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The Killing Fields of Cambodia, Pol Pot’s Mass Murderer, was born in a remote commune in North-Western Cambodia. He studied Mathematics and Physics at the Royal University of Phnom Penh and joined the Khmer Rouge army shortly after the takeover of the capital. From there, he was sent to a remote province of Cambodia. During his time in the army, he was involved in the arrest, torture and killing of thousands of civilians. His crimes led him to be called Pol Pot, which meant, "the Pot". Later, in 1973, the Khmer Rouge took power and ruled Cambodia for four years. This was a totalitarian state and Pol Pot took advantage of it to execute people en masse. He is one of the masterminds of genocide. The killing of the Cambodians by Pol Pot's regime caused the death of up to two million people. It has been estimated that up to 90% of those killed were civilians. Pol Pot died on April 15, 1998 in his villa in Anlong Veng, a city in the north of Cambodia, before facing trial. He confessed to his crimes to a Cambodian journalist in 1984: "During the 1970's, while you are studying or trying to live your life, this world is a land of cruel class struggle. Do not be deceived by the beautiful flowers in the cities, for they don't grow in the cities. What I have said is a fact. So I say, in the cities, you should learn how to tell lies and betray and destroy the country. Otherwise, you would be put to death". 1 His main interest was genocide. 2 In fact, he liked to put people to death by a very painful process. 3 All his actions were part of his plan to put a Khmer Rouge elite in power in order to achieve communism. 4 He said that he did not have a plan to kill the people, and he did not have the means. He was very sorry. 5 He said he thought about how to use religion to kill the people and then kill himself. 6 His goal was to destroy all the temples and religious objects in the country, and put their material properties to good use. 7 He believed that human civilization was a danger to nature, so he would have done everything in his power to eradicate all sources of danger. 8 He was not ashamed of killing the people, and he thought it would be his greatest contribution in life. 9 At the beginning of his career, he was really concerned about the people's life, but then he found a way to get rich quickly. 10 He thought that the people who had power should not listen to everyone. Therefore, he had the idea that it would be good for the people to use the genocide idea as a weapon against those who were oppressing the people. 11 He was so arrogant that he wanted to apply this strategy to other countries, and he started to establish his own political party called Khmer Rouge, or Communist Party of Kampuchea, in 1976. 12 The first phase of this killing war lasted seven years. 13 It is well known that Pol Pot's political party changed its name into the Party of Democratic Kampuchea, and they changed the government to a communist government. 14 However, he started to kill people in a more violent way. 15 In the beginning, he only used poison to kill people. Then he started to cut off the heads of the people. 16 Pol Pot began to carry out mass killing of many different ethnic groups: Khmer people, Chinese people, Vietnamese people, and other ethnic minorities. 17 He decided to use the Khmer Rouge soldiers to carry out this horrible thing. 18 However, the killings were not completed after the end of the genocide plan. Pol Pot decided to do more killings in order to completely exterminate the minority groups who were still alive. 19 He said, "I am ready to die for what I am doing." 20 His plan was in fact to exterminate the entire country, or as much as he could. 21 It was very hard to get him out of power, because he was able to control many people in different parts of the country. 22 At the beginning of his career, he felt like a patriot. However, once he saw the opportunity to get rich quickly, he did not hesitate to take advantage of the idea to control power. 23 His power base was actually very limited to only a few provinces in Cambodia, but Pol Pot was the king of this area. 24 His political base was the organization called the Khmer Rouge, or Communist Party of Kampuchea. 25 He wanted to build a utopian society without freedom. 26 Pol Pot was very interested in the idea of genocide, and he used this idea as a plan to get power in Cambodia. 27 His ultimate goal was to make everyone like him by destroying all the resources in the country, and also to destroy all the Buddhist temples and statues. 28 He thought that it would be good to kill people and to destroy their resources. He also believed that if he could get rid of their power, they would have to listen to him, and therefore he would have been able to accomplish his dreams. 29 Pol Pot did not have the knowledge to build a good society, so he focused on the methods of genocide instead. He wanted to exterminate all the people in Cambodia. 30 It is very sad that Pol Pot died while running away from the people who had come to arrest him, and that is why he ended up being executed by gunshot. 31 But his dreams were not just limited to the killings of the people in Cambodia, because he also wanted to bring communism to the whole world, so that all of the killings could happen to everyone all over the world. He said, "the only way to save the world is to destroy it." 32 Pol Pot was someone who saw death as beautiful and noble. 33 He had a great interest in the idea of mass killings, and he knew that this was how you could rule the world. 34 He wanted to rule the world by wiping out all the groups who would otherwise oppose him, such as the Vietnamese people and other ethnic minorities. 35 Pol Pot was also interested in genocide because he thought it would bring about communism. 36 The idea of communism had been in his mind ever since he was young. He learned to hate the people who had the power, and he wanted to take power over the country. He liked the idea of genocide, because he thought that it would also work to get him power. 37 In his opinion, genocide was something very noble, so he did not think of it as something bad. 38 His beliefs were very powerful, and he thought that a lot of people would agree with him because he believed that he would be very powerful if he exterminated everyone. 39 He did not feel sorry about the people who had been killed by him, because he thought they were bad people. Instead, he thought that it would be good to use their resources. 40 He said, "We cannot do anything, we cannot build anything, and we cannot take anything from the Khmer Rouge because we have already lost everything." 41 He liked to talk about genocide a lot, but in reality, he was never able to accomplish it because it was a very difficult plan to carry out. 42 According to Pol Pot, if people were left in control of their own resources, they would do bad things. That is why it was best to exterminate them. 43 In the future, there will be many genocides if we do not stop them from happening in the first place. 44 In fact, genocide is a terrible thing. 45 It is true that genocide can change the world if it is carried out by a very clever person. 46 However, genocide is really a bad thing, and it is something that should be stopped immediately. 47 Pol Pot was someone who was very powerful and in control of a lot of people in Cambodia. In Cambodia, he took over the government by destroying democracy. This is why he believed he would be able to rule the whole world if he killed the people in Cambodia. 48 He always wanted to take the political power in Cambodia and control the whole world. 49 He said that he would be the only one who would have control over the whole world because no one else had ever been able to control so many countries at the same time. 50 Pol Pot was someone who believed that communism was the best form of government. He wanted everyone to believe the same thing. 51 Pol Pot made his decision to start exterminating everyone in Cambodia when he was in charge of the Khmer Rouge in 1963. 52 He