This day, on
The Stakes Have Be
Tubby Lunchbox
DOT Prison Currenc
Big Win, Big Decis
It isn’t immediate
Are You Feeling Lu
One-Man Wrecking B
I'm Gonna Fix Her!
Blinded by the
Idol Search Party
Taking Candy From
So that’s sort of
Everything Is Pers
Too Close For Comf
Idol or Bust
You can hold my hand." "I never liked the idea of that one." "I don't like it either." "I'll talk to him." "Do you want me to call him now?" "No, he's all right." "Hey, Mimi, look!" "The man who had the baby with the bear!" "Look!" "Oh, please don't say it again!" "I can't stand it!" "Hey, look at him go!" "Hi, kid." "What are you looking at?" "What's the matter?" "My mouth is full of sawdust." "Where is everybody?" "Why should you care?" "You must be the new roustabout." "How do you like it?" "I don't like it at all." "You got any work?" "Oh, we'll find some." "Hey, that mine!" "Don't get too near it." "Remember those explosions?" "A lot of men were killed." "Hey, what are you doing?" "Hey, what's the idea?" "You want to blow up the mine?" "Get your darn hands off!" "What are you doing?" "Get out of here, you dirty loafer!" "Here you are." "Now, keep your eyes open." "The foreman says you're a good man, Max." "I'll see what I can do for you." "Hey, Mimi!" "Hey, Mimi!" "Let go!" "Come on, what's the matter with you?" "You want to make a eunuch out of me?" "Well, don't you think I can unscrew it by myself?" "You want me to take it off?" "You?" "Me." "I just got you out of trouble." "If you tell anyone, I'll..." "I'll never speak to you again." "Hey, Max!" "Max!" "I didn't do anything!" "I got it." "I got it." "Hm?" "Well, what's the matter with you?" "Now what's the matter with you?" "Nix." "Well, I'll take the matter off your hands." "Now I'll get my own room." "Oh, no, please don't." "Oh, go ahead." "If you hadn't brought me to a lousy place like this, I wouldn't have had to do it." "Yeah, well, that's all right." "I'll make up for it in the morning." "Go ahead." "Yeah, well, in the meantime you might as well sleep here." "Oh, no, really, I can sleep in the wagon, can't I?" "Come on." "Oh, Max." "You can kiss me good night." "Hey, what is this?" "This ain't a flophouse!" "No?" "Well, look at it yourself." "We'll take this room." "Get out." "Look out!" "That's only a sample." "Wait till you see what the rest of it is like." "Come on." "Go ahead." "Go ahead." "Look out!" "You had your chance." "Well, where are you going?" "Well, I'm through with sleeping out, that's all." "If you won't give me a quarter, I'll get one myself." "How?" "Go ahead." "Go ahead!" "Hello, there." "Oh, what is it?" "Hello." "Are you the proprietor?" "Yes." "Can I do something for you?" "I'd like to find out if a man's staying in this hotel." "There was a fella here last night." "Yes, there was a fella here last night." "There was?" "Yeah, he got murdered." "He did?" "Yeah." "With a pick handle on the back of his neck." "Yeah?" "Hey, waiter." "Yes, sir?" "Do you have any vacant rooms in the hotel?" "Well, not exactly." "There's just a room on the second floor." "It has a bath?" "No." "No bathroom." "No bathroom?" "We have an outhouse." "Yes, well, I don't think I'd care to go there." "No?" "I'd like to see the room." "Well, all right, if you wish." "It's the first room on the right." "There." "Thank you." "My name is Dane." "How do you do?" "How are you?" "My name is Davis, John Davis." "Well, what's yours?" "Max." "What?" "Max!" "Hello, oldtimer." "Hi, fella." "Did you come in from Orofino for the winter?" "No, we're waiting for spring." "What are you doing around here?" "Oh, I just blew into town." "And they sent me out here to kill a man." "I must warn you..." "I don't like to carry it around." "All right, put it on the table here." "Max, you were asking for it." "Here, give me a hand." "Get it in there." "Max, do you realize what you're doing?" "I do." "You dirty double-crosser!" "Hey, what are you doing?" "I told you you couldn't trust them." "I told you you were throwing away your life!" "I thought you were on my side." "Look at the mess you've gotten us into!" "You dirty loafer!" "Max!" "What's the matter?" "He stabbed me." "He tried to kill me." "Who?" "Dane." "Oh, come on, I didn't do nothing!" "She did." "What?" "Dane?" "Yeah." "You know her?" "Yes." "A little." "Why didn't you tell me?" "I'm telling you now." "Take him out of here and don't let him leave town." "If you can't handle him, I'll..." "Who are you talking to?" "Get off my bed!" "All right, we're going." "Let's go." "I didn't do nothing." "So, you made a date with him to meet here?" "Yes." "He said, "Would you care to dance?" I said, "Yes."" "Then what happened?" "Then he got up to dance with somebody else." "And you followed him?" "I lost my partner." "It was a nice dance." "Yeah, it was a nice dance." "Who was the other woman?" "Well, I don't know." "What did she look like?" "I don't know." "Big." "Big?" "Yeah, big." "Well, how tall is she?" "I don't know." "Well, was she about as big around as the bar here?" "I don't know." "Oh, I see." "You don't know anything." "I see." "Well, how long have you known him?" "About three years." "He came into the cafe in San Bernardino a couple of times." "Three years." "Oh, sure, about three years." "Big of build?" "Small." "Oh, so small he couldn't wear a coat that came down over his ears?" "Well, I didn't say that." "You let him do all the talking." "How long did he stay in San Bernardino?" "Long enough to have a cup of coffee and leave." "What kind of looking girl was she?" "Oh, I don't know." "Never really looked at her." "You know, looks like a horse face." "I didn't know what to say." "I didn't know if I should go or not." "Oh, yes, you should have gone." "You should have." "You mean, I let her ruin my dance?" "That's right." "Well, there wouldn't have been any dance, if I didn't meet her." "And you didn't know the man at all?" "No." "Nothing at all?" "No." "Who was he?" "I told you, I didn't know him." "You know, maybe the husband will recognize the woman." "Maybe." "Look, I got an idea." "If you don't mind, I'll just telephone my wife and get her up here." "I might not be able to identify her, but she might be able to identify him." "You're not gonna do anything?" "Nothing to do till he gets here." "Just get dressed." "He's liable to think you ran out on him." "Well, I did, but I wasn't going to stand for being insulted." "Oh, I see." "Well, we might as well go out, 'cause we can't dance here." "That's right, isn't it?" "Can't dance." "He's pretty tall, isn't he?" "So is a giraffe." "Oh, and I thought you were so nice." "You did, huh?" "A nice kid like you falling for a louse like that." "He's not a louse." "You want me to go in and talk to him?" "Tell him it's all right, huh?" "Tell him he should have gone to San Francisco with his horse face." "All right, if that's what you want." "Tell him to come on in." "Tell him we'll dance now." "And you'll have to pay for the music,