I'm Gonna Fix Her!
Good and Guilty
What it was like f
Piercings, Tattoos
The Chain
He was very tired,
It Will Be My Reve

The Strategist or
Pick A Tribemate
The Strategist or
I did my basic at
The Ultimate Sacri
Big Win, Big Decis
You Own My Vote
UAE, Dubai Vacatio
that's not a unico
Ethically Sourced
Water was found on mars, but not not before it was discovered the the water and the air go together. People will only make changes to society if they are forced to. But they only see what they want to see. The people do not see the real consequences of their actions; for example they do not see the pollution. “An economist is someone who will tell you he can't explain an obvious thing just because he does not understand it.” This could be the motto of our society, our economy, and our politics. We want to save the earth, but we don't care about who is going to clean up the mess afterwards. All we see are numbers, numbers, numbers. “People in some fields understand the consequences of what they do.” Like engineers who know what it takes to protect the environment, biologists know how important it is to save whales. What we have to give back to the land can be explained in terms of money. We are responsible for what we do to the earth. However, you cannot be responsible and not do it. We have to live together on this planet. As you don't want to be thrown into the sea, you need the earth and the sea to survive. Like it or not, we need each other. This is why we should protect the environment. However, this is only possible if we can stop seeing the earth as something where we make money. Without us there will be no air for us. But that is something the economics cannot explain. “Because air is something we cannot not have. There must be something for air and water to become air.” The way we deal with nature is a mirror image of how we see nature. It is possible that we do not see the consequences of our actions at all. We don't look up from our computers at the sky to see how much pollution has destroyed the ozone layer. The scientists have predicted that in fifty years the earth will be uninhabitable. We know that the acid rain of Scandinavia has made the earth unlivable for some animals. Why should we listen to the scientists who tell us about the earth and the universe? Because they can be right. And because they are the only people who can give us a picture of what the future might bring. If they are mistaken, their prediction will prove them wrong. Because nature is a living system. If we interfere with its processes, nature will react. “I think the main question is; Is it true that if we change things, it will have consequences? We don't know what the consequences will be, but we should investigate the consequences. What would happen if we let people die?” When we have decided on the consequences we want, the best way to investigate the consequences is to carry it out. Otherwise we have no idea what will happen, like we did with chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Before they were used as coolants in refrigerators, scientists were sure that CFCs would not harm the ozone layer. However, when they were used, the holes in the ozone layer started to appear. The destruction of the ozone layer is the result of what we are doing to nature. We can expect the destruction of the oceans. “I know that it was bad, but was it really that bad? What do you think? Did we save the whales? Can you predict what will happen in the future?” We cannot predict how the oceans will look in 100 years. I can tell you that many of our seas will not be as rich in life as they are now. We are using up so much of the earth's resources that it will get uninhabitable in 50 years. We cannot know whether nature will become more hostile towards humans, or humans will be able to adapt to its changes. But we can say that at the moment it doesn't look too good for the world's inhabitants. “We will never let that happen! Is it only to save whales and penguins?” If the earth will become uninhabitable in the future, there will be no whales, or penguins, or polar bears. That would be a mistake. This is not because I feel sorry for all the people who kill whales or birds. However, if we do not protect nature and the environment, there will be no life for humans. The future of our earth is directly connected with our future. If we want to be able to live in the future, we need nature and its processes. “Why would nature, which can heal itself, let us do that? Why can't the planet heal itself? Should we let it heal itself? How would you define healing? Letting the planet be the same as it used to be? What would that mean?” If the earth will become uninhabitable in the future, there will be no penguins, polar bears, or whales. However, if we want to have penguins, polar bears, and whales in the future, we will have to protect their environment, we have to make sure that nature continues to have it's own existence. We cannot expect that nature will be in our hands and give us back what it has lost. But if nature cannot heal itself, it will not be able to give us what we want in the future. “We can never do that? We can never not have the earth in our hands? It's impossible? Don't you think we can do that?” If we destroy nature, it will become unfriendly to humans. When we do not protect nature, we lose the possibilities to live in this earth. And if we do not protect the earth, the earth will protect us. The problem is that we do not know what is coming. Nature cannot predict what will happen to it, because it is not conscious. Nature does not know the future. But you as an individual person do. If you let nature have its own existence, you give a chance for humans to survive, for nature to continue existing, for life to continue existing, even for you to continue existing. “But if humans would be gone, the environment would still exist? You don't think that animals would not disappear? The animals are nature. They are part of nature. Do you believe that everything would still be around? But what if something would take over the earth? What if it would be an alien that would have more intelligence than humans?” We have made a mistake with the term alien. If you had seen a Martian, you would be alien to it. But if you were an intelligent, conscious being, you would not be alien. Because humans, as individuals, have consciousness, the earth and the universe have consciousness. “I don't know if it's true. You can't say, 'I am conscious. I see the world, and then I'm not aware of you, because I can only see a part of it.'” We cannot look through the whole world. We are conscious only of that which is important for us. However, we are conscious that we can look everywhere. “We are conscious of being conscious of everything that happens.” We can go to Mars and look at the water, the soil, and air and say 'it is the air we breathe'. Even though we will never see it directly, we can say that we are conscious of it. We can look at the water and say 'it is H20'. We can look at the air and say 'it is O2'. In a scientific way, we have explained everything to us. As the earth has a certain level of gravity, we can look at this earth and say 'it is of a certain shape, it is called gravity, there is a certain substance for that called gravity.' All of this is scientific. We have explanations for everything. There is nothing left unexplained. We have explained everything in an intellectual way. But we can never explain why we do not see the earth as the whole. “Is it possible to explain that? If you had to choose, would you like it if the whole picture was in your mind all of the time? That you would never have the feeling of seeing just one place. What do you think would happen if we understood it?” If we did, the only thing that would be left unexplained would be why nature is conscious. For example, why do you feel that I am conscious? Because I look at the world, I look at the earth, and the earth is conscious. And I look at you, and I look at the humans who are listening to the things I say to you. We never know when we are going to die. We think 'we are going to die'. But we cannot know for certain when it will happen. We do not live in the present. We cannot feel our own heartbeat and blood circulation. We cannot feel that we are breathing. If I sit here without saying a word, you will not see me breathing. “How can you know this? When do you breathe? I have the feeling that you can't prove that when you breathe, you are conscious of it. You could be saying that you are conscious.”