in a serious relationship and you can't stop thinking about another person, or would like some guidance, I can help. If you would like to be in better touch with your relationship, if you are having problems or would just like to feel better in your relationship, let's talk. Your relationship is the most important part of your life, and it deserves special attention. It is not the most important part of your life that is problematic, it is the way you perceive your relationship. What you can do about your problems depends on how aware you are of them. To find the right solution for your relationship and problems, you need to understand why they exist. And while reading this site, you are well on the way to gaining that understanding. Here is a quote from someone who saw his ex and is now dating a friend, "It's weird but being friends with my ex-girlfriend seems much easier than getting over her." Many people think that because of a previous relationship, being with someone else would be easy. In fact, just the opposite is true. There's no magic ingredient that makes being with someone else a breeze. It takes work and honesty, the same qualities needed in the relationship before it ended, and there's still plenty of room for you to get hurt. The relationship has just moved to a new place in your life. Remember that you have just survived a relationship that didn't work out and that your current partner deserves a big hug and a kiss. But you still have to be honest and protect yourself from being taken advantage of again. If your partner does not have the ability to be faithful, or if he/she did not use protection when making love to you, you should consider this. Most men who are unfaithful don't care about your feelings and neither do many women. So be honest with yourself and anyone you are dating and don't make yourself vulnerable by trusting an old partner again. Be realistic about what you want in a relationship and do not make it harder for yourself to find one by being hurt once again. Be willing to walk away if you need to. Life is too short to waste on people who have never been faithful to you. If you are in a serious relationship and you can't stop thinking about another person, or would like some guidance, I can help. If you would like to be in better touch with your relationship, if you are having problems or would just like to feel better in your relationship, let's talk. Your relationship is the most important part of your life, and it deserves special attention. It is not the most important part of your life that is problematic, it is the way you perceive your relationship. What you can do about your problems depends on how aware you are of them. To find the right solution for your relationship and problems, you need to understand why they exist. And while reading this site, you are well on the way to gaining that understanding. Most people would prefer to take advantage of someone they love in that time of need than to deal with the reality of their present situation. We can't always help it if we react to life the way we want and have to deal with the consequences. Many people have an overwhelming desire to be a hero and take the fall for someone they love when it is very easy to do so. If you live in a house full of people, no one is going to miss you for a few hours. And besides, those people are too busy dealing with their own reality to even miss you at the moment. But then when that person gets better, or he/she has recovered from their injury, then you will be left with the pain and guilt for having let them down. They will need your forgiveness and your help to heal so you can start over again, and that's going to be much harder without the benefit of hindsight. It is only when we go through life accepting things for what they are and deal with the pain that we become the person we were meant to be. The person who has lived the reality of that situation. In a way, that pain becomes our greatest gift because it has brought us closer to the person we want to be. The problem for us is that we have to live through our pain in order to learn our lesson. The same applies in a relationship when we cannot keep ourselves from feeling a situation more than necessary because it is painful to feel. We just want the relationship to get better, but we think if we only keep repeating the same mistakes, we are going to break up. Well, there are only so many times you can change your life so that your partner has to change his/her life before you will look at yourself and realize that you are going nowhere. That's the reality of the situation. The more time you spend dwelling in these fantasies, the more you are going to resist being the person you are supposed to be. The person that will be able to go through the pain and hurt of being in a relationship and see the beauty in it at the same time. So keep your fantasies in the past and let go of the pain you feel today. Instead of wallowing in self-pity and blame, turn your pain into a new experience that will make you a better person in the future. If you are in a serious relationship and you can't stop thinking about another person, or would like some guidance, I can help. If you would like to be in better touch with your relationship, if you are having problems or would just like to feel better in your relationship, let's talk. Your relationship is the most important part of your life, and it deserves special attention. It is not the most important part of your life that is problematic, it is the way you perceive your relationship. What you can do about your problems depends on how aware you are of them. To find the right solution for your relationship and problems, you need to understand why they exist. And while reading this site, you are well