Biblical Praportio
Reddit Memes
I'm Not Here to Ma
Quest for Food
Sweepstakes and Ga
Like a Wide-Eyed K
Cornhole and
If you don’t give
The Killing Fields
Stupid People, Stu

Havoc to Wreak
An Emerging Plan
Rare-Earth Mineria
Fixer Upper Fixer
I See The Million
Winner Winner, Chi
Being the girl tha
The Sole Survivor
Everything Is Pers" . . . I tried in Node.js, node -v is v8.10.0, and I tried and tried using but that only supported Node 6.2.0 Is there any alternative library for this or is there any way I could run it in Node? A: The Librato-Agent library is supported on Node.js v4+. You can either upgrade to a newer node version, or you can install the previous library by running npm install hawk/hawk-js@0.15.0. I just checked on a fresh install of my app and this worked for me. A: This issue is solved by installing hawk 1.5.7. curl -o node.js cp node.js /usr/bin/node curl -o index.js node -e "console.log(require('./index').HawkVersion)" cd ~/node_modules git clone cd ~/hawk git checkout v1.5.7 cd ~/node_modules/hawk npm install node -e "console.log(require('./lib/index').HawkVersion)" That will work because of newer versions of Hawk on GitHub have had issues. I found this solution after trying out a variety of alternatives including the hawk-client-lib. A: I figured it out! npm install hawk-js@0.12.3 it works perfectly Hawk v0.12.3 works with node v6.9 and higher. Note: A newer version of Node may have updated libraries already available on its own. Reference: Thanks. If you want the command to be called with the help of another package, you will need to use commandLine instead: var hawk = require('hawk-client-lib')('');{username:'',password:'supersec123', event:'api_event'}) If you just want to execute it from node you can just use runCommand from and call it with: hawk.runCommand(commandLine, { username:'',password:'supersec123', event:'api_event'}); The docs say you can provide more options but I didn't have luck with it. I'm using hawk 1.5.3 as of this moment.