The sound loops in
I’ll do anything t
Bleacher Graduate
Shark Attack
Love Goggles
We’re glad to see
Philosopher of the
Second Chance
Your heart is all

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A Snake in the Gra
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Spirits and the Fi
Everyone's Heroine," about a young woman who comes out of the closet. This could be another clue about whether the film is meant for children or adults. After that, let's keep our fingers crossed. As I wrote earlier, there are still many characters we haven't met yet. I personally love the original series' characters, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that they are in the film. However, even if they aren't, the film will have a lot of new characters. There will be many mysteries. I wonder how they will fit them in the script. I wonder what kind of story will the film tell. And I wonder how long it will take for people to go insane after watching it. Oh, there might be a twist at the end too. That's it for today's article. Let me know what you think of "Re:Born" so far. It may be a while before I write a third article, so I want to hear what people want to read. :) Thanks for reading! -Birdie "A Heroic Showdown" An Interview with an Assistant I learned something fascinating today. At my new job, I have met a lot of people. They are quite interesting. They look different from me and they all think differently. One of them was particularly interesting. She wasn't a regular employee. She was a kind of consultant who was around for a month, and then she would leave for another month. She was also kind of odd, and she said things like 'This is my last job for the year', or 'I should enjoy my time here.' I only talked to her in passing, but after she left, I spent some time going through her stuff. What did I find out? That she is the scriptwriter of the film series I am working on right now. Wow, what a shock! I wrote that the author of the two novels that inspired the film doesn't like the project. I didn't know that the person who helped write the script actually worked on the project! Anyway, since I was on a roll, I took out all of her notes. Why did I do that? I felt like it might be a good idea. Since she wrote a script, there must be some notes about how the story will go, right? I figured it wouldn't hurt to have a look. So I started reading through her notes. It wasn't too interesting to me at first. It was mostly things like 'Please don't die like this' or 'Try not to die, please!' That sort of thing. But there were also a few interesting things. One was that one of the main characters is a trans woman, and the hero of the story is also a trans woman. That was interesting. Another thing that I found was that the main character was gay and in love with another main character. This one was really fascinating. I kept thinking, 'Hey, maybe I'll get to see this in the film after all.' How will this come into the story? I wonder if she is giving the characters a hint here, or if she is just making this random comment without any explanation. After another five minutes, I started to realize that these people really weren't very helpful. Her notes on the heroine were really strange. For example, she wrote 'A gay man' instead of 'A homosexual', 'I don't like this word, either'. When it was getting to the point where I was about to give up, I came across something strange. I didn't know whether I should laugh or cry when I saw it. The notes were not very readable, either. I don't think I want to know what they were meant to mean. Oh no, I'm not really doing this right now. Maybe later when I have more time.