I See The Million
Fixer Upper Fixer
Rare-Earth Mineria
An Emerging Plan
Havoc to Wreak
Biblical Praportio
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I'm Not Here to Ma

Being the girl tha
The Sole Survivor
Everything Is Pers
Ethically Sourced
So one thing that
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Go Out With a Bang
To Quit or Not to
Never before seen
Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner. As it turns out, the only way to stop a Wookie from eating was to blow his head off. It doesn't matter how big his mouth is. The bigger the mouth, the more difficult it is to keep it filled. This was in my days of service to the Wookie Master on Dagobah. Droid 08-18-2002, 08:07 PM Actually a R2-D2 (http://www.planetware.com/movie/r2d2.htm) is able to have a "free meal" so long as you're not a "big eater" and only if it's served as a "light dessert." I would think though that the human would have to do some work to get the droid to do that though (like make sure it could see all of his droids before he started eating). Slicker 08-18-2002, 10:46 PM The R2-D2 eating scene took place on Dagobah, an uninhabited planet, when R2 is exploring. The entire planet was a garbage heap owned by Uncle Owen. The planet's population consisted of Luke and Obi-wan and his father Jango Fett, a bounty hunter. Uncle Owen used the planet as a base from which to hunt for runaway slaves. The droids and droids were brought to the planet to eat the garbage. They were unable to eat anything else. Anakin Skywalker: Master, I found the power converters! Darth Sidious: Good, good! Anakin, you have saved us! I will be forever in your debt! Be sure to report my gratitude to the Jundland Wastes and also, pay them the reward I promised. This is a token of our appreciation. You should use it to buy some decent food with, something along the lines of kalrinn, perhaps. Anakin Skywalker: Heh! They're slaves, you imbecile! They work for food, and water and room and board, sir. And some sort of "awards for heroism" thingy every now and then. Darth Sidious: I'm terribly sorry. Well, how much do I owe you? Anakin Skywalker: Um, ten, twenty, thirty, forty... forty-three. Darth Sidious: Fine. There's your prize. Anakin Skywalker: That's one hundred credits? I love it when you thank me, master. Thank you so much. And I'll buy you a drink later, at your pleasure. Darth Sidious: So what's your deal? Are you here to kill me? Or did you come to be my personal cook? Anakin Skywalker: So what's your "Deal"? Darth Sidious: It's kind of complicated. Anakin Skywalker: That's okay. I like complicated things. A very wise man once said: Only in this, do you find true love. Ahaha... sorry, that's wrong. Only in this do you stop finding true love. Darth Sidious: Whatever, I'm willing to die for you. I believe in you and I want to serve you. Do you have any last words for me? Anakin Skywalker: You must try the kalrinn. It is the most delicious thing you will ever taste. Darth Sidious: Master Anakin? Anakin Skywalker: I'm not your master. Darth Sidious: Very well, then I'll try the kalrinn. Anakin Skywalker: There you go. Are you eating? Darth Sidious: Yes, it is very good. That is all I require from you. Anakin Skywalker: And if I were to leave? Darth Sidious: You'd leave me to die. But you wouldn't do that. You have told me of your love. I have told you of mine. But you won't leave me to die, because, of your love. I do wish you to live... for my sake. So that I might live in your heart. Anakin Skywalker: I want to be with you. Darth Sidious: Oh, I can tell. Anakin Skywalker: Really? Darth Sidious: I sense it from your feelings. What are your thoughts? Anakin Skywalker: Let me see if I can say this right. It's your... body? Let's just say it's your body. Darth Sidious: Yes, your body. And I would like you to stay in it, to live in it. Anakin Skywalker: You want me to be your little puppet? Your play thing? Darth Sidious: No, my master! Please, no, I would rather die! I don't want to die! Nooo! Anakin Skywalker: But I can't let you leave me! Darth Sidious: Why? Anakin Skywalker: Because I love you! Darth Sidious: I know that, but why? Anakin Skywalker: I know, we shouldn't. We can't. But I wish we could. But it's wrong. I can't help what I feel. It's my fault. You were right about my feelings. What we feel is wrong, we mustn't. But I can't help how I feel. I don't want to. Please. I can't! Darth Sidious: You are right. It is wrong. Please don't do this, it's wrong. Anakin Skywalker: I won't let you die! But I must. Darth Sidious: You have to, so that my love for you will endure! That is the reason you must die! Anakin Skywalker: If you kill me, it'll die forever! I know how much you love me. I am your master. Darth Sidious: But you're not afraid to die for me. Anakin Skywalker: I'm afraid of nothing. Darth Sidious: Then the night is yours. Anakin Skywalker: You've had many pleasures, a young master. One pleasure I don't think you've enjoyed. Darth Sidious: There's a pleasure you'd like? I've learned what you desire most is to love me. So have I. You've known my love, but this I swear: your feelings will last and this you know. You will know no others but me. Never again. Anakin Skywalker: Then, please, please don't go. Darth Sidious: I will hold you to your promise. Anakin Skywalker: Yes. Darth Sidious: I will make it my mission... my duty to protect you, now and always... even from yourself... Please, what's wrong? Anakin Skywalker: Please, don't leave me! Darth Sidious: Please, Anakin, don't! Anakin Skywalker: I don't want to lose you! Darth Sidious: I'll never leave you. You have to believe me. Anakin Skywalker: I do. Darth Sidious: Don't leave me. Anakin Skywalker: I won't. I won't. Darth Sidious: Good-bye, Anakin... Anakin Skywalker: Yes? Darth Sidious: Stay with me. Anakin Skywalker: I will. Darth Sidious: Don't leave me. You won't? Anakin Skywalker: No. No! I'm... I'm... I'm not going anywhere. Darth Sidious: You're not going anywhere. You're going to live. Anakin Skywalker: I'm not going to leave you. Darth Sidious: You're not going to