The Strategist or
Pick A Tribemate
The Strategist or
Water was found on
I'm Gonna Fix Her!
Good and Guilty
What it was like f
Piercings, Tattoos
The Chain

The Ultimate Sacri
Big Win, Big Decis
You Own My Vote
UAE, Dubai Vacatio
that's not a unico
Ethically Sourced
Pick-up Sticks
So that’s sort of
Over the long term
Stick it up your
I did my basic at Fort Jackson in 1991 and this sure does bring back the memories. I went to basic through the summer of 1991 in the South Carolina town of Allendale. I did my basic at Fort Jackson in January of 1991, I went into basic the same as you and then after we came back from our basic training we went on to advanced individual training. We spent about five days there learning how to use our rifles and that was it. After advanced individual training we got a few days leave then were shipped off to the California desert to Camp Pendleton for boot camp. In boot camp we did things like cleaning brass, learning how to properly walk, shooting, riding bikes, swimming, running, learning how to march, learning how to carry, and learning to fire rifles like an M-16. After boot camp we shipped out and went to San Diego for AIT. We did things like swimming, running, marching, cleaning brass, learning how to drive a truck, learning how to maintain and fire a Humvee, and learning how to fire different types of guns such as M-60 machine guns. After AIT was complete we headed off to Fort Polk, Louisiana to be processed out of the military. From there we left the army and waited for our next orders. I remember when I was a young boy and first began going into the military it was the worst day of my life, but looking back on it now it was the best day of my life. It seemed like everything was going to hell and I really felt that the army was the best thing I could have done for myself. It helped me grow up and become a better person. While I was in the Army I did a lot of things I never would have done as a civilian, but it didn't make me hate the army. It made me feel I was doing my duty for my country. A while back when I was still in the army we would get letters from our families every week and one time there was one that really stood out for me. It was a letter that my older brother had sent to me and it said in the letter that he had met up with some friends and they had gone to a gay bar and told my brother that you can really go gay in the military and you will not be found out if you lie about it. One time I remember walking into a bar in the middle of nowhere and I could tell that everybody in the bar was gay. When I went in I went up to the bartender and asked him if they served any drink that was gay. He said yes so I ordered a few. While I was at the bar I saw this guy dancing all drunk and when he tried to dance on a table I grabbed him by the arm and escorted him outside. He was really drunk and I think he may have thought I was gay, but in the future he will know I am not. After I got him outside I took him to his room and I just gave him some of his own medicine. I did not hurt him but I did give him a lot of shit. I found out that he was married and did not tell his wife that he was a homosexual. My brother once told me a really wild story about a trip he took with a friend of his in Washington DC. They drove down to D.C. in a rental car and parked it in some woods so they could go get something to eat. While they were eating they decided to take a walk in the woods and look for some gay guys that were gay and liked men. They found a couple of them but they ended up just jerking each other off, but after that they were really horny. My brother was telling me that he really liked this one guy that they met up with while they were walking. He had on this tight tight pair of gym shorts, he had a perfect body, and a perfect ass on him. My brother told me that this guy had the nicest ass he had ever seen. He said his ass was as nice as my sister. My brother also told me he was not gay, but he had sucked his cock several times. I asked him why he would do that, but he just smiled and told me he really liked the feeling of the cock. When he told me all of this I was not sure if he was serious or not. After he told me that he had to leave and head home but said that he would be back in touch with me soon and that I needed to meet him. I got really worried after my brother told me all of this. I thought that if I kept in touch with him I might be gay and I might end up fucking my brother. My brother was in the military and I thought that if I was in the military and I found a man that I really like, that it could be bad. It would be bad if I let myself have a chance to be gay with this guy and find out later on that I liked men. I was scared to death because I could not tell my brother, my wife, or any of my friends about this. I love to drink and party and I don't know why, but if I am at the bar and a man looks like he could be my brother in-law or my boss or my father-in-law or some other authority figure, I will not touch the guy with a ten foot pole. If he is my brother-in-law then it is like playing Russian roulette because there is a chance I might go back home and do something that I will really regret. I might fuck my brother-in-law and if he finds out then things will be over for me, but I like to drink and my wife might find out and then the cuckolding would start. If I was married and I fucked my boss then I would probably get fired, but my boss might find out and then I could be out on the street or worse my boss might tell his wife and then it could be trouble. If I was a truck driver or my boss and the owner of the company caught me then I would be in deep trouble with the law. If I was a cop and I was caught fucking my boss then I would definitely be in trouble with the police. If I was gay and I was caught doing anything gay then I could get into a lot of trouble because there is no chance for me to deny it. It is like a man seeing another man doing something sexual with a female, the first thing the man would think about is that he must have been raped and if he is going to tell on the man who raped him, then he might think of me as a rapist and even worse maybe a child molester. Even if I got away with it and no one ever found out, I would probably go through life with a bad reputation. Another time I was in the army and my platoon sergeant caught me in a sex act with his wife. I was very worried about getting caught by my squad leader, so I left the room and went to the latrine so he would not see me. My squad leader, who was in the army for many years, saw me walking in the hall. I was walking back to the room when he walked up to me and asked me what I was doing. I told him that I was just going to the bathroom. He said he knew that but he needed to know if it was just an accident or was it planned. I told him that I was going to the bathroom so I could relieve my bladder. He said that he believed me and left me alone, but he wanted me to lay off drinking water before we got on missions. I thought that was a real odd question because we were always given water when we were on missions. When I left the latrine my wife came out and she said to me that the reason she asked where I was going was that she saw my squad leader walking down the hall and she was trying to find out if there was a problem. I told her that he had told me to lay off the water before missions and I really did not know why he said that. We got into an argument and I told her to go fuck herself. She said that she was not going to let me talk to her like that in public and what the fuck did she expect after I had just messed around with the squad leader's wife. I told her that if she was going to stay mad at me then I would leave so I could get some peace. We had been back in Germany for awhile before this happened, but my wife had gone to this party with her boyfriend. I was drinking too much and I got really horny and my mind was on sex. While my wife was with her boyfriend at the party, I went to the barracks to see a girl who I had not seen in a long time. I had been seeing this girl before she went on her first deployment. She was married and would not cheat on her husband and she knew that I was gay so she was a perfect girlfriend for me. While my wife was gone I just started feeling horny so I decided to take a walk around the base to clear my head. While I was out walking on my way back to the barracks, I walked by the same squad leader's room. The door was wide open and it was open so people could come and go as they please. While I was in there, this sergeant saw me and I saw that I was not alone. This sergeant was a sergeant that I had only seen once before, but he had a reputation of finding sexual partners for men who he thought could not find women or for men who really wanted to be caught. He told me that my wife was the one cheating with her boyfriend and that she did not even know that I was her husband. He asked